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Everything posted by Orbby29

  1. I have mods installed then I turned them off because 1 mod wouldn't activate without a reason so I turned off all mods to see if it wasn't working because of that and then some mods I had previously turned on wouldn't activate along with the new mod and the "problem occurred during install:" is blank so I have no idea what the problem is
  2. Oh thanks, if it ever comes out be sure to mention it here :D
  3. Requirements Dialogue subtitles enabled. None of the NPCs are properly voiced.Skyrim version version 1.6.16So from this it turns out it'll need SKSE :P
  4. that sounds like a massive mod unless it's just really OP or broken
  5. I'm not too sure i've never learn't about modding
  6. How have I never heard of this?! Thank you so much! I'll look out for it if it comes out, if not someone port it :D
  7. Would it be able to create a mod that lets you bring armour you already made but be able to mix it with other armour you already know to get the visuals you want for your play style but the stats from another things you already own
  8. I had the same idea! I think it is possible but maybe people haven't got enough time/ the right tools (yet)
  9. Would it be possible to bring the fallout style building from fallout 4 and add it to an empty area of Skyrim SSE or is this just a madmans dream?
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