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Posts posted by OhmesRaht

  1. For using all 4k textures that are available here on Nexus + ENB you really don't need a 2080ti to get 60 fps as long as you will stay with 1080p.


    But on the other hand it surely won't hurt if you're using this overbuilt card...except your wallet.

    Thank you for the response, and I certainly agree about the wallet. :happy: I'm glad to hear other cards can handle 4k textures + enb.

  2. I have been out of the Skyrim and general PC modding scene for about two years as the consequence of a PC crash and many other complications. I am eager to get back into modding (the plan is to return in about 4 months from now) and I would like to know if (for anyone gpu literate) the 2080 ti would offer any actual benefits to a pc built virtually exclusively for Skyrim (oldrim). I know the 2080ti isn't remarkable outside of it's 4k capabilities, but was wondering if this would open up fertile domain for many a 4k texture in my Oldrim, whereas most previous cards would suffer heavily from more than a few. As a non-tech literate type, it seems possible that this card's particular advantage over others in this regard might make it more friendly to 4k textures (not 4k resolution as I don't care for it- simply 4k textures) than other cards.

    Is my reasoning correct that I would be able to better run ultra textures better in 1080p with this card- or would this not plot out the way I am imagining?

  3. Yes, it very well may be your win10 acting up.

    Installing Directx Runtime June 10


    has helped many others with enb related win 10 problems. The reason for this is that Win10 seems to lack at-least parts of said runtime that are essential to the function of enb.

    Also ensure that your graphics drivers are up to date & that your enb does not contain a dxgi file in the Skyrim directory. If yours does you might need to be sneaky like me and replace the dxgi with a copy of your system's own since dxgis from 8 don't seem to work with 10 (or atleast that has been my experience with K enb on Win10).

  4. If you are experiencing crashing like that my suspicion would not be finis, although it certainly wouldn't hurt to update to the newest version & run it so it can accommodate any potential issues. I can't imagine enbboost helping to eliminate issues not created originally by an enb. Enboost allows your enb to play nicer with Skyrim, but it shouldn't be able to rectify issues of memory that the enb isn't directly causing.

    At this point I would suggest

    -backing up your Skyrim Ini & prefs (found in my documents/Skyrim) & placing them temporarily in a different direction, running the Skyrim Launcher and allowing it rebuild fresh inis.

    -Going into Steam & Right clicking Skyrim Properties/Local Files/Verify Inegrity to see if Steam can spot anything essential that might be missing or accidentally deleted from your Skyrim's base files.

    (Warning, if you have previously cleaned your DLCs using tes5edit, then this will revert them, so backing up any cleaned official esp files is suggested as well).

    Temporarily Removing the d3d9.dll from your Steam's Skyrim folder

    Running Loot & Wryebash to ensure that your mods are at least aesthetically compatible & that your leveled lists aren't casung issues (leveled lists are notorious for ctds).

    And finally checking your plugins.txt (C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Skyrim\plugins.txt) to ensure it accurately refelcts your esp load out.


    If after having done all of the things above you are still receiving crashes on completely new saves, then we can virtually guarantee that it is a mod problem since we would have eliminated any chance that it was


    -A memory problem due to enb

    -A memory problem due to bad ini tweaks

    -Leveled list related issues

    -Damaged base files

    -or a plugins.txt related issue


    Just for fun I would also go ahead and ensure that your Skse is fresh and hasn't lost any files or corrupted by reinstalling 1.7.3

  5. I'll put it this way: If you are serious about your Skyrim experience and have the cash for a cpu improvement I would genuinely take it. If you aren't trying to increase your ugrids (total number of cells loaded into game at any given time), add additional npcs, extend shadow distances & so on, then you very well may be able to get by with a lackluster cpu, but I can't imagine you preferring that in the long run. I was able to get away with a complete toaster of cpu paired with a then (2014) moderately decent gtx 770, and a very minimal enb for normal game-play- so it is very possible & I don't want to besmirch that. It's just not optimal and can be a bit of a nuisance when you feel the cpu bottlenecking an otherwise good card.

  6. You mention you did not add any new mods, but out of curiosity did you remove any? Removing esps from you load order can cause lots of issues for saves. Have you tried for instance starting a brand new game at Helgen? If this doesn't work either, then we can count save game damage out of the question. I am suspicious about the enb working as a "fix" since as far as I am aware enbs simply don't fix game breaking issues like you are describing. Was there anything you installed at the same time you installed the enb the first time that might actually have been what helped fix the original problem? (Maybe the enb author's page had a helpful suggestion for skse plugins that reduced crash frequency, or an unofficial patch).

  7. Out of curiosity, have you tried deleting your Skyrim inis in favor of allowing Steam to rebuild them? While I doubt it is the problem, accidentally damaged inis can be the cause of a lot of unnecessary strife. If you were running 5 ugrids to load on your prior system and then somehow ended up with 9 on this system you would be feeling that kind of burn. I know of a fix for enbs behaving poorly on Windows 10 (2010 Runtime) and it is possible it would be beneficial for you since windows 10 lacks some of the runtime support enjoyed by win 7.



  8. Out of curiosity, when does it freeze? Is it during loading screens or in game-play (presumably when entering a new cell) or when entering combat, or when looting corpses? If it is consistently one if the above it might provide insight into the particular type of problem you are having. With the information I have as it stands I would also like to ask:


    -if you have tried verifying the game cache in Steam.

    -if you have any unnecessary background processes running in your Windows background, that might be suspect.

    -have tried disabling Steam overlay.



    if when you say you aren't running any mods are you including bare-bones stabilizers like safety load for skse. It's easy to forget about those simple skse plugins that don't typically effect your game in any way but the positive, but they can cause issues when used together at points.

  9. Hey GhandhisLunchbox

    Given the MASSIVE and epically generous host of enbs available & not really knowing too much about what you prefer, I would definitely recommend


    Stackado Realistic Enb


    I would recommend it because I too have a 760 and can hold a pretty steady 40-60 in most cases. It doesn't feature the kinds of ridiculousness such as ambient occlusion that bring a 760 to it's knees.

    I would also suggest http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8655/? SMIM. This mod is invaluable if you are a person who enjoys examining static meshes closely.

    Also, Vivid is a must http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49344/?. Your architecture, fort & rocks will cry with joy.

    Last but not least is Verdant. If you are able, adding this grass overhaul will do wonders for your Skyrim's aesthetics. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60220/?

    In the case of Verdant you may need to sacrifice a little bit of room on your launcher's sliders, but to me it has always been worth it. With decent optimization I can hold a steady 30 with each of these on my 760.

  10. As people have mentioned above Wryebash is a superb way to go for certain smaller mods. They are "bashed" into your bashed patch which is loaded as an esp and should always be at the bottom of your load order. The mods that were "bashed" can remain in your Data folder until the next bash, but should remain unchecked, since their data is not contained in the patch. The actual process of bashing your mods can be described in about 4 steps and is incredibly easy and by default includes consolidating those small mergeable mods into your patch by default.

    (Step 1: Open WryBash)

    (Step 2: Find "Bashed Patch" in mods list)

    (Step 3: Right click>Rebuild Patch)

    (Step 4: Ensure Merge Patches option is clicked/any merge-able esps should be here & continue to build patch..)

    (Step 5: Deactivate any mods merged in your Skyrim launcher since they are now contained on the Bashed Patch)

    ***Step 6: Profit***


    If you would like to go a slightly more sophisticated route with much more control, then merging mods through the TES5Edit method will be even better as described on the following page:



    I know it can be intimidating at first, but if you are serious about learning about this method or have any questions about what I have said beyond what is posted, feel free to PM me.


    I'm a flower

    Honestly laughed out-loud :D

  11. As people have mentioned above Wryebash is a superb way to go for certain smaller mods. They are "bashed" into your bashed patch which is loaded as an esp and should always be at the bottom of your load order. The mods that were "bashed" can remain in your Data folder until the next bash, but should remain unchecked, since their data is not contained in the patch. The actual process of bashing your mods can be described in about 4 steps and is incredibly easy and by default includes consolidating those small mergeable mods into your patch by default.

    (Step 1: Open WryBash)

    (Step 2: Find "Bashed Patch" in mods list)

    (Step 3: Right click>Rebuild Patch)

    (Step 4: Ensure Merge Patches option is clicked/any merge-able esps should be here & continue to build patch..)

    (Step 5: Deactivate any mods merged in your Skyrim launcher since they are now contained on the Bashed Patch)

    ***Step 6: Profit***


    If you would like to go a slightly more sophisticated route with much more control, then merging mods through the TES5Edit method will be even better as described on the following page:



    I know it can be intimidating at first, but if you are serious about learning about this method or have any questions about what I have said beyond what is posted, feel free to PM me.

  12. Thank you for the repsonse Oubliette & Myztikrice. At the least it is good to know I'm not just deathly blind and there is a legitimate reason I could not find it. *Here's to hoping it can be fixed & re-uplaoded.*


    Wow. Looks nice. Also, it seems like the dude hates bald heads.

    Lol. Poor baldies lacking the sweet love of our beloved Redtox.

  13. So I'm curious if anyone recalls the Winterhold Npc Overhaul that was uploaded sometime within the last couple of months or so? It looked quite impressive and was largely lore lore friendly (didn't venture too far into the perverse lands of loreviolation). I remember seeing it in the Hot Files on a mobile device awhile ago, only to consistently fail to locate it since on pc. It modified Jzargo's fur textures into something both ridiculous and yet epic (streaks of blue on his fur), and quite a few of the other npc's got aesthetic maeovers as well. I have failed to locate it with both the generic google and Nexus searches including things like "Winterhold", "College", and anything else I could imagine might have also been included in the title. I also took to the npc category and came up tragically empty.


    Does anyone recall this mod or it's name?

  14. So I was wondering if having too many race mods installed at once can cause any issues (lowered fps, or anything else) outside of the race menu. Assuming none of them are active in the world, save for the one you are playing, is there a general limit to the number of races you can have installed at once (I currently have 7)? My knowledge of VRAM is extremely limited, but my fear before the prechache killer was that if i were to say.. toggle up and down through my races in the race menu, then each of the textures for each race would be loaded into the VRAM and could eventually cause my game to crash later (an hour or so into a normal playthrough on one of the races) due t it being maxed out with their unnecsary space. I think that precache sort of doused that issue, by unloading each texture from the engine (hence we can now load 300+ hairs at a single time in the race menu without fear of freeze or ctd). My line of reasoning is that if it does it for things like hair, maybe it does it for things like face, body, tint and toggling different races wouldn't cause issues in the VRAM department.

    If anyone has any knowledge about this I would be highly apreciative if they would share, because I don't want to break my Skyrim or damage it's playability, but I also don't want to be held back unnecesarily by a non issue :tongue:

  15. I would very much like to know if Skyrim is V-Ram limited/capped. I want to know because this is the deciding factor for whether I should purchase 2 780ti's for sli (3 gigs) or the AMD r9 295x2 (8 gigs). If Skyrim is capped at 3-4 gigs for instance, then I will almost certainly go 780 ti all the way, but if Skyrim can make use of the beautiful 8 gigs that the r9 295x2 provides, then I will almost certainly go the Amd route.


    Any & all replies very much appreciated.

    Well thank you very much for the reply. The depressing thing is that I was aware of the dishonesty involved in the titan and the 690's marketing & should have probably been more suspicious of the r9 295x2. Strangely I had read some very false information in a youtube argument (not a reliable place I know) that involved the explicit claim that sli 780's were deficient because they didn't stack, although the r9 295x2's did. Obviously not the most reliable place for information on hefty purchases, & so again i thank you for correcting my false assumption.

  16. I would very much like to know if Skyrim is V-Ram limited/capped. I want to know because this is the deciding factor for whether I should purchase 2 780ti's for sli (3 gigs) or the AMD r9 295x2 (8 gigs). If Skyrim is capped at 3-4 gigs for instance, then I will almost certainly go 780 ti all the way, but if Skyrim can make use of the beautiful 8 gigs that the r9 295x2 provides, then I will almost certainly go the Amd route.


    Any & all replies very much appreciated.

  17. Does anyone know of the mod that re-textures the dirt by rivers to look more "sandy" (sort of like the ocean). During a brief stint away from Skyrim I thought I came briefly across it as one on the Hot Files here on the Nexus, but upon returning have never found it within the past couple of months. I would be more than humbled beyond means if anyone could provide the name/link or any of it's whereabouts.

  18. I am using Gameplay Performance ENB by Scrabbulor7 as the template & had tried to plop the enblocal into it for a severely needed fps boost (15-20+), the only dilemma however being it disables the "Deffered Rendering" which is what is causing the shamefully dark distant lighting. With it I could have that misty- transparent effect that most of your images seem to contain.

    Given the monumental gains in the fps department provided by a disabled "def-rendering", I wanted to check & see if there was a non deffered rendering variable that can be modified in game to help dilute the otherwise obvious dark mountains (those being my primary issue). The strange thing is I have control of virtually every kind of lighting, save that which effects those distant objects.


    Your distant objects look phenominal by the way, for what it is worth.

    & at your serenity enb (*mouth waters*). If my PC could handle it I would use it to no end XD


    Thank you for the reply & interest. Unfortunate as it is I may be stuck with shameful mountains without the almighty "deffered." XD

  19. So I am running ENB version .254 and would like to know how to increase the lighting on distant terrain/structures . The area around me is perfectly well lit- but once objects reach a certain distance (as indicated in the images below), they lose a significant portion of their lighting & begin to appear extremely dark (almost as much as their night-time counterparts). I have combed through the in game editor (shift+enter) & seem to be missing the modifier each time.


    I humbly beseech anyone with ideas or answers to this conundrum. I know it's not much of an offer, but I will happily give kudos to anyone who can :D


  20. Ok, so I have been trying to make a certain piece of armor available to a custom race via Creation Kit for the past hour to no avail. I am using the standard method as pictured below to try to make the "Mystic Tails" mod's khajiit's tails equip-able for the Ashen race.


    The problem is that when I highlight the Oraeze/Ashen Race under the "Additional Races" tab, it simply wont remain highlighted/shaded/effective after I click the "ok" button to exit. Every other race in the list seems to remain highlighted/shaded as I please. I used the Sprigan race as a test & it worked fine. The Ashen race simply won't. It remains highlighted until I exit the window, and when I re-open, the highlighting is gone. Is there a step I am missing here or anything I appear to be doing wrong? Do I need to click something else before clicking "ok"?


    Any & all help DIRELY appreciated :D


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