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Everything posted by Valorek

  1. OMFG It's fixed! I'm so damn happy now! :laugh: thank you very much good sir! All i had to do was uninstall my previous code patcher, and reinstall the new one! extremely easy. No more eye sore on Hopesfire!
  2. Alright thanks I'll give it a whirl I didn't know it was outdated tbh, so that endlessserpent guy had the same issue and it fixed his problem? Thanks for the reply
  3. Hey guys! thanks for taking the time to help me, first of all the only mods I have installed is everything that came with MGSO thats it. So i got both of the blades and it would seem the animation is not going with the blade itself but rather offset, this is especially true with the hopesfire blade, the shock enchant is offset and is away from the blade like idk 3-4 inches, anyway it's kinda weird and I know its not right. Because the vanilla textures look normal. Does anyone know a fix for this? I would be totally ok with reverting to default weapon textures but I dont know how and I'm 75 hours in with the main quest, fighters,and tribunal quests done. I did try to disable that better weapons....esp in the data files but that didn't do a thing. (pics below) http://imgur.com/a/wCBth [both Swords] Thanks a lot for your time. *This might be irrelevant, but google turns up absolutely nothing, nor does the MGSO Common FAQ's on the wiki about this. and this issue seems to be google indexed more towards the top which is great because if this gets resolved it will help whoever has the same issue.
  4. Ok so this is wierd, I recreated a save folder into the directory, this time in the MAIN and that seems to have fixed my issue..
  5. Hi guys the title pretty much sums it up, When i get past all the intro dialogue, the game refuses to save. A message pops up saying, "Unable to complete operation due to failure removing previous file. Temp file remains. Continue running executable? yes or no The only mod/overhaul i have installed is MGSO that is it, I did not check box any mod patches I did not need, nor did i select any additional content or mods. The game runs great at about 55 fps on the very fast computer setting with all the red details checked so i guess that's good :smile: Below i will list things I've tried. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Tried clearing steams temp folder 2. Selected properties of morrowind and had it set to launch as administrator ALWAYS 3. Reinstalled the game, deleted the steam directory 3 times. 4. Verified steam missing files 5. Cleaned registry, temp windows files, ran malware and virus scan 6. Disabled steam overlay 7. Disabled steam cloud saves 8. Created a save folder in the morrowind directory because there was not one, this also didn't work, Thought it would. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I did not try the below description because I did not want to mess up my installation, needs to be verified. 1. Running program in windows xp compatibility (was worried it might mess up the MGSO somehow) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now I need to include this... I did have a orc save about 2 years back from steam and at that time the cloud was actively backing my save, This save has no longer appeared during this installation.. not sure if this matters. Which I could care less because I want to start fresh. Thanks a crap ton guys! I really want to dump hours into this game, I miss the "not holding your hand D&D aspect of it REALLY BAD haha.
  6. Well I did try what you mentioned, did it work? kind of, I did notice a little bit more bightness...however it was not to my liking, I dug around a bit into ambient lighting interior day/night and it was set to .75 which im assuming means basically below average dark dungeons. I bumped this up to 999 haha just for laughs but seriously I tried 2.00 and all of the darkness is barely lit but enough to see everything and still not kill my immersion... Regardless, thanks a ton for your time and effort!
  7. you know what? you might be on to something here because I did'nt realize there was a enb night eye adjustment in the ENB GUI, What is this labeled under? or does this only exist for certain ENB's? see thats my issue I activate it and I hear the noise and stuff and no nighteye effect at all. It's rather odd and quite frustrating, I stopped playing my assassin/thief because of it. Thanks
  8. Hey whats going on guys? haha, still having the same issue, I apparently have a very rare and unique issue thus nobody has come up with a solution or work around, or experienced themselves. Lucky me. *I did try and tweek some enb ambient day/night brightness but no dice unfortunately :sad:
  9. Hi again, I think I posted this in the wrong thread. I went ahead and posted it over at the mod troubleshooting. Still have not found a solution.
  10. Well I did some script and instance cleaning and it found 10 orphans, but still night eye refuses to work, the sound that it makes activating works just not the effect. Those orphans were probably me uninstalling all the night eye mods available on the nexus lol
  11. Hi just checking in on my post, Does anyone have a solution at all? I know for a fact its none of the mods that are conflicting because none of them are mentioned from the mod authors.. also none of mods modify night eye or anything else to do with it. not even camera mods. I'm really thinking it has something to do with my enb but im not sure, I could try to disable my enb and see if the issue persists.
  12. Hi, thanks for your time in helping me resolve this issue I currently have 96 plugins with Realvision ENB running at a constant 62 FPS everywhere I go even in snow and rain. I'm 230 hours of gameplay in with no ctd's or fps loss and no mod installation problems except night eye mods. Below are the workarounds I've tried to no avail. I do not use any camera mods and I own all DLC and have all patches installed. I use NMM, Run loot frequently, Tesedit clean my mods, Save script clean. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Things I've troubleshooted] 1.Tried downloading and using enhanced enb night eye mod (changes fx file) 2.Tried downloading and installing gophers predator vision (also tried uninstalling and reinstalling, didn't work) 3.deleted the "//" from the APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION in the enbeffect.fx, now this step worked however as a result caused my enb to be way to bright during the day which was annoying, I tried adjusting the enb brightness but it did not help at all. 4.Tried changing the UseOriginalPostProcessing=false to true or 1 (nothing happens) -enbseries.ini- 5.Tried changing the UsePaletteTexture=true to false and vise versa (nothing happens) -enbseries.ini- 6.Tried downloading and installing Night eye overhaul mod (didn't work) ------------------------------------------------------------ *I do need to include that I am not a werewolf or vampire, I used the console command to give me the night eye power. I am also not khajiit. So yea there you have it, If anyone can please help me that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  13. Hi, thanks for your time in helping me resolve this issue I currently have 96 plugins with Realvision ENB running at a constant 62 FPS everywhere I go even in snow and rain. I'm 230 hours of gameplay in with no ctd's or fps loss and no mod installation problems except night eye mods. Below are the workarounds I've tried to no avail. I do not use and camera mods and I own all DLC and have all patches installed. I use NMM ------------------------------------------------------------ [Things I've troubleshooted] 1.Tried downloading and using enchanced enb night eye mod (changes fx file) 2.Tried downloading and installing gophers predator vision (also tried uninstalling and reinstalling, didn't work) 3.deleted the "//" from the APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION in the enbeffect.fx, now this step worked however as a result caused my enb to be way to bright during the day which was annoying, I tried adjusting the enb brightness but it did not help at all. 4.Tried changing the UseOriginalPostProcessing=false to true or 1 (nothing happens) -enbseries.ini- 5.Tried changing the UsePaletteTexture=true to false and vise versa (nothing happens) -enbseries.ini- 6.Tried downloading and installing Night eye overhaul mod (didn't work) ------------------------------------------------------------ *I do need to include that I am not a werewolf or vampire, I used the console command to give me the night eye power. I am also not khajiit. So yea there you have it, If anyone can please help me that would greatly appreciated. Thank you
  14. Hey me again just checkin back in on my post! Has anyone else experienced this issue?
  15. Hi just checking back in on my post, I can not seem to get a screen shot of the arrow I mentioned it will not appear in the screenshots... I took multiple screens hoping to catch it but it didn't unfortunately.
  16. Hi, I currently have 96 active pluggins and after about 230 hours of playtime I'm not suffering from any fps loss or ctd's. I got this small annoying issue with the AGO mod, Every time I shoot an arrow after the arrow shoots I see a very brief flash of the arrow I shot to the right side of my screen, it's only there for like a second, occurs in sneak mod as well. Just kind of annoying to see this every time I shoot. *I ran FNIS with the AGO patch checked, I have not tampered with any ini configurations associated with this mod. *I do not used enchanced camera or any camera mod at all. What could be causing this? I will try to see if I cant get a picture of the arrow in action. Thank you
  17. Just throwing something out there on a whim, more of a educated guess. Have you tried running a save script cleaner? if so do you run it often (every 5-10) hours? I had this issue with my 186 active plugins with my ENB and this fixed a lot of headaches that arose, my cleaner always resets my havok engine and fixes most of my script instances. Found out earlier on my skeleton had dirty instances somehow and I was able to rule out the corresponding script. Hope this helps! if not oh well i tried :P
  18. Brilliant thank you so much for your time! p.s. So sorry I referred to you as ma'am :( your profile has male gender! shame on me
  19. Roger that . thank you Ma'am I will not take the risk I will just go ahead and start over just to be on the safe side. I've done way to many CTD crash fixes and ini edits to make my game run optimal. Thanks a ton Ishara! :smile: btw If I'm starting over do you recommend me starting over using MO? or stick with NMM? does MO handle the cooperation with mods better and more smoothly?
  20. Hi Qwerty Thanks for replying to my post! I'm sorry I could not get back to you :sad: I completely understand I just wanted to be safe about it you know? Now if I did have a bunch of script based mods.. would it be safe to like uninstall the script ones then install the dlc and patches, once done then reinstall or re activate the mods on NMM? If not its cool however I'm also concerned about my save as well. Or is that gonna be ok too? I back up my .ini's and my save frequently. On another note, I guess what I could do is back up my NMM and mods then do some dlc installing and see if everything runs great if not I can revert back? Thanks again Qwerty
  21. Hey guys just had a quick question here and I want to be sure and confident about what I'm doing and that is why I'm here. I need professional advice. So I'm currently playing modded skyrim with about 90 mods, with no issues what so ever even with a enb I'm getting 62 fps or more in some areas. My question is, I currently have the vanilla skyrim with the vanilla patch from nexus installed, If I were to purchase the dlc on steam how would I go about safely installing all 3 dlc's without messing up my game? is it as simple as download, install, get appropiate patches, use loot to sort the load order, use tes edit to clean the dirty scripts?? OR Do i need to go back into my mods and reactivate the ones that support the dlc? for an example I use the realistic lighting overhaul and I remember the installer in NMM asking me If i had the DLC and I said No because I did not at the time. I greatly appreciate your advice and more so your time on this matter, Yes i probably should of bought the DLC ages ago and then modded my game, but I was not interested in the DLC until recently I seen a a lot of dlc mods that caught my eye that I want to try out if that makes sense. Anyway, Thank you!
  22. Hi the title says all pretty much, as silly as this sounds I'm kinda looking for a mod that manipulates the lighting storm spell in general. I hate the fact I have to channel the spell first. Is there any mod out there that makes lightning storm function like the novice spell Sparks?? I tried checking out balanced magic and smart cast but the description and video reviews did not really cover anything pertaining to canceling channeling. I would use apocalypse but I heard some spells are op and I don't want to ruin my immersion if that makes sense. Thanks for your time
  23. Yea same here haha out of all that information you provided that i have not tried is the resolution setting, the anisotropic filter, and I did the same as you did I dont have the 4k version textures I have all 2k stuff. However I might also try to reset that buffer size because i think that might be the culprit Cutting that fov down will for sure gain you frames but like it said its up to you if seeing left and right is more important than frames I absolutely concur with what you are saying! I will definetly adjust that FOV I did adjust the fade settings in game and reduced the filtering and set my appropriate ram usage and buffer I ended up gaining about 6 FPS which may not be much but I'm very satisfied with that! and I wanted to personally thank you for your time.
  24. Yea same here haha out of all that information you provided that i have not tried is the resolution setting, the anisotropic filter, and I did the same as you did I dont have the 4k version textures I have all 2k stuff. However I might also try to reset that buffer size because i think that might be the culprit
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