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  1. Yes, like Valkasha said, Skyrim is a unstable game, prone of crashing even without any mods installed. It is highly recommended you save every a while.
  2. Thank you Nexus moderators! As soon as I posted here my 18-hour long trouble uploading pictures, they fixed it immediately!
  3. gandalftw, +1 Kudos given to you for your quick response! Thanks! :smile:
  4. Same problem here! The problem started today, 18 hours ago, and has not been fixed, yet. :sad: For a moment, I thought they banned me from uploading pictures or something. I am glad I am not the only one here with this issue. Hope it is fixed soon. http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e127/SilentResident/The%20Elder%20Scrolls/Screenshot_000_zps08cc0e30.jpg
  5. I am desperate. For 24 hours now, I'm no longer allowed to make any picture uploads to my pages. No matter the picture size (<2MB) and picture extension ( .PNG or .JPG), I always get the same and same and same error which in fact isn't a real error (no filesize or extension error!): http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e127/SilentResident/The%20Elder%20Scrolls/Screenshot_000_zps08cc0e30.jpg Even if I try upload multiple pictures (i.e. 2 pictures at same time), the error is multiplied (2 errors), and so on: http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e127/SilentResident/The%20Elder%20Scrolls/Screenshot_001_zps1a45b1d1.jpg All these years as a Nexus Member, I never encountered anything like that before, in Nexus. That image uploading problem appeared today morning... It persists in both Google Chrome and in Mozilla Firefox, and on different computers (I tried in both Laptop and Desktop PC). As for the images I am trying to upload: http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e127/SilentResident/The%20Elder%20Scrolls/Screenshot_003_zps71934dd1.png As you see, images clearly meet the conditions for upload - they are smaller than 2MB and are of the .PNG format. Whats going on? Anyone else affected by the same problem?
  6. True, indeed! Thank you all for your replies! Here some kudos by me to you for taking time to reply to the question! IsharaMeradin received a kudos. Hyacathusarullistad received a kudos.
  7. I like the lockpicking mini-game. It is funny although it can get tiring sometimes. However, I am puzzled how comes most people are better at Lockpicking than me, as demonstrated in the youtube videos. Lockpicking has been so much of a trouble for me. Most of the times, I keep breaking many lockpicks in search of a lock's soft spot. I wonder, is there some sort of a sound that plays if your lockpick is in the right soft spot of a lock? Is there any audio that helps you know where the soft spot is? Or does the Lockpicking skill relies solely on your eyes? I ask as I don't know if there are any sounds in the minigame, since I am deaf in real life.
  8. I give up. I will abandon my mod since I don't know how to clean it of duplicates.... Thanks anyways.
  9. I am at loss... you said Add Master is different than Insert Master, but you didn't tell me how to do that. :sad: The guides on internet don't mention anything specifically about INSERTING a Master file, they only mention about ADDING a Master file...
  10. Oh, much appreciated! Very interesting that the Add Master isn't what seems to be. How to insert it as master instead of adding it as master? Perhaps, by using that master list displayed on the right side of the Wrye Bash program? I will give you kudos for as much detailed info possible, because Google failed me in finding guides on how to compare two Skyrim Plugins! :D
  11. Thank you! is the "Compare..." command in TES5Edit's right-mouse-click menu, right? Thanks!
  12. Ah, I have checked these guides already, but they are about Cleaning a dirty Mod and more specifically how to "Clean Dirty Edits" in TES5Edit, not about how to "Clean Duplicates". Using the Clean Dirty Edits, shows 0 IDs Results. So this isn't the appropriate filter for cleaning duplicates That is why I came here to seek for assistance. Any way to clean duplicates?
  13. I have two identical .esp files. The one is called "Better Whiterun 2.esp" and is in fact an identical copy of the the other which is called "Better Whiterun 1.esp". the only differences between the two files is that the "Better Whiterun 2.esp" contains just some extra flowers and bushes that are hand-placed by me using Creation Kit around the city of Whiterun. Since the file "Better Whiterun 2.esp" is identical to "Better Whiterun 1.esp" plus some extra flowers, here we go: how can I use the TES5Edit to remove anything from "Better Whiterun 2.esp" that is already in Better Whiterun 1.esp" (identical Ref IDs, etc), so, when both .esps are used in the game, they couldn't duplicate things. With other words, I want to clean "Better Whiterun 2.esp" of anything identical that is already in the file "Better Whiterun 1.esp" and only keep the extra flowers by me.
  14. In response to post #7530655. Same for me lol. Since this new version, is impossible to delete any mods without freezing (unless you switch to the non-categorized view).Other than the Mod Deletion Freeze, the NMM works pretty much perfectly for me. ^_^ Nexus team, keep up the good work!
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