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About michael199310

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    That's like asking "what are your memories when you were 1 year old". You can't really answer this.

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  1. Yes, I know, I just thought DialogueFollowerScript is also necessary to work :) Thanks for the answer, I will try re-doing this
  2. ok, one last question :) with your own dialogue quest, did you add "DialogueFollowerScript" (or recreated it) in the Scripts section (last tab in quest)? Or did you simply add If !(akspeaker.IsInFaction(DismissedFollowerFaction)) (pDialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).DismissFollower(0, 0) EndIf to the specific dialogue and nothing more?
  3. Did you do this in DialogueFollower, as a new dialogue option in "We have to part ways." or did you make your own quest for this?
  4. Did you try starting new game? My aliases wouldn't fill when I tried the quest on the existing save.
  5. I almost completed every part for my follower, except for the dismiss option. I tried adding the line to DialogueFollower and then just repeat the script - I got error. I tried making my own MyModDialogueFollower quest and recreating every script - no luck... Can someone guide me how to do it properly? The rest is working fine, it's just the dismiss option.
  6. go to the Actors, there's dialogue option which contains every dialogue said by specific NPC (in your case, search for a guard). This kind of dialogue is probably in Misc section.
  7. ​You should try with simple quest. You can learn more about NPCs and scripting that way. If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)
  8. What would you consider a big worldspace? We are working on a mod with island similar in size to Solstheim but I can't find anywhere how many cells were used in it. Can someone give me estimated lenght x breadth in cells of Solstheim, or can clarify whether 42x45 cells is a lot ;)
  9. Depends. If you want to make custom models of weapons, buildings and stuff, you will need to learn at least basics of 3D modelling and texturing. If you want to make NPCs, followers, quests, new places, dungeons, cities, islands etc, you won't have to, as CK already has all the resources used in the base game. It would be best if you would describe what exactly are your modding plans. But I have to warn you - it's better to start with simple mod, like new Follower, or custom house so you can learn the basics of CK
  10. You need Creation Kit and those tutorials http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1343653-creation-kit-video-tutorials-merged/
  11. Well, I read some opinions that Blender is rather painful to learn.
  12. What kind of good, free and simple software would you recommend to make custom weapon models and textures for those weapons? I'm a total beginner in 3D modelling.
  13. Actually, giving her a bit of a "dark side" is great idea :D generally, this is the NPC that is prior to change in terms of character, as I made no progress yet on her quest & backstory. She could be somehow associated with DB, perhaps as a former recruit who resigned? That could explain where she learned fighting skills. Thanks for the suggestions!
  14. When I had issues with NPCs not talking, I realized that, despite the voice type selected, there was no actual voice file associated with the dialogue. Maybe double check that?
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