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About alexandersig

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    Fallout 3

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  1. Yeah I was gonna make a bayonet VATS-attack for "This Machine" that's available once you mod it, but couldn't find a way to animate it properly, weapon modding is pretty limited. I would've liked to see some trade-offs and/or multi-choice mods, for ex. Gun has: Ext. Ammo Mod *Long-Range scope *Mid-Range Nightvision scope *= Pick one, once you put either you can't mod the other one (without removing it?) Some could be harder to obtain etc. And some other stuff like, instead of: Sniper Rifle (whateveritscalled); -50% weight they could make stuff like: Sniper Rifle (whateveritscalled); -50% weight -20% durability or alternatively, make you choose between a weight or durability mod.
  2. Oh I forgot to tick Jacobstown, would love to have houses all around the map so I wouldn't have to die of thirst to get to them :P
  3. Setting the 1st person model to "none" makes the 1stp textures look blurry, make a new static object, set the model as the silenced carbine and replace every texture with something like "1stPersonAssaultRifleTexture" except the silencer, look at the "1stPersonAssaultRifle" static object to see which texture it is. Then set the "1stpersonmodelobject" as your new object, this will make the textures look much, much better. "Lily's Carbine" is the weapon used by Lily the companion btw. Cool mod though, but it might work better if you just made the assault rifle moddable with a silencer, it's not so hard :P
  4. You might want to get rid of some dialogue as well, such as, "Oh hey, it's been a while since I saw one of you vault dwellers" etc. :P
  5. Extracted the meshes.bsa http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u255/Mralexandersig/ScreenShot10.jpg?t=1287854248 http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u255/Mralexandersig/ScreenShot12.jpg?t=1287854249 http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u255/Mralexandersig/ScreenShot18.jpg?t=1287854252 http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u255/Mralexandersig/ScreenShot14.jpg?t=1287854252
  6. Damn, I made a typo in the title... Well, fair point.
  7. I don't know if any of you have tried this, but if you copy your Fallout3.esm to your New Vegas data folder you can actually CoC to any of the Fallout 3 cells and explore a wasteland full of missing meshes. Enemies work, map markers work, the world map works, the dialogue works. I haven't tested this but I'm pretty sure that if you extract all of the F3 .bsa's (or renamed the bsa's?) to NV data you could play it without the missing meshes and textures. Most of the resources in F3 are already in FNV though, but Megaton's a mess for example. http://oi52.tinypic.com/f1ysn6.jpg So, how about a team gets together to create a separate .esp that would disable the main quest, add a legitimate way to travel from Nevada to DC, so pretty much a compability patch. We can't upload the Fallout 3 resources but we can provide a tutorial on how people can copy their resources to FNV. I'd love to re-visit D.C. with my Vegas character, companions and weapons at least :) P.s. I personally don't have the time to make this although I doubt it would be that hard, I'm more proposing that someone else would start this project.
  8. That's amazing, please do tell how you got that working!
  9. Spectacular, just tracked you Yevic, can't wait =) Will there be some sort of display area for weapons and such :)?
  10. If you use a mod that adds a perk, then you gain that perk, then you disable the mod you won't be able to play without freezing, try to remember if there were any mod-related perks you had, I think you just need to install that mod again and your character will be working again.
  11. Hateful_kat: Let me get this straight.. you think it's BAD that people CAN'T rate mods even though haven't tried the mod? Well that's just ridiculous, you shouldn't rate a mod solely by the screenshots. -------- I do agree (with another user) that the top 100 is too much of a popularity contest now -------- Please use pm's for this, or you are setting yourself up for martyrdom. Buddah
  12. BUG REPORT: I have noticed (twice) positive endorsements disappearing (not getting turned to negative, just disappearing) from 87 to 86 and 90 to 89, is it even possible to remove your own comments?
  13. Oh my god this is fantastic, I love everything about it, especially about the 3hr timer after downloading mods, that's just brilliant! Well, there's one thing, I think that when you click the "Top 100" you should be directed to the "All-Time" top list, not the "Last-2-weeks" list. When can we expect to see this on Fallout3Nexus? :)
  14. It's technically not a remake of Fallout 2, he's talking about using the Fallout 3 GECK to make it all, a "remake" is if someone uses a completely new engine which plays excactly like Fallout 2's but has vastly superior graphics :P And there's "tecnhically" someone working on making a Fallout 1 + 2 total conversion but personally I don't think it's going anywhere: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4170
  15. Any info on how the rating system will be :P? There won't be a ratings-wipe will there? Aas long as 9's don't drag you down so much I'm perfectly happy with it :D
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