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Everything posted by zool666

  1. Hi I convertet GNR Enhanced and like to share it. But the Author is not more online here and i see that he not allowed upload or modifications while some assets belong to other modders/persons. This is the mod i mean: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/14946?tab=description So im unsure can i upload just the convertet esp or is it strictly a no? greetings
  2. here is a Video to install Vortex on Linux. I do it on Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon and it works without any problems. But a real manager for Linux this would be great. Steamplay is good so i think there will be more people play on Linux. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ66Tw9KpRA
  3. As a note for the German Players you will get the uncut version of the Games and not the versions with the ng exe. I buy both Games today.
  4. Whats wrong with this community? For every game Oblivion, F3, FNV, Skyrim, F4 they make a script extender. It take some time they cleary said they work on it. Whats so difficult to understand this?? They work in her FREE TIME COMPLETLY FREE so we all have fun in our free time. Its a shame what people wrote in this thread and in the other thread. If people mean this project is dead then go away mod a other game but dont bother the Team. Its done when its done.
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