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  1. Yeah, you could absolutely use secondsPassed still like that. It just won't account for sleeping, waiting, and timescale. I just wouldn't advise 24 real hours, at least not for testing purposes. GameDaysPassed and GameHoursPassed shouldn't reset, but rather continue progressing as you play, so you basicly need another variable to adjust for it. This is adapted from the fast travel on my vertibird mod. I haven't tested this adaptation of it specifically, but it should be a pretty good idea of how to go about it: Float Timer Float TimerTick Begin GameMode If Timer > 0 Set timer to ( timer - (GameHoursPassed - TimerTick ) ) Set TimerTick to GameHoursPassed elseif timer <= 0 player.Do Stuff Set Timer to 24 endif End
  2. What I'm saying is using GameDaysPassed or GamehoursPassed will base it on game time rather than secondsPassed which is based off of real time, so using either of those will account for not only sleeping and waiting, but also external changes to the game's timescale. SecondsPassed will make you wait 24 real hours of time in game regardless of those factors. Don't get me wrong, secondsPassed has it's uses, but in this case,I think you're better off trying one of the other two.
  3. https://geckwiki.com/index.php?title=Special_Variables
  4. You could basically make a duplicate of the base object with a new formID, add a script, something along the lines of Begin onActivate If isActionref player ==1 && player.getitemcount caps001 >= 100 Player.Additem stuff 1 Player.removeitem caps001 100 Endif End (Using stuff in place of the formID of the object you want to buy, and 100 caps as a price for the example) Then put the new base object on the shelf. You could probably add to that to account for barter skill, or set up a message box that tells the price with buy or don't buy buttons (but that would require a showmessage command in the onActivate block, and the buttons in a MenuMode block, but what's there is probably the quickest, easiest way to do it.
  5. I think what you're saying is you need a quest script (which needs to be attached to a running quest) with a variable to check in the package conditions. I'm not familiar with any specific tutorials, but despite what my uploads will tell you, I have quite a bit of experience with custom companions, so I could probably be of some help if you could be more specific about what you're stuck on.
  6. I admit, as far as I know, at this point, this is still a stupid question. Something along the lines of "hey, does anyone know where D.B. Cooper is?", but I'll ask anyway because alot has changed since the last time I was actively modding. Script extenders have evolved to the point that things I thought impossible back when are doable now. The question is this: Is there a way to rotate the player's (or even just the camera's) Y axis through scripting without using animations? I could do some pretty cool stuff with it. Any leads might help.
  7. Lttp, but I really want to chime in on this: I make mods almost exclusively because I have an idea for something I want to play with and share them as a way of paying forward for all the mods I've used over the years that other people made. Back when I started, there were no legitimate ways to benefit financially from modding, people just made cool stuff and were nice enough to share. I can definitely relate to being happy about endorsements though. You figure each one was someone who enjoyed the thing you made enough to come back and let you know they did. It's also always nice when someone drops a comment about how much they liked it. Knowing you made the game a little better for one person makes up for alot of the comments complaining about me using base game textures or modified base game ones, or how I "should've" added something virtually impossible within the game engine. Ultimately though, my motivation has always been something along the lines of "It'd be cool if I could......" and then putting in the work to see if I can make it happen..... hence the 7 year break from making stuff until I decided I wanted to play the game again.
  8. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/86511?tab=description
  9. Standing on it's back could be easy. Right now you just kinda stand at a semi appropriate spot and just kinda imagine you're sitting, like my vehicle mod. I'm probably going to just leave it like that for the time being though, because I'm trying to prep for a new playthrough, meaning I've gotta finish updating said vehicle mod which is a ton of work as well as finish another thing I wanted to have for the early part of the game. I kinda just caught this and figured I'd take a quick shot at it because I'd already done most of the work years ago.
  10. Bighorner scripting is rough and needs to be rewritten, but it worked.
  11. Probably used assets from some other game they weren't supposed to or something. That sucks. For years, I've wanted to make a rideable horse mod. Early game, in the Goodsprings area is practically begging for it, but at least back when, it was really difficult to find a decent horse mesh that I could actually (like legally) use if I intended to share it on here. At one point I made a quick mockup of a rideable bighorner. It was pretty cool circling around powder gangers taking potshots with a revolver and cowboy repeater, but a horse, it was not.
  12. No promises, but I offer a firm mabe. Just make sure to temper your expectations. I'm absolutely certain I won't have time to model a saddle from scratch anytime soon, but a quick one and done rideable radroach is probably doable.... and molerat guy, I've already been thinking about it. But we're going to leave Snuffles alone. He's already been through enough. .....and where is this horse mod?
  13. Mabe. https://geckwiki.com/index.php?title=ToggleCreatureModel I glanced through that a while ago, but haven't gotten around to experimenting with it yet. If my suspicions are correct, you might theoretically be able to activate the parts you need in GECK, then switch them on and off with that through a script. Note that the function is a part of JIP Ln, so you'd need that to try it: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/58277 Again, I haven't tried it, but that seems to be the best place to start.
  14. Yeah, I think you may be right. I did alot of searching before I posted the question that seemed to imply it might not be possible, but I was hoping it'd be something simple I was overlooking because the terminal would've looked better and otherwise made more sense for what I want to do in this case. It's not a big deal though. I can still get it done with the messages. I'm not exactly new to working with GECK, so i'm used to needing convoluted solutions to do simple things. Thanks for responding.
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