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About GAWDLeader

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  1. I can't find a tutorial anywhere and my mod can't be downloaded wit nmm http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59449/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D59449%26preview%3D&pUp=1 can anyone help?
  2. Been making a mod for awhile now about robbing banks, have the second bank almost done now and its going to be much larger then the first. I think it would be pretty cool to have some different masks and custom heist weapons, if anyone is interested in helping out with that let me know.
  3. I've already talked with my co-creator about that. Trouble is we need someone who is good at nifskope or just making armor/weapons in general.
  4. You think the average person in new vegas spawns with a full set of armor and 2 guns? f*#@ it, give us a tattered vault suit and a tire iron.
  5. If you set them to unaggressive and put them at an idle marker or have them lean against a wall and delete their sandbox AI package they shouldn't move. As for the first one... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ScriptName VaultpTimedDoor ;By BEArbiter ;Explaination: ;This script is to make TimedDoors, Elevators,... ;Once you press the button, Isactivated is set to 1, so pressing the button againt won't do anything, it need to be Reset to 0 ; ;Then, each 1 second, One or more Door will be ;opened/closed. When All the door have been activated, the script ;will reset the Activator. ;It use Persitent Reference of the doors, So You need one ;Script per Activator/Elevator,.... ; ;A Timing Issue Is possible(if you place Two or more activator ;and activate both at little interval), It can be ;Solve by Create An Global Variable instead of Isactivated ;Then, all the button witch use a copy of this ;script won't be useable while a Door is opened float timer ;For a Global Variable, Go to Global, create a ;new short var named isactivated and delete theses line: int isactivated :<end of delete action> Begin Onactivate ;If the button have been pressed before and ;not been reseted, the activator won't do anything if isactivated == 0 set isactivated to 1 Activate else ;If you want the Activation to do something endif end begin gamemode If isactivated == 1 if timer < 8 if timer < 1; elseif Timer < 2;After One second, do the following if Door1.GetOpenState == 3 Door1.SetOpenState 1 ;Door3.SetOpenState 1 ;You can Activate more than one door at a time. elseif Door1.GetOpenState == 1 Door1.SetOpenState 0 ;Door3.SetOpenState 0 Endif Elseif Timer < 3 If Door2.GetOpenState == 3 Door2.SetOpenState 1 Elseif Door2.GetOpenState == 1 Door2.SetOpenState 0 Endif Elseif Timer < 4 If Door3.GetOpenState == 3 Door3.SetOpenState 1 Elseif Door3.GetOpenState == 1 Door3.SetOpenState 0 Endif Endif Else Set isactivated to 0 Set timer to 0 Endif Endif End --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That is what you are looking for?
  6. I made a bank robbing mod called "Rob The Goodsprings Bank" I've now updated it and added dialogue for robbing it, depositing, withdrawing, ect. Aswell as a brand new bank in novac that is at least 10 times as large/guarded/profitable. Name Some features you would like to see in a good heist mod, I want to hear what the people want and what you think is the coolest part of a good robbery.
  7. When right clicking or just generally being in the Dialogue tree tab I constantly crash, any fix?
  8. Is there anyway to make a container like a burlap bag turn into a misc item that can be picked up and sold? It doesn't have to do anything fancy, just be picked up instead of being opened.
  9. What kind of ENB's you guys use and what are their advantages?
  10. Wouldn't it be better to play the game and then make it? Get a feel for the world and such? Putting a story that fits new vegas into fallout 3 would be horrible, and this is an even bigger change.
  11. Mod looks great, be better if it wasn't completely see through, and had like a border of some kind, or something
  12. To be honest (maybe its just me). To make fallout look as pretty as most games now, you just need an ENB, the character models are decent, and the textures I never pay attention too.
  13. Man the nexus community sure does suck. I either don't get a response or get insulted, either way it takes hours for a response. I asked on 2 other sites and got instant help.
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