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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Both Scribe Haylen and Synth Nora are made available as companions in the Project Valkyrie mod and its accompanying mod Outcasts and Remnants. Another NPC from that mod, Sarah Lyons, even mentions Heather Casdin from the Heather Casdin mod. Wow i didn't knew that! but before i install does it compatible with mods like Horizon and Tales from commonwealth?
  2. I was really hoping someone would make a followers mod for Scribe Haylen. mods like Nora Spouse companion are really cool since the dialog are sliced up mix and match from the 'actual' Nora's player lines.
  3. *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp *ArmorKeywords.esm *TrueStormsFO4.esm *Z_Architect.esm *HUDFramework.esm *BostonFPSFixAIO.esp *Insignificant Object Remover.esp *LongerPowerLines3x.esp *You Talk Too Much.esp *3DNPC_FO4.esp *BetterSettlers.esp *BetterSettlersMortalPack.esp *BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp *FO4 NPCs Travel.esp *W.A.T.Minutemen.esp *brotherhood of steel overhaul.esp *Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp *NoraSpouse.esp *BetterCompanions.esp *EveryonesBestFriend.esp *Fr4nssonsLightTweaks.esp *TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp *TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp *TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp *TrueStormsFO4-FarHarborExtraRads.esp *TrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.esp *TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp *DarkerNights.esp *DarkerNightsDetection.esp *PAMAP.esp *Campsite.esp *Campsite-AWKCR.esp *ProtoLining.esp *ChineseStealthSuit.esp *AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp *AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp *Synth Overhaul.esp *Synth Overhaul - White Patch.esp *Z_Architect_EnhancedSettlements.esp *Z_Architect_EnhancedSettlements_DLC.esp *Z_Architect_Extras.esp *Z_Architect_HomePlate.esp *Z_Extras.esp *Z_Horizon.esp *Z_Horizon_DEFUI.esp *Z_Horizon_DLC_All.esp *Z_Horizon_Loot_Respawn.esp *Z_Horizon_Loot_Respawn_DLC.esp *Z_Horizon_Timescale.esp *Patch - Horizon - Tales from the Commonwealth - EBF.esp *BS-Horizon-Patch.esp *BSMP-Horizon-Patch.esp *MM-Horizon-Patch.esp *NPCs Travel Horizon Patch.esp *TS-Horizon-Patch.esp Hello is this load order correct? also when i interact with T-45 in power armor station i always get some option like "Standard power armor mesh" but the model show up as T-60, X-01 etc is this normal? which mod?
  4. Fallout3.esmAnchorage.esmThePitt.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esmUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esmFO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esmMart's Mutant Mod.esmRH_IRONSIGHTS.esmCRAFT.esmCALIBR.esmaHUD.esmiHUD.esmStreetLights.esmSydney Follower.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.espDarNifiedUIF3.espFO3 Error Fixes.espCASM.espBoSPatrols.espFO3 NPCs Travel.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional VATS Halftime.espWeaponModKits.espWeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.espWeaponModKits - ThePitt.espWeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.espWeaponModKits - PointLookout.espWeaponModKits - Zeta.espWMK-RH IronSights.espRH_WMK_Bridge.espWeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espIMPACT.espFellout-Full.espmegalight.espFO3 RWL GOTY.espJIP Selective-Fire.espJIP Companions Command & Control.espFollower Amata ULTIMATE.espJIP CC&C - Amata.espJIP CC&C - Sydney.espStop Insulting Me Outcasts.espSydney Follower - FWE Dialog Fix.espSydney Follower - Load Order Fix.espUUF3P - FWE Patch.espBlackened FWE + MMM.espmerged patch.esp How about this one? is this good?
  5. Hello can anyone please help me with my load order i'm kinda paranoid that there is a conflict or something else so please would you mind taking a look at my LO? Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esmThePitt.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esmUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esmCALIBR.esmCRAFT.esmFO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esmFO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.espMart's Mutant Mod.esmRH_IRONSIGHTS.esmEVE.esmaHUD.esmiHUD.esmSydney Follower.espEnclaveCommander-OA-Pitt-Steel.esmDarNifiedUIF3.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional VATS Halftime.espWeaponModKits.espWeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.espWeaponModKits - ThePitt.espWeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.espWeaponModKits - PointLookout.espWeaponModKits - Zeta.espRH_EVE_Bridge.espRH_WMK_Bridge.espWeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.espCALIBRv14 Ammunition Schematics for FWE-WMK-CRAFT-V1_3-18639.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espFO3 NPCs Travel.espFellout-Full.espFlashlight-LOS.espFollower Amata ULTIMATE.espJIP Selective-Fire.espJIP Companions Command & Control.espJIP CC&C - Amata.espJIP CC&C - Sydney.espSydney Follower - FWE Dialog Fix.espSydney Follower - Load Order Fix.espUUF3P - FWE Patch.espBlackened FWE + MMM + EVE.espBlackened RH + FWE + EVE.espMerged Patch.esp
  6. is there cheat to prevent earning bounty when doing something criminal?
  7. can somebody explained it please that would be grateful. :biggrin:
  8. i think it's heavily modded try to deselect some mod that you don't like, just like my fallout:NV crash alot :biggrin:
  9. http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1261066-complete-command-list/ :biggrin:
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