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About Theomniadept

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  1. Sybille Stentor gave me the quest Kill the Vampire some time ago. Quest is simple; go into Pinemoon Cave, kill vampires, happy times for all. Then the Dawnguard Gunmar gave me the Quest Cleansing Light. This was a considerable amount of time later. The location? Pinemoon. I looked for the quest from Sybille....but it wasn't in my log. I completed it anyway and reported to her but she had no dialogue options about the quest. I used getstage, find out it's at 0. Setstage isn't affecting the quest. Is this a bug or what? How come this quest is just....gone?
  2. I know I'm new at the forums but I've done a bit of modding on games before. I wanted to originally download the Dragon Age Rules Fixpack, then the Just Another Fixpack mods. The reason one then the other? Every time I would click on a download server the site would start to prepare it, then the download would fail. I tried 5 servers for both of these fixpacks and none of them work. Are these mods dead or something or is this a problem on my end or the site's end?
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