So, 1 million years later, I have a question about this post. Maybe I just need to learn how to script but I figured I'd copy from here to get me started and this is what I've come up with...
scn DeathDismemberScript
short doOnce
ref thisRef
Begin OnLoad
if doOnce == 0
set thisRef to getSelf
KillActor DismemberLimb: 1 CauseOfDeath: 0
set doOnce to 1
According to the wiki, DismemberLimb is the correct is the correct syntax for which limb to be dismembered and the integer, 1, represents which limb. In this case it's the head. CausOfDeath should also be the correct syntax for the cause of death with the integer, 0, representing which cause. In this case, the cause is an explosion. The error that I'm receiving is "SCRIPTS: Script 'DeathDismemberScript', line 11 Item 'DismemberLimb' not found for parameter Actor (optional)." Thus, it will not save my script. Any ideas as to what the problem may be?