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Everything posted by dferstat

  1. Known facts, and my suppositions So what do we know about FOLON? The last I heard, the developers were describing it as mod. If this is so, then it's going to require the base game executable. After all, BethSoft isn't going to permit distribution of modified versions of their executable without a license, which'd cost mucho moolah. If the EXE runs, it'll almost certainly load Fallout4.esm and any available DLC when it does so. If FOLON requires the game .exe, then any utilities that currently modify the behaviour of the exe, or which talk directly to it, should still work. This will include F4SE, Canary Save File Monitor, PhotoMode, Address Library, Workshop Framework, Better Console, Rename Anything, MCM, Buffout and others. Looking at the data side of things, let's consider core game features. Character preset creation is currently pretty powerful, especially when you consider LooksMenu and HiPoly Faces. I doubt that the FOLON developers would try, even were it possible, to replace the current data structures and tools. Therefore, any tools and resources made for FO4 or LooksMenu should still work. If FOLON has settlements, then, again, I think it very unlikely that settlement data would be structured differently. If I'm correct, then current mods that deal with general settlement data and modes should still work. This should include Transfer Settlements, Place Anywhere, mods that deal with provisioning and provisioners, probably Conquest, Settlement Menu Manager, and, of course, the myriad of excellent mods that provide settlement objects, such as Snappy HouseKit, Build Your Own Pool, cvc Dead Wasteland, Kraggle's Structures and many, many more. Of course, these mods may contain assets that look very out-of-place in what's left of London. Mods which specifically address the released landmasses of the game (both DLC and mods, such as Point Lookout) or their specific NPCs, won't, of course, work. This includes LOD packs, mods changing existing settlements, or adding new ones, most (if not all) quest mods, and the hundreds of Transfer Settlements and WSFW blueprints. Scrapping mods may not work, depending upon the degree of changes wrought on the original game's landscape, and how much use FOLON developers have made of existing game assets. Landscape and weather mods might also not work. Manufacturing mods will likely need patches to incorporate new crafting recipes. This might cover ArmorSmith, Better Manufacturing, and possibly more. Sorting mods, such as VIS, will also need patching. Body mods such as CBBE and EVB, etc, should work, along with any armour and clothes made for them Weapons should also work, unless the FOLON team have disabled requisite ammo, which I think unlikely. Even were they to do so, I expect Munitions would be able to fix this. Remember that the FOLON team have already released samples of the armour and weapons they've developed. I doubt very much that, given their time constraints, they went to the trouble of especially converting these from special FOLON assets to FO4 assets. In an ideal world, the FOLON team will provide some guidance as to which major mods are known to be compatible, which can be made compatible with patches, and which are flat-out not compatible. Hopefully, they can also provide some guidance on how to identify the appropriate categories for less well-know mods, and even provide some of their internal data to help modders create patches. Semantics Technically, this is a game mod, as it modifies the existing game data. Practically, however, it's a new game, as it (apparently) completely replaces the existing game experience. Special category for FOLON mods? Just because this is a mod does not mean that it does not deserve its own category. After all, we have categories for ENB presets, Sim Settlements 1 and 2, and Transfer Settlement blueprints. Categories exist to help the user, not to reinforce rigid data structures. If there are enough mods for FOLON to justify a new category, then I'm sure Nexus admins will do this. As far as FOLON compatibility tags are concerned, I think this is a good idea. FOLON promises to be so different to FO4 that compatibility can't, on the whole, be assumed. I think it's very much in the interests of the users, and the site, to have this info readily available. Game profiles Lastly, I confess that I'm astounded, in 2024, to find players who seem unable to have more than one profile for their game. I've been running mod managers (Mod Organiser, then Vortex) on Skyrim and FO4 for the last eight to ten years, specifically so that I could have multiple playthroughs, with different characters, play styles and mixes of mods. I've successfully migrated profiles from one mod manager to another, and from one computer to another. The idea of not using a mod manager is, to me, completely alien.
  2. Weapons builders may want to consider the Sulun Arms SR 410 Revolver Shotgun. With a 5-round cyclinder, and overall length 24" / 61cm it sounds like a good CQB weapon. YouTube unboxing here. A dealer's pager here.
  3. As it says in the title, I'm looking for a mod that removes the constant background radiation from the Glowing Sea. I'm not concerned about the rad-storms, as there are weather mods that can block these from starting. I seem to recall noting a mod, many moons ago, that would do this. However, as with my recent query regarding curved tunnel segments, it's just as possible that this mod is a figment of my imagination. Any assistance will be met with thanks
  4. You'll get better, and faster, answers from the SS2 forums.
  5. Don't get me wrong; I'm not, by any stretch of the imagination, suggesting that you should create the entire subway in one map. I'm only observing that it might be theoretically possible, but practically not.
  6. Hmm ... is there a max size for interior maps? In theory, you'd probably be able create a single map for the entire subway system, assuming you had all the assets you needed. Thinking about it, one of the advantages of having a (very) dark environment is that you won't have scenery objects popping into view in the distance; the engine will have no difficulty loading them before it actually has to draw them as they appear out of the gloom. However ... the more terrain (or, in this case, tunnel) that you have, the more work there is for someone (in this case, Qrsr) to populate it with scenery and actors. So, instead of building the full-length stretch of subway between, say, Lexington and Cambridge, we have a much shorter single map inserted between those two stations, and we let our imaginations fill in the gap.
  7. Oh, boy ... That looks brilliant! Ok, so it'd take 6 segments to turn 90 degrees, but subway carriages don't take sharp turns. Well, not more than once, anyway.
  8. So, a lateral displacement, rather than an angular one?
  9. Sometimes I think that Google does, actually, read my mind. Just appeared in my YouTube feed is this video by Kottabos, reviewing the original SR 7-odd years ago. Jump to about 4:45 in the video and you'll see that he's travelling through some decidedly not-straight tunnel sections.
  10. So, I was happily playing Fallout 4 last night when my dog whined at me to tell me to go to bed. (Yes, with my dog this is a thing). So, I made a manual save, and quit the game. This morning, I resumed playing. After several hours of play, I happened to look at my Save Games tab, whereupon I discovered that instead of numbering my first save of the day as ID 608, Vortex had given it ID 1, with subsequent saves up to ID 16. (Yes, I did have 607 manual saves; I have a PC made of cheese, running more than a few mods. Crashes are something I have to expect). Does anybody have any idea what causes this, so that I prevent its recurrence? While I can manually edit the ID for a save, I don't want to have to keep doing this.
  11. After discussions with the creator of Subway Runner Revised, I'm almost certain that, once upon a time, I saw a mod that had curved sections of subway tunnel. I have a picture in my head of an image from a 3D editor of two tunnel segments together; one going straight and the other curving away from it. Trouble is, I'm darned if I can find the mod on Nexus, or in the myriad of mods I have installed. Because I can't find it, the worm of doubt has crept in, and now I don't know if I remember it, or if Qrsr mentioning that they wanted it made me imagine that I'd seen it. (The mind can be a tricksy beast). If anyone recalls seeing curved subway tunnel pieces, I'd be very grateful to hear from them. My thanks in advance.
  12. Two points: Firstly, I suggest posting on the FPV comments page; PJMail, and other users, will probably be able to help. Secondly, FPV is script-heavy. Scripts take up a chunk of the memory that the game engine has available (this is much less than the available RAM on your PC). Unfortunately, dense scenery also takes up a lot of memory. Also unfortunately, the game engine isn't very good for travelling long distances at faster than running speed; the faster you travel, the faster the game has to load new cells, and unload unwanted ones. Sometimes it just can't cope, and things go south. I get crashes in these circumstances, too. Ok, having a PC, as my daughter phrases it, "made of cheese" doesn't help, but right now I can't address that particular issue.
  13. Well, I downloaded the install from a link on the Nexus Vortex pages. I'll try uninstalling, and then reinstalling Vortex, but that's going to have to wait until I know that I've rescued my toon.
  14. I have already read that section. However, if you read my post, you'll see that I've already tried the four suggested solutions, none of which have worked.
  15. If you mean an AppData folder on my C:\ , there's nothing for Gamebryo.
  16. Main points: 1) On startup, I get error an message advising that a Gamebryo Plugin Management extension could not be found. 21) When I dismiss this, I see that my plugins tab is missing. Background: I wanted to retrieve a Fallout 4 character I'd not played for four years from an old laptop, and transfer it to my PC. Opening up Vortex, I got an error message advising that a module had failed to load. I then told Vortex to update itself, only for Vortex to tell me that it was too old to do so. I then went to the Vortex download page, and downloaded both the latest Vortex installer and the Microsoft .NET 6.0+ installer. I then installed both. Running Vortex again, I got the same error message: Repeated re-starts of Vortex have made no difference. As noted above, both Vortex and Microsoft runtimes are freshly installed. Disabling anti-virus software had no effect. The error has even survived a Windows re-boot. When I examine the Extensions list, I see that the Gamebryo Plugin Management is shown as Failed. The pull-down menu for the status shows me the options of Enabled or Disabled, but I can't set it to Enabled. I note that the allegedly missing missing file (node-loot.node) is, in fact, present in the correct directory. According to Windows File Properties, it has exactly the same size and last modified date as the one on my PC. The most recent diagnostic file (obtained from the menu at top right of the screen, is here:
  17. I asked: "Where does Vortex (and I'm specifically asking about Fallout 4, if that helps) store information about which specific installation of a mod is enabled?" I know where installed mods are stored. I want to know where Vortex records which mods are enabled.
  18. I have two questions. 1) Where does Vortex (and I'm specifically asking about Fallout 4, if that helps) store information about which specific installation of a mod is enabled? For example, I have three different installations for CBBE (slim, curvy and vanilla) but only one enabled in a profile. Loadorder.txt and plugins.txt (found in C:\Users\*Username*\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\fallout4\profiles\profile#) don't contain this information, and I've failed to find it elsewhere. 2) Assuming that Vortex is still taking suggestions for new features, where should I submit any? Regards and thanks.
  19. Most of my settlement component inventory is stored at Sanctuary. I have a network of settlements (vanilla and modded) ranging out in several directions from Sanctuary, and in almost all of these, I can craft settlement objects using the combined component inventory. However, in one modded settlement (Ragoda's LET IT RIP - Settlement of USS Riptide) I find that I can only access the components stored in that particular workbench. Now, I can access the full networked inventory from the settlement upstream (vanilla Hangman's Alley) and the settlement downstream (Glitchfinder's We Can Live In - North Point Park). From this, I presume that the problem is not with the provisioner network. Despite googling, I've been unable to find anything at all recent discussing this, and so I'm hoping someone here can point me in the direction of a solution. EDIT Curious. USS Riptide had to have been available for me to route a provisioner from Hangman's to it, and it had to have been available for me to base a provisioner there to service North Point Park. However, it's no longer available as a destination to send settlers. Looking at my list of settlements on my PipBoy, I can see that it's present, but is now called Commonwealth. Hmm ... A mod conflict, perhaps? I'll play with my mod load order, but will still welcome suggestions.
  20. I'm aware that what I'm trying to do is a simple installation. However, Vortex v1.9.12 is not behaving as the previously installed version did. Under Interface/Automation both "Install Mods when downloaded" and "Enable Mods when installed (in current profile)" are disabled. Therefore, I would expect that, when I try to install a downloaded file, Vortex should not be making any changes to my profiles. However, according to this dialog box, any option other than Cancel will result in changes to all profiles, or to my current profile. If Vortex can't identify an older version of this file, it will install the file without incident. If it does detect an older version of the file, I get this new dialog box, which forces me to either 1) not install files, or 2) manually disable newly-installed files.
  21. I'm trying to do exactly what I wrote here: "When I download new versions of mods I've already downloaded and installed, Vortex works as expected. However, when I try to install the new file, I get a dialogue box that's new to me." When I finish downloading a new version of a file, I'll see a notification in the top right, with the option to install it. Before I updated to 1.9.12, Vortex would, if I selected Install, extracted the newly -downloaded file into a new folder, and the status for that new version would change from Blue - Never Installed to Gray - Disabled. After upgrading, I get the dialogue box I described above. Now, because I run multiple profiles with different mod lists, I don't want Vortex making changes to all of them. Also, as I download mods in anticipation of using them in the future, I don't want Vortex to automatically enable mods. Now, let's look at that dialogue again. "An older version of this mod is installed. You can replace the existing one - which will update all profiles ...". This doesn't talk about a mod being Enabled; it refers to a mod being Installed. Replacing an Installed file is clearly different from replacing an Enabled file. And further: "... or install this one alongside it. In the latter case both versions will be available and only the active profile will be updated". Previous Vortex behaviour gave me a notification on completion of installation, offering to Enable the newly installed file, but clearly leaving me able to to decline. Now, however, Vortex states that it will (not may, will) update my profile. As I've stated, I often don't want this: "However, in my current profile, I don't have the mod in question, in any version, Enabled on this, or any other profile. Nor do I wish to do so right now." Pickysaurus wrote: "This dialogue has been part of Vortex for years at this point, so it is strange you haven't seen it before." That may be so, however: "It looks as though the trigger for this dialog box is detecting when a mod's previous version is installed, but not ensuring that the installation is Enabled."
  22. I'm running the fresh v1.9.12. When I download new versions of mods I've already downloaded and installed, Vortex works as expected. However, when I try to install the new file, I get a dialogue box that's new to me. It has the message: "An older version of this mod is installed. You can replace the existing one - which will update all profiles - or install this one alongside it. In the latter case both versions will be available and only the active profile will be updated." Then there are three buttons at the bottom: Cancel, Update all profiles, and Update current profile. In previous releases, Vortex would simply install the new file in another folder, and leave me to update the profile. It looks as though this change is intended to help users in keeping their Enabled mods current. However, in my current profile, I don't have the mod in question, in any version, Enabled on this, or any other profile. Nor do I wish to do so right now. Now, if I understand the presented options correctly, Vortex is offering me three choices: 1) Don't install, 2) Enable in all profiles, replacing existing installations, and 3) Enable in current profile only. None of these suit me. I want to keep my mod installations current while maintaining history should I need to roll back, and I want to enable the mod when it suits me. It looks as though the trigger for this dialog box is detecting when a mod's previous version is installed, but not ensuring that the installation is Enabled.
  23. subaverage, that's the one I'm thinking of! Thank you!
  24. I'm trying to build a hexagonal greenhouse to fit into Glitchfinder's We Can Live In - North Point Park. Of course, rectangular greenhouse roof pieces aren't going to fit very well. Now, I was sure that, somewhere, I saw some triangular greenhouse pieces that would work. However, I'm darned if I can remember where I saw them, and haven't been able to find them in my downloaded mods, or on Nexus. Is anyone able to help, or did I imagine it?
  25. PLease see: https://feedback.nexusmods.com/posts/1617/ignore-users-on-main-site
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