First off I have used Tes5edit on everything as per instruction here. I have run all hardware tests, Memtest, Prime95 etc. My crashes started after updating NMM from third oldest from 47.1 (45.1) and I also downloaded all Serious HD content alongside my regular 2K Textures. I deactivated all Skyrim HD -2K Textures Dungeons, Landscape, Misc, Towns and Riften before activating the Skyrim SHD Dungeons, Landscape, Misc, Towns and Riften. I saw no difference and uninstalled all Serious HD content before reactivating the regular Skyrim HD -2K Textures. I also tried out Serious HD Retexture Skyrim - Serious HD Retexture LANDSCAPE 1024px, but deactivating and deleting it as well. I also noticed that some sounds are missing when it titles new dungeon discovered, sometimes I'll hear it but not see it displayed on screen. The failure of some sounds started happening long before I updated NMM and the mods listed above. I don't know which one thing led to this CTD issues. How do I start over with my all of my mods and keep my current save game progress intact? Could this be my problem and if so how do I go about fixing these CTD's? Seriously thank you! BOSS file:///C:/BOSS/Skyrim/BOSSlog.html