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Everything posted by meathook

  1. yeah, I was thinking more of an indexing service of all the ideas, opposed to the randomness of the forum. whatevs.
  2. Basically, a submission form that would make it easier for mod makers to find suggestions. I'm thinking that it should have a slot for a title, a few slots to add tags, and another section for the suggester to give a short description of his idea. Maybe even limit this to a certain amount of characters, 500 or 1000 for example. Enough for someone to get out the basic concept, but not enough space to ramble on. To keep people from posting every idea that pops in their head, a limit to suggestions would be important. One suggestion a week, or something, should keep it to the more well thought out ideas. Then mod makers could browse the ideas based on tags, a search box, and an and/or drop down. This would lead to a list of suggestions that meet the criteria, the modder would then be able to read the short description and contact the suggester via PM, if interested. This idea seems like it would be a lot of work for you guys, sorry. :)
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