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Everything posted by lucifer1978

  1. Hello there friends i download the STEP - Skyrim Total Enhancement Project but my skyrim is modded do i need to have a clean install of the game ? thanks
  2. Hi there i have this problem with grey skin but only when i am outside in the sunlight or not all the npc's include my charcter they have this issue this happens only when they are or i am in a different angle of the light https://imgur.com/a/GXVquCf
  3. The Elder Scrolls V System Requirements http://www.game-debate.com/games/index.php?g_id=625&game=The%20Elder%20Scrolls%20V
  4. well i did some progress with Enchanting, Destruction spells cost from 25 to 31% less to cast and magicka regens 62 to 78% faster not mutch but it's better than nothing i don't know if they can go higher. The funny thing is now that i have some items with 31% less to cast & magicka regen on some items my Destruction spells cost 0 magicka :D
  5. Here is a video by Gropher on how to clean the master files http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw3g_N1jcZQ
  6. hi, i need some help here my Enchant skill is 100% with all perks. I have a master robe with Destruction spells cost 22% less to cast, magicka regens 150% faster, and i made a black robe with Destruction spells cost 25% less to cast, magicka regens 62% faster... So my question is is that normal is there a way to make them stronger ?????
  7. Ok so i have competed the civil war questline and starting the way of the voice and see how it goes. :cool:
  8. Hello this may be a stupid question i completed Dragon rising and having The Way of the Voice quest still in my quest log so i start the civil war quets and completed Battle for Whiterun i was thinking if i go all the way and kill General Tullius before Season Unending ? Thanks
  9. Thanks for the info, i am new with loot in the past i used boss for sorting... Again thanks. :)
  10. I did clicked the "Sort Plugins on first run but when i close and reopen loot the warning is still there i don't understand is there anything else that i need to do ?????
  11. I need some help with loot every time i open loot i get this: You have not sorted your load order this session. is this normal ?????
  12. Yes and the sword and some other stuff but no full set of armor like Ancient Nord Armor or the Nightingale Armor and so on.
  13. Guinefort1 not bad at all i find them very Immersive indeed. I searched the whole nexus to find the closest to the skyrim armors & Weapons mods for Oblivion but with no luck. I will try the Immersive Weapons by Ironman5000. ;)
  14. Did anyone ever made Skyrim armors/Weapons mods for Oblivion. I would love to see those mods in Oblivion. sorry for my bad english
  15. Hello, i found it the problem is Oblivion\data\Meshes\Armor\Glass\M >Cuirass.NIF< i temporarily removed the glass armor folder and the problem is gone the same file is also in the UOP Unofficial Oblivion Patch-5296-3-5-2b.7z\Meshes\Armor\Glass\M >Cuirass.NIF< - 7-Zip archive, unpacked size 376.261.566 bytes please THIS needs to be fixed
  16. Hi I got a problem with glass armor not shiny on male characters only the upper part of the armor (Glass Cuirass) on the female it looks ok any idea why?
  17. Hello, i need some info on this. Oblivion is randomly CTD when adding mp3 to the music folder, do they need to be lower than 320 bitrate
  18. Ok so whenever installing/uninstalling a content i need to rebuild the patch + whatever inport/tweak required ? hmmm lets see...
  19. Hi everyone i am new with Wrye Bash and i need your help on somthing i just re-install oblivion + all the DLC's when do i rebuild the bashed patch before or after the UOP's. Also i need to know if i need to install "Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp" & "UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp" i have download the Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide but i don't understad nothing... belive it or not this is the 5th time that i'm re-insalling oblivion and i hope the last.
  20. hello, idon't know if this is the right place to post this. i'm new to wrye bash and i need to know how to install the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. Somone told me that "Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp" is causing problems like CTD & "UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp" can be fixed from inside the wrye bash.. I realy need some help on this. Thank you :D
  21. i have the same problem but i don't have eny mod that changes the animation..... so what i do is unequip and equip it again but this is not a solution.
  22. i have the same problem but i don't have eny mod that changes the animation..... so what i do is unequip and equip it again but this is not a solution
  23. hello i don't know if this is the right place to say this but i have an idea about the thieves guils armor... i have install the mod and i have to say you did a realy good job, but in my opinion it would be better if you change 2 items the helmet into a black hood and the bracers into leather gauntlets it looks better try it out and let me know.
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