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Everything posted by PleaseHelpMeWithThis

  1. So i was wondering if anyone could do a retexture of Mr.House using THIS picture. I have attached a picture of how i envision it (Used MS paint lol). :happy:
  2. Omg, thank you so much flamenx01. :woot: Always wanted to use this mod, but my one gripe with it was that it used the old Enclave textures. :smile:
  3. Lol. TheLizardLord asks for a retexture/remake of Brotherhood Salvage the Enclave for Fallout 3. I think he asked in both forums for more "publicity" with his idea. Luckily flamenx01 on the Fo3 mod request forum have already begun working on this. Link
  4. I don't know whats planned for this mod, but what i would like is to get a pro-legion side to this DLC. Instead of helping Joshua or just killing him, it would be neat to have a campaign that start with being sent by Vulpes to help the White Legs.
  5. Id personally have him say: "You might want to moderate your tone when talking to me. Last human that insulted me "something less explicit". Maybe someting like "came to regret it". You can then ask him to explain, and he give you the details. "Well, f*** you too!": Don't think it fit in. (IMO ofc) "Youre a brave one.": Is much better. All the other dialogue is perfect. :thumbsup:
  6. Yeah, i would think the most likley for the character would be that he was part of the super mutants who tried to make peace with the humans. Also i would like him to be one of the "prime normals" who got turned into a super mutant (Basically, hes one of the smart ones). Him being a sergeant in the masters army, and later be able to rise to the rank of a NCR ranger would be a pretty good explaination why he is so patriotic towards the NCR. I would love to have some sort of refrence to Lieutenant Lou (SM from Fallout 1) in Chauncey's dialogue. Also maybe he's hoping to recruit some SM's from Jacobstown. Edit: Fix spelling later @ PC (On my phone atm)
  7. Thanks Devin and tDJ, in terms of conversation options, i would like them to bring forth some attributes he have (Patriotic and that he's determined, but that he still can be quite funny at times. If you have played Dragon Age, think of Sten for example.)
  8. Could someone make a mod that restores Ranger Chauncey to the game? Info Here. Although dialogue options with him would be nice, its absolutely not a must. All i want is him to be at Ranger station Foxtrot and have a daily "routine" (Walk around, eat etc) Some mods that may help with assets, KORs Lily-NCR, ST Terrible Super Mutants, Supermutant Upgrades.
  9. Will be at service with ideas and testing. Looking forward to have more Legion content. :smile:
  10. He's not human in the game because you can't access the Long 15 without nuking it so.... And as devin said, just slap any generic human face on him. Also, i think there is no offical image of him in "human form". Maybe just a fan picture?
  11. And is Long 15 destroyed? and many ghouls/marked men around?... Sorry I thought you meant he turns a Mark Man after the nuking. Derp. Wait, what?? He's human before you nuke the Long 15 (Don't think a normal ghoul can transform into a Marked Man). When you nuke the Long 15, everything's destroyed and he becomes a Marked Man by the radiation.
  12. And is Long 15 destroyed? and many ghouls/marked men around?...
  13. I think he's a ghoul isn't he? Well maybe Lucia could do some of her NPC magic and make a credible human face that resembles the wiki. I'm not completely ruling out the Long 15, it just might be more trouble than it's worth. Might be easier to make a new worldspace. I'll just have to look it over to be sure. I didn't nuke the NCR so I don't really have any first hand experience with it. In game he is a Marked Man, which are different than Ghouls. In the Wiki it also states he's a marked man. Personally I don't know the difference other than their skin is different but it has been a while since I've played Lonesome Road. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Royez He's human and if you nuke him he become a "Marked Man" which is another sort of ghoul.
  14. Re-My Legion Mod 1. Love and appreciate the work you guys are putting into making "Viva New Vegas" a reality. 2. About the "alien side quest aka deus ex machina"(I have no experience about scripting): If you were going to do a separate mini-world/setting set after Legion ending, imo it would have been nice to go back to the Mojave anytime, and doing both a new world space and alter Mojave (even if it is based on the base mod) would be huge. So I was thinking (Similar how you start "Old World Blues") you could teleport back to the Mojave without making it "Pro-Legion". (Spare development time) Hence why I came up with the "Alien device alternative universe thingy" to explain why the Mojave hasn't changed. I know it was "cheap", but was only trying to help the development team/spare time. Why i want a new world space/setting for Legion? Imo, it would be better for the Legion ending, than ex Independent where you can "build" your own nation/rebuild Mojave. 3. Pro-Legion Honest Hearts: As devin said, imo, I think it would be better (if it was made) that it would be its own mod. 4. Dead Money Elijah Ending: I see what u mean devin, I just mentioned it so you guys could consider it. Thought the idea was interesting.
  15. First of all, the mission orders would have been given to the courier by Caesar (Lanius can become the new Caesar) himself in secret, he would have then assigned you a skilled Frumentarii to help you achieve victory. You wouldn't see this, it's between the ending and when the mod starts. Also the mod makers themself said that they would rather make a new world space for post legion ending than alter Mojave, so thats why i requested a new world space. 1: Alien technology, what lore is there to say this is "breaking" anything? It is a "Deus ex machina" 2: The purpose of this is only to travel back to the Mojave for whatever reason. (Without altering the whole Mojave in terms of a Legion victory) 3: Disable fast travel in this new zone, Enter alien thingy, fast travel you to mojave before hoover dam battle with no main quest. All post game mods do this (Disable main quest after endings)
  16. Legion version of this mod: Set after Caesar takes New Vegas and Hoover Dam with your help, Caesar makes a coin in your image and promote you to his "right hand"/new position (No military command ex Legate, just a new title exclusive to the courier ("Mean Motherfu***r" lol) that demands respect within the Legion. Shocking the Legion soldiers if you play as a female and met with contempt from some. Mod Begins* After the ending, you start in a new world space/area. (Separate from New Vegas) Your courier have been ordered to perform a mission with utmost importance, to stack the cards in the Legion's favor for the coming war with the NCR. With the help of a new Frumentarii companion, you undertake to sabotage NCR operations in this new area and to "recruit" tribes/different factions. Why the Legion would want to take this area can depend on whatever you guys (the team) want it to be (Trade route, Weapon/Armor stockpiles, "Secret Weapon", Resources ex Slaves etc.) You find an alien device as a side quest (Play wild wasteland theme) that can teleport you back in time/sending you to a alternative universe. Sending you back before the battle for hoover dam, but because you've already completed the main mission, you can't start "veni vidi vici" again or any main quest ex Yes man path. This is so you can complete any new mods/dlc/quest that you haven't already done. If you want back to the new world space, the teleporter is somewhere in the Mojave. Please tell me what you guys think. (Horrible fanfiction lol?) Honest Hearts DLC: Needs to be modified to be able to help the White Legs (Get quest from Vulpes, go with Happy Trails, they die, the white legs recognize you, talk with Salt-Upon-Wounds/his second in command, get quests to help WL to wipe out Joshua/Daniel/Dead Horses/Sorrows. After doing this, talking to Vulpes, he will say that after Hoover Dam Caesar will reward the player for his/her service (See idea above). Dead Money DLC: WotansGlory made this excellent mod which lets you play after siding with Elijah, id like to expand on this concept. Also about the post-hoover legion victory mod that you are currently making, imo i think you should scrap that version. Make the House/NCR/Independent version. Then maybe a legion mod in a new world space, then expand on the dlcs.
  17. Sorry for late reply, in terms of the Legion ending, I see where you are coming from. Just sad that there is no Legion plans in the foreseeable future. Would be interesting to get a new world space after Legion Ending (Maybe become a Frumentarii and help CL conquer some new area/ go west to infiltrate and sabotage.
  18. STORY SPOILERS Anyone who can make a mod that makes the Enclave faction friendly to the player after/during "The American Dream"? (Maybe make them hostile again when you begin "Take it Back!", because you fight Autumns troops on that quest.) The second request is a mod that block Broken Steel from beginning(Normal Ending(s) again), because i want to keep the items, perks, extra level cap etc from Broken Steel but want the FEV ending to be my "canon" one without broken steel starting. Or tell me how i can do this with the GECK/console commands. Edit: Anyway to remove the negative karma gain from inserting the FEV?
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