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Posts posted by TenShadows

  1. Playing on 1920x1080, all the text, icons, inventory items, and other stuff are far too small for me to look at them without my eyes starting to hurt. However, I kind of have to play on this resolution because it's the only way I can get Morrowind to do what I want without crashing on me.


    Is there any way to compromise, by keeping that resolution but making it look more like it did on 1280x720 or so?

  2. I feel like playing a wizard for once - usually I do the sneaky thief types - but the prospect of my Ultra-Fireball of Doom arbitrarily getting bounced right back at me every once in a while is doing a good job to get rid of that desire.


    You'd think there would've been a mod to get rid of it already, because a random sudden death is never funny, but I'll be damned if I can't find one.

  3. It happened again.


    I'd become an arena Champion (not Grand Champion yet), went to do Hircine's Quest, delved into an Ayleid ruin on the way, got killed by some conjurers, loaded the game, and it crashed. Now it crashes every time I load it from the game. I tried to restore an older quicksave, didn't work. I tried to load the last proper save game, didn't work.


    I still have no idea what causes it in the first place, and especially not how to fix it - just that it seems to be a sad eventuality now.


    Edit: Is there even a difference on whether I use a quicksave or a normal save, if I'm going to save the game every five seconds anyway?


    Also, for the record, the game has been completely stable so far: I'm level 16 but it has only crashed twice and done a runtime error once. And then it dropped the bomb.

  4. Namely, going to oblivion.ini and changing bSaveOnInteriorExteriorSwitch=1 to 0 will cause the entire game to muck up. It goes to title screen fine, but if I try to load a game or start a new one, I get an instant CTD.


    I'm pretty sure I have to change that if I want to disable autosaves completely, which I have understood I need to do if I want to stop the save games from corrupting. I have no idea why it would cause the entire game to not function.

  5. House Redoran is the warriors, the defenders, and the militants of Morrowind. House Hlaalu is the merchants and dealers. House Telvanni the wizards, particularly the evil demented sorts. House Dres deals in slaves and farms. But what about Indoril and Dagoth?


    All I know about House Indoril is that they're the "temple boys", like they were just a part of the Tribunal Temple instead of their own thing: they have nothing going on by themselves that I know of. House Dagoth is, of course, all about how they're the traitors and mutants and stuff these days, but what was their thing back when they were loyal? From what I gather, they were a bunch of warriors and wizards: like some sort of a Redoran/Telvanni hybrid, but that doesn't give them much of their own personality at all.


    Can anyone that knows more about lore than myself enlighten me in this matter?

  6. Am I the only one who was a little disappointed by how the Telvanni leaders look, appearance-wise? These are, after all, not only some of the most powerful mortals in the entire setting (if you can even call them mortals anymore), but also some of the very few NPCs in the game with real, developed, and unique personalities. Yet for all their importance and depth, their appearances are so very common, and I'm sad of that.


    Take mistress Therana, for instance. One of the oldest Telvanni, and by extension, one of the oldest living things on Vvardenfell or even the entire Tamriel (Divayth Fyr as one possible exception), she's also hopelessly insane and demented, rambling on and on about her past as a little girl, and overall reminds me of a mad old crone. I'd imagine when I looked at her, I'd see this insanely old, tiny, thin little woman, yet perhaps with a premonition of great magic and power behind it - but all I see is the usual middle-aged dunmer with the normal extravagant robes, fundamentally no different from any other dunmer in the world. The others, though perhaps somewhat less eccentric, are no different: I'd so love it if their looks reflected the work put on them, something like this piece of concept art, but I guess I can't have nice things.


    Is there a mod out there that would try and fix this matter, or am I really the only one who is bothered by it at all?

  7. What I like about Skyrim Redone most is the new, fixed-up skill perks. What I like about Skyrim Unleashed is making combat difficult and exciting, and treasure worthwhile. And according to the Unleashed list, the best parts of the two should be compatible - yet they're not.


    What's weird is that some of the new perks of Skyrim Redone do show up, such as smithing, the new fingersmith tree, wayfarer, and some magic skill trees - but for the most part they're reverted to the old versions, even though nothing in either Skyrim Unleashed or Duel should mess with them.


    Anything to be done? Or am I forced to pick with Redone and Unleashed and stick with just one of them?

  8. Well, after looking through the console, I've discovered that my real values for strength, endurance, agility, and speed are slightly messed up: strength should be 128, according to GCD, yet it's only 114; endurance is 95 instead of the 103 it's supposed to be, agility is stuck on 50 instead of 51, and speed on 49 instead of 50. At least in the last two cases, the game has the decency of showing them as red, as if there was some ability damage involved - yet no amount of restoration will fix the problem.


    Attempting to change any these numbers has not produced any kind of result so far.


    Edit: I'd imagine agility and speed were messed-up by Corprus, and strength and endurance at some point simply by growing up way too high. But I still don't know how to fix either one.

  9. I'm using Galsiah's Character Development, which makes the stats and skills much more exciting and sensible than they are in vanilla, I feel. Playing a fighter type, the latest message I got about my strength, upon advancing my axe skill, was "Your strength has increased to 130" - yet the score is, with the Right Fist of Randagulf (which fortifies strength by 20) at that, only 126. I've drank several Restore Strength potions and cast spells, and it doesn't appear that I have taken any strength damage lately: it just stopped there and won't increase anymore. Likewise, there is no drain strength in my magical effects.


    What could be the problem here?

  10. I was always a little disappointed about how simple the whole political system of Morrowind is, despite being rather a large selling point and still overall fun to play with. Especially the famous and supposedly heavy racism doesn't really show. So, I've come up with a number of ideas and suggestions for mods, or just to discuss about, all in the general theme of diplomacy and politics. I'm somewhat wondering about how difficult it'd be to mod these things in, but mostly I'd just be looking for some discussion.


    Try not to expect too much coherency: I'm mostly rambling.




    Firstly, to summarize like half of the entire issue for me, being a high-ranking faction member, or in charge of one - or even several - doesn't seem to have much impact at all in the game. No one outside the faction doesn't even notice, and within the faction it's summed up with a few kind words and a disposition increase.


    If I'm in charge of the Mages Guild, it'd be nice if the other factions and people noticed it too: said stuff about how it is an honor or welcoming me or whatever, slightly increased disposition and better prices - or, if I went and joined another guild at this point, advicing me to not expect any special treatment and that I'd have to start from the bottom like everyone else.


    Also, if I were a high-ranking Redoran retainer going to talk to some Hlaalu bunch, it actually doesn't make much sense for them to throw dirt at me, talk condescendedly, and refuse services - as much as you hate the other guy, that's just really poor diplomacy and can have heavy consequences. Rather, I'd imagine their disposition to be increased close to as much as my own faction's - but it'd be the grudging, reluctant, and highly sarcastic sort, with a lot more veiled insults and clever wordplay rather than a simple "Bugger off, Redoran".


    Besides being able to only join one house, some more restrictions on joining would be sensible as well: with such deep hatred going on, it would make extremely little sense for a character to be a member of - or in charge of! - both the Mages Guild and House Telvanni at the same time - and nearly as little sense for them to belong to the Tribunal Temple together with either Imperial Cult or the Mages Guild. Hell, the three houses don't hate each other as much as those guys do!


    Finally, assassinations: king Hlaalu Helseth wouldn't be the only one wanting you dead as your deeds and reputation grow. Once you're in charge of a faction, expect to start having to dodge knives every now and then, especially in the territory of factions that hate yours. The more factions you're in charge of or highly ranked in, the more there will be assassins - up until the point where you cross a certain line, like four or five factions, at which point they suddenly stop: you'll be considered to have gathered far too much power for yourself, and become too indispensable to the political field of Vvardenfell, to be simply removed from play without massive backlash and unintended political disaster. Vetinari Job Security, if you will.


    (And if you're also a part of Morag Tong, there could be a humorous scene where you're ordered to assassinate yourself. Or at least warned about an impending assassination, if you're of high enough rank.)




    Then there's the racism, as I already mentioned. You'd think it would be a pretty large part of the game, but it hardly shows up at all. At the very least, I'd expect a heavy disposition decrease if I happen to be of the wrong race, including racial slurs and other verbal dirt being thrown at me, and price increases or even outright refusal of services. Likewise, I find it a little funny that an orc or a khajiit or whatever can just go ahead and become the Telvanni Archmagister without anyone batting an eye: you'd think there would be at least some complications in the matter, having to raise the promoter's disposition really high, etc.


    The dunmer, this being their land, would likely be more or less neutral to their own kind, but feel prejudiced to some extent towards just about everyone else - argonians and khajiiti especially are going to have a hard time dealing with them. With the other races it'd be the opposite: they would not care about seeing another dark elf in their shop, but another member of their own race would, in this strange and foreign land, always receive a little disposition bonus. Then you'd add up some more specific guidelines - bretons and redguards don't really like each other much, just about everyone hates orcs, etc. - and you're starting to get a reasonably complicated racial system.


    Some people would have their own unique preferences - Crassius Curio, for instance, wouldn't mind at all what race you are, sweetie - and in some situations there'd be some more unique dialogue or situations depending on your race: for instance, why wouldn't absolutely anyone care if the Nerevarine is supposed to be a dirty thieving khaiit? You'd think a lot of people might oppose to that. Why don't the dunmer harassing Huleeya find anything strange about you being an argonian yourself, maybe start bullying you as well? (If it's a female argonian, at that, then I want to be able to answer positively to their question of wanting to kiss him.) And you'd think if you were playing an orc, then at least Caius Cosades would be decent enough to add a "No offense" when he's talking about Sharn gra-Muzgob and saying she's pretty smart for an orc. I could come up with dozens of this sort of things.




    I can play and love the game just fine even not considering any of this stuff, but it does sometimes rather bother me: for such a high-immersive, heavily-modded game as Morrowind, this sort of flaws become particularly glaring.

  11. I just drank a potion of Sujamma in order to fortify my strength score and drain my intelligence, making sure the Bittercup would make me stronger and dumber (I'm playing a pure fighter type, no magic). So, when you think about it, the Cup sort of just made the effects of the alcohol permanent, at least partially so: my character is now forever at the very least a little bit tipsy, an endless stream of alcohol fueling his strength and dulling his intellect.


    That got me thinking: what if, instead of just improving your best stat by 20 points and decreasing your worst by the same amount, you'd pour an alcoholic beverage of your choice from your inventory into the initially empty Bittercup, and upon drinking it the Cup's enchantment will make the effects permanent on you? I feel that this would be an exciting alternative, somewhat lore-friendly, and make for intriguing roleplaying opportunities and allow you to be eternally drunk.


    Flin and Cyrodiilic Brandy, having only bonuses with no penalties, would probably make for the best choice of drink. If you don't mind the absolutely massive intelligence penalty (and have probably modded out the hard limit of 100-point maximum), you can put in some Sujamma instead to get a pretty monstrous increase in strength. Skooma would be the only way to improve speed - and probably make for some truly interesting roleplaying opportunities - and if you're foolish enough to pour in Anciend Dagoth Brandy, which of course grants no bonuses whatsoever, the artifact gives you 20 luck instead for being a truly insane bastard. Why would you even drink a whole bottle of four-millennia-old horrifyingly corrupted and probably outright poisonous alcohol? Man, you're crazy, here, you're gonna need all the luck you can get out there to survive.


    The only drawback would be that there wouldn't be a way to increase personality or intelligence anymore.

  12. My game crashes disproportionately often when using quicksaves, and now even on normal saves that I delete each time I save again. It really starts to look like the whole thing has turned bad, and time for a reinstall.


    Still, that's all I know about the issue. I know that it's probably a corrupted master file, but I have no idea what that actually means, or what causes it. Is there anything I can do the next time to prevent this sort of thing, or is it just the matter of stars being right?

  13. As usual with Oblivion's more unlikeable design choices, you can just mod it out if it bothers you. Deadly Reflex and a bunch of other mods are available to add to its power.


    And honestly, bows aren't that much worse than melee weapons: basically everything becomes ridiculously weak in unmodded Oblivion at higher levels, except maybe magic.

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