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  1. I'm getting an error message that says "EngineFixes.dll" ((Part) SSE Engine Fixes for 1.6.xxx): dependant dll not found (code 126). Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks.
  2. Is anyone bothering to run 4K or 8K textures in Skyrim SE?
  3. I'm having major issues with my tree LODs, they look out of place and the branches are cut in have only at a distance. Earlier today I installed a mod known to cause this Tree LOD problems (Simply Bigger Trees) and have since uninstalled and reinstalled Skyrim six times and its driving me nuts! I've made sure all folders are deleted after uninstalling and have deleted Skyrim folder under "My Games". When I start moving towards the messed up trees the clear up. I'm absolutely NOT installing any mods that change or alter plants and trees. Just 2017 Textures, JK Riverwood and JK Whiterun. The mods I'm installing have worked before without problems but now out of nowhere it's become a huge problem after installing Simply Bigger Trees which has become a pain in my ***! I wonder is NMM messing things up on it's own? Any help appreciated!
  4. Installed Skyrim Special Edition and NMM latest and it doesn't matter what mod is try to install, it says, "a problem occurred during install." Using WinRAR, is it compatible with NMM?
  5. Do you have to manually set the load order in SSE? Thanks.
  6. By far the best tweak guide on planet earth, Tweak Guides is second to none but doesn't address my issue. In DX10 mode my monitor defaults to 60Hz, my monitor has a 75Hz refresh rate @ 1280x1024. DX9 runs my monitor @75Hz, it might not seem like a lot but trust me it's the difference between barely playable to screaming fast. For some reason DX10 cuts my monitor refresh rate to 60Hz, DX10 is a joke and is F**ked up!
  7. It's been awhile and I would like to play Crysis again using Windows 7 in DX9 mode which I'm able to do just fine except for having access to Very High settings, instead I'm stuck with only High settings. Is there a way to get Very High settings with Windows 7 in DX9 mode? Much appreciated!
  8. I'm about to complete the Dawnguard quest and assault the Castle Volkihar, I found out a little too late about the dwarven crossbow and the six "Ancient Technology" quests that need to completed before being able to smith all types of bolts and get the dwarven crossbow. Thing is I have all three elder scrolls and just gave Sorine Jurard the schematics for the firebolt, after giving her the schematics for the firebolt the quest "Ancient Technology" is completed. Can I get the dwarven crossbow and all bolts after completing the Dawnguard quest or is it too late? Thank you,
  9. It took me a long time to figure out that after installing the aMidianBorn skyforge and wolf armour mod you can not use the forge to create Wolf Armor, you must buy it from the old man that tends to the Skyforge! Imagine my surprise when I saw he had Skyforge armor and Skyforge weapons for sale! How was I supposed to no that, it needs to be made clear that you can not forge Skyforge armor and weapons!
  10. I'm a little confused here regarding aMidianBorn skyforge and wolf armour_grey version mode, I have installed one of two mods which only gives the Companion brothers the Skyforge Weapons and Wolf Armour. I seem unable to forge them myself, here's where I'm confused. I don't know why I have two different rar files with like similar titles, ie aMidianBorn skyforge and wolf armour grey version and aMidianBorn wolf armor and skyforge weapons grey. As you can see the titles are different along with the rar files, I installed the first one pictured. Do I need both installed to be able to forge skyforge weapons and armor or should I be running the rar files pictured second and not the first files in picture 1? Any help would be nice. Thanks, Systemlord. http://imageshack.com/a/img823/9762/47k2.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img703/2410/kjzv.jpg
  11. I used Ortenador texture optimizer today and it didn't workout for me, I re-installed all my unaltered, uncompressed back-ups into my data folder, however my moon in the night sky is pitch black textured. How do I get it looking orange and with all the crater detail that's missing? I would really appreciate any help! Thank you, Systemlord. This is not how it should look! --> http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1280x1024q90/834/tw63.jpg This is how it should look! --> http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1280x1024q90/33/8gi5.jpg
  12. On another note I have been using Skyrim Flora Overhaul v179e for several months with no problems. I wanted to try out SFO v191 but my PC couldn't handle it. So I went back to SFO v179e and noticed that SFO v191 left behind some trees outside of Whiterun. I liked the trees so I left them alone. I have really got myself into a pickle!
  13. First off I have used Tes5edit on everything as per instruction here. I have run all hardware tests, Memtest, Prime95 etc. My crashes started after updating NMM from third oldest from 47.1 (45.1) and I also downloaded all Serious HD content alongside my regular 2K Textures. I deactivated all Skyrim HD -2K Textures Dungeons, Landscape, Misc, Towns and Riften before activating the Skyrim SHD Dungeons, Landscape, Misc, Towns and Riften. I saw no difference and uninstalled all Serious HD content before reactivating the regular Skyrim HD -2K Textures. I also tried out Serious HD Retexture Skyrim - Serious HD Retexture LANDSCAPE 1024px, but deactivating and deleting it as well. I also noticed that some sounds are missing when it titles new dungeon discovered, sometimes I'll hear it but not see it displayed on screen. The failure of some sounds started happening long before I updated NMM and the mods listed above. I don't know which one thing led to this CTD issues. How do I start over with my all of my mods and keep my current save game progress intact? Could this be my problem and if so how do I go about fixing these CTD's? Seriously thank you! BOSS file:///C:/BOSS/Skyrim/BOSSlog.html
  14. I'm having same problems, freezes randomly about 4-8 times an evening. It's been crashing to desktop when loading a saved game, fast traveling or while ingame. I just realized something in thought as I type this, I only have UFO for the main Skyrim game, I don't have UFO for Dawnguard and Dragonborn. This crashing resembles the CTD I got the first time playing through Skyrim whenever in Solstheim, it crashed a lot and did so also when traveling back to Skyrim. Is this the cause of my CTD not having UFO for Dawnguard and Dragonborn? The instructions for UFO I don't understand how to get Heartfire, Dawnguard and Dragonborn compatible. It's either Heartfire, Dawnguard compatible or Heartfire and Dragonborn compatible, not Heartfire Dragonborn and Dawnguard compatible!? BOSS file:///C:/BOSS/Skyrim/BOSSlog.html
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