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About Leperkhaan

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    Mirror's Edge

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  1. Samus Aran's power suit paint job for any/all of the power armor types. I have GIMP and have looked at trying to import the dds files from Fallout, but I'm mostly an idiot and not an artist. I couldn't figure it out. If anyone could help me out with this in any way, I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. The first time I played Fallout 3, the first thing I said was, "Why no spells?" I'm far too stupid to help with this but I thank you greatly for even attempting it. The passive illusions in TES were always my favorite.
  3. Thank you. I looked around for a bit for something like that but figured it didn't exist. I just found the link at the bottom of the page.
  4. I deleted a mod I was using because I was tired but trying to get a few things finished before I went to bed. Now I have no idea what it was. My save says it relies on files that are missing. Is there any way to tell what I am missing from my mod list?
  5. Jazziparis, you saved the day. With the original code of Begin OnLoad, I was getting an error in game that wouldn't let me use the coc command to enter my mod. Something about the script but all of vforvic's other alters work just fine. The Begin OnLoad was the real kicker though. I made a vault that gets raided, the one from the Bethsoft tutorials. I wanted to have an exploded Protectron in there and I was trying all different sorts of ways with just removing the head or dropping the HP to zero but nothing seemed to work. This did the trick. Thanks all. Hopefully this will help someone else too.
  6. It still isn't working. I appreciate your help. I'm just going to have to actually learn to use the scripting tool better. I've been programming in other languages for years just have not done any modding before this week so it's all very new to me. I'll tackle these steps one at a time.
  7. So, 1 million years later, I have a question about this post. Maybe I just need to learn how to script but I figured I'd copy from here to get me started and this is what I've come up with... scn DeathDismemberScript short doOnce ref thisRef Begin OnLoad if doOnce == 0 set thisRef to getSelf KillActor DismemberLimb: 1 CauseOfDeath: 0 set doOnce to 1 endif End According to the wiki, DismemberLimb is the correct is the correct syntax for which limb to be dismembered and the integer, 1, represents which limb. In this case it's the head. CausOfDeath should also be the correct syntax for the cause of death with the integer, 0, representing which cause. In this case, the cause is an explosion. The error that I'm receiving is "SCRIPTS: Script 'DeathDismemberScript', line 11 Item 'DismemberLimb' not found for parameter Actor (optional)." Thus, it will not save my script. Any ideas as to what the problem may be?
  8. I'm very new to modding, I started this week and it's only Tuesday lol. I'm looking for a tutorial that could show me how to import textures/meshes from another game into FO3 or New Vegas. I bought copies of both the force unleashed games and figured I might be able to get the Mandalorian armour out of those some how for Fallout. I know it's not okay for me to post something I didn't create on the Nexus so I'm just simply not going to do that. I just want to know if it's possible or even what the thing I'm talking about is called. I know I'm a terrible human being for asking questions but any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all in advance for any help and the amazing community here.
  9. Are the system requirements the same as the system requirements for the game? The reason I ask is I want to get a lap top for moding on the go but I'm not spending more than a few hundred on a laptop for this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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