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Nexus Mods Profile

About RazorKnight

  1. Both have good and bad points, and just like Fallout 3 didn't make me stop playing (or liking) Oblivion, FONV won't make me stop playing FO3. Once the rush of the new mods wears down (because the rush of the game itself wore out a while ago,) I'll probably be back to killing Talon Company morons in FO3 for a long while. Good points of NV: Incorporating a lot of mods that were already in FO3 into the game itself. Bad points: Mr. New Vegas. The loser just keeps on repeating the same news. Makes me miss Three Dog, the guy I used to toss grenades at... But at least the FO3 dude had some different news now and then and actually seemed to pay attention to what sidequests/main quest bits you were completing and how you solved them. And RNV is actually the best radio station. Yeah. Haven't had any radio on in the game for a month now (whereas I still tend to leave GNR on when I play FO3.) Also, stuff like Malcolm "Bottlecap Ninja" Holmes, Hardcore not being very hardcore, some NPCs being voiced by doped robots (Benny's "hello" is a very good show of that,) and not having a clue on what sidequests you have to do and where .Three Dog did a lot of help for that in FO3. In here? It usually goes like this: Me: *Kills random Legion dude.* Game: YOU FAIL QUEST! Also, they hate you more now. Me: I totally knew some random shmuck that started shooting me out of the blue would be a part of a quest. My bad! Really! Also, you suck at quest hinting.
  2. There's a mod that lets you use almost anything to repair almost anything. And there's mods to make weapons and armor unbreakable. Choose your favorite flavor. Weapon downgrading is actually pretty realistic when you consider the game's set in a fast-forwards time scale for most other things. You're complaining about 102 shots wearing out a gun, but don't mind thirty minutes days, or being able to carry fifty kilos of random stuff on your back without breaking a sweat? Or being able to go on for several days, under the hot sun, without sleeping, drinking or eating, and not die from it?
  3. Ah, ol'Malcom. He's creepy but an amusing sort of creepy. I remember doing the "stalk around Nightkins in the basement" quest (Come Fly with Me) and I was being extra careful not to be notice and then suddenly, *Bam* crazy bottlecap dude shows up out of nowhere. In one game, I found his corpse in the DC spawn in the quarry. Guess DCs don't like crazy bottlecap guys.
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