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Everything posted by duindaer

  1. You need to use a wrye bash patch to clear the fog. I had the same problem in caves (exact one, but only in caves). I use a wrye bash patch and now no fog and better stability
  2. Well i have something similar, but only in caves... like the fog is super dense and reflect the light in some way... i going to search for a solution, maybe can help you later
  3. Hi all, in breezehome-by-elianora cant use the diferent boxes for weapons (only 2 big ones). Know what to do? and lights go crazy sometimes And for the children problem, you need to buy the room for kids first, then adopt (tipical children mod issue)
  4. Well, first... if you have a legal copy, you have a legal access code for steam. So search for it! I had the same problem... you need the last (beta) SKSE 1.7.2 or better because some other mods stop the menu refresh when have crappy incompatibility issues. I recommend you to do this steps: 0. Install SKSE 1.7.2 (or last) 1. Move to a new location, and do a new save 2. Quick Save and quick load... Wait like 45 sec... Profit? if not appear the mod menu in the MCM 3. Put the command table and write... setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1 That going to force a SkiUI scan. Wait 45 sec aprox. Can spam again this command... but you will have a smile in the next 5 minutes you use to do all this. If not!! Exit Skyrim, shut down the PC, go for food or the bath... then start PC and: 4. De activate ALL the mods that use the MCM menu (not SkiUI) 5. Enter, go another place and do a New Save 6. De activate SkiUI (god, i hope you dont have PerMa... so much re patch... like me) 7. Enter Skyrim, go another place for 1 minute. Do a new save. 8. Activate SkiUI and the mods. At this point the 95% of gamer are jumping around. I recommend you a clean session for you Skyrim ("Tes5Edit" googleit, etc) if NOT!!!!!!! (Use a daedra heart... mmm not...) 9. You need to scan the compatibility of your mods (LOOT for basic warnings... google the other stuff for more epic cry). Never install more than 3 dirty mods at the same time for the same game.That work for me. 10. If all your mod are good, no dirty etc... the best is a full reinstall (but before save a game with the minimum core mods you have).
  5. Thank you! C:\Users\XX\AppData\Local\Skyrim I erased the repeated lines and now I can play again
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