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Everything posted by Nedan

  1. I'm guessing that everyone that is against the idea was either too young when Daggerfall was originally released or just wasn't interested in the scene at the time to even notice. When patched, Daggerfall is not that unstable (the free version comes prepatched already). Anybody that says so has never even tried making something for it. Granted that it is difficult to actually make things for it, as no official editor has ever been released, but it's not impossible. There are actually quite a few good mods made for it already. For the life of me, I can't even imagine why anyone would be against adding a Daggerfall section. What exactly would it hurt? If anything... it might encourage some of the original mod developers to upload their mods to a single site & renew mod interest. Maybe even convince Bethesda to search them hard drives for that elusive source code (Yeah... I know I'm grasping at straws here... but I can dream can't I? ;)). Also... for the youngsters in here... I mean no offence but where exactly do think the mod community started? With new games that came prepackaged with nice fancy editors like Morrowind? Have any of you actually done a search for mods that were made for the original Doom? Having a nice editor or the lack of actual 3d graphics has never ever stopped the community from making great mods before. Need proof? Do a search. Mods for these old 3d graphic-less games are not that hard to find. I'll even get you started: http://www.svatopluk.com/daggerfall/mods/ Umm... not to burst your bubble... but Doom is older than every Elder Scrolls game ever released & the fans have already done just that. The only thing really stopping the community from doing the same to Daggerfall is the lack of the source code. So please don't just discredit a game simply because its graphics don't appeal to you. P.S. I don't mean to sound snippy with anyone, but these older games hold a special place in my heart & I'd prefer people do more thorough checking before making blind comments. I hear these types of comments about Daggerfall often from people that are just unaware of the games actual modding potential even without the actual source code.
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