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About nbucilini

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  1. Yup i installed all three parts and the update one in the NV version The mod page doesn't provide explicit instructions for the installer itself but yeah I did that correctly Yes I have
  2. Can someone give me a hand with installing this mod? It's kinda difficult to explain without looking at the mod itself first to get the necessary context. I've tried several different methods of installation with the provided installer but it won't detect the files necessary in the folders I select even though they're present. I tried asking within the mod page itself with no avail, and other posts trying to help didn't work either. I can provide pictures and anything else if necessary. Here's the link to the mod: TTW NMC Installer Package at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community (nexusmods.com)
  3. A helmet as similar to Legate Lanius' iconic helmet from Fallout: New Vegas as possible would be awesome Picture: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.wikia.com%2Ffallout%2Fimages%2Fb%2Fbe%2FLegateArmor.png&f=1&nofb=1
  4. My man I gotta admit, that's waaaay above my pay grade. Are there any other possible solutions?
  5. So I finally was able to take a look at the ENBoost, but I'm not really sure how to properly install it. The directions on the mod page say to download something off another website but I can't find the specific thing I need on there.
  6. There's two New Legion entries because one of them is the data itself and the other is the texture file. I'll look into the Cloaks mods as well as the ENBoost and get back to ya
  7. I'll take a look at my mods. I don't have too many, so it shouldn't be too bad. Here's my load order if you want to have a quick look or anything
  8. Just tried it. I was able to load into the new cell, but after a couple seconds of black screen, the game immediately CTD
  9. Try mine? 36000... Theoretically, based on the setting name, fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS , that works out to a 36 second delay (36,000 milliseconds = 36 seconds) , but really, I've never seen more than a ~3-4 second pause. At solstheim or windhelm, what that looks like is you get there, you see the dock, sounds begin, then things lock up for a few seconds, and then you're released again. (ie you're able to move again). for other cell transitions, it means a fade to black and back that stays black just a little longer than vanilla. to be clear, that setting is located in <your name>/Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition/Skyrim.ini under the [papyrus] marker (in case it is a setting that I added in and wasn't there by default) explanation: from my foggy memory, I believe what fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS is supposed to do is allow things to stabilize while dumping the old cell contents out of memory and adding the new ones, so you don't accidentally get some sort of "race-condition" overlap that spikes your graphics memory (or main memory, or processor clicks... can't remember) I'll try it. What has just been happening to me is I'm in the Palace of the Kings and after a few tries I was able to get inside from Windhelm without crashing, then I could save inside but not wait without crashing Edit: Just tried the time thingy going from Palace of the Kings main hall to the barracks right near the main door and I still crashed
  10. Quite honestly, I know absolute jack about computers, so I can't really tell ya. I say mid-tier cause its not terrible and its not great.
  11. That *might be as good as it gets. I also occasionally get CTDs, when walking around, when entering into battle, when changing cells, or even when saving the game, and afaik, Jim said he does too (some of those anyway). I suspect most of us crash and burn sometimes. FWIW, the cell changing crashes can be mitigated (in my experience)by adjusting the setting I noted before (the one that had a value of 36000 in my game...erm.... fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS) although you might not need such a large pause as I opted for to avoid them. it's not a guarantor, but changing that value did make it happen far less often when changing from one resource-rich area to another (like when going to or coming back from Solstheim, some "rich" dungeons, caves, etc). I'd say, at least for me and my game (I run around 250 mods btw), it dropped the occurrence of cell-change CTDs significantly. And on the value I chose, it was a desperate number even before June when I was a complete newb that I've never bothered to tune or optimize in any way, so it probably doesn't need to be so drastic to provide protection. What number would you suggest for me? I play on a mid-tier laptop
  12. I've been able to get it a point that I can mostly play the game and save somewhat well, but crashes still happen when I save occasionally.
  13. Alrighty, what do you suggest I do then? Are there ways of reducing my LOD without going into the game files and manually messing around with things? I'd like that to be a last resort if possible
  14. I have the Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM) found here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/659 could this be the source of my issues? I've had it since I first modded the game but since I assume I've added other mods that increase level of detail could this be the main driver of my problems?
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