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About AlyLovelace

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    FFXIV, Skyrim AE/FO4 (Modding)
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  1. I would think such (or something similar) is possible in Fallout 4 as it is in Skyrim (EVG Animated Traversal: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/63232?tab=description); doing such wouldn't work the same as those games. You'd have to add animation prompt markers throughout the Commonwealth. Which I would presume would need patching with practically all location mods. Also, I don't think Skyrim has precombines, so that might be an additional issue. That said, parkour would be rather neat (especially with some of the location stuff I want to do), though far outside my range of experience modding wise.
  2. Ooh, thanks for the info! I typically don't dabble too much with animations (aside from picking out what I want to use in my LO) so it's definitely helpful. Thanks again!
  3. As the title states, is there a way to set a weapon up so that one can switch between animations, such as if you had two anims for a knife or similar? Cyberout Animatons for Vanilla Swords does this for example, and while I can slowly dissect cyberout to see what they do to set up their anims and whatnot it'd be lovely if there happened to be a guide (I didn't have any luck finding one) or someone could just detail it for me and save me who knows how long tinkering with XEdit. Want to set up some anim stuff, then if I can get it working see if through OMOD trickery I can get some combat variation going (though that'd most likely be down the line and after I get a few other projects wrapped up). Thank you, A.
  4. The interface can read the Condition HasPerk so the item is visible but greyed out. To hide the item completely, use GetGlobalValue instead: Condition: GetGlobalValue Paramater 1, Global: TrueGlobal Run on: Subject Comprasion: == Value: 0 Hmm, Nexus seems to only like giving me notifs part of the time, and I just stumbled across this. >.> Globals will in fact do exactly what I want, thank you both for the help!
  5. Yeah, I've figured out the death item bit, but am stuck on making it so that the items don't show in the crafting menu. As right now they're simply greyed out, like most items you don't have the resources and/or perks for. Is there a specific condition that I'm missing or something? For example, if the condition is the player has a perk, the game will still show that item, it just won't let you craft it (IE weapon mods, items in the chemistry bench, and so on). Thus, if the check is whether or not hey have the crafting schematic (Say for a unique katana) what stops that Katana from showing up in the crafting workbench? For example: {Reference}.HasBeenRead = 1 for a condition makes it require said blueprint. ^Blueprint However unless I'm overlooking something it doesn't actually hide the recipe itself.
  6. Hello, eternally overhauling my mod list and am working on a relatively "small" mod (for my own use, due to assets involved, yada yada) that distributes unique weapons (such as some of the unique skins for many mod released weapons) to important NPC's/named bosses throughout the game. I want to hide these weapons from the crafting menu until the player meets the requirements for them (I know I could just ignore them until I meet the conditions, but I would prefer this, not to mention it leaves a little "surprise" for my gf). I intend on modifying death items so that NPC's drop a schematic on death, but don't know how to actually hide the item from the workbench until it's gained. Did it in FO:NV but can't remember how, or even if it's the same. Thank you!
  7. Awesome, thank you! Huh... I've never heard of anyone running a BA2 that large... Interesting. E: Does the game load your BA2 without issues?
  8. Been working on a decent size mod merge for some of the armor and clothing mods I use (along with tying it all to use Armorsmith and whatnot, LL integrations, pointing missing meshes to a different outfit for those only allowed on a single gender, and so on), and was considering making archives for the mod resources as I'm told it speeds up things for larger mods. While working on this I ran into a couple questions, primarily what is the max size for a BA2? I've seen anywhere from 2-3.5 GB but would appreciate a more precise number (also, is this before or after archiving?). Also, the naming convention for BA2's, if the ESP is "AB-ArmorMerge-1" would the BA2's be named AB-ArmorMerge-1 - Textures, Ab-ArmorMerge-1 - Textures 2 and so on? From what I read I think this is correct, but better safe than sorry and all that. And now, the obligatory "this is for my own use" statement.
  9. Hello All, I'm having a rather peculiar issue, I was just thinking I had gotten the hang of utilizing the Merger, however now whenever I use it upon launching the game I get the following four Compilation errors: Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\r4player.ws(32): Unknown type 'CAHW' for property 'AHW'.Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\r4player.ws(216): Unknown type 'CNCV' for property 'NCV'.Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\r4player.ws(358): Unknown type 'KeybindArdHood' for property 'ArdHoodBound'.Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(26): Unknown type 'CWPI' for property 'WPI'. The first issue is related to auto hide weapons, the second to Natural Cat Vision, and the last to wearable pocket items. I'm unsure where the third issue comes from. At one point I had these working perfectly fine (I had used Vortex initially but something tweaked out and duplicated my mods so I switched to W3MM) so am completely lost as to what the issue could be. Thanks for any help!
  10. So, I've been tinkering with my mod list (and more-so my massive Armory merge mod, for personal use (Contains numerous assets, blah de blah, it's a merge)), and when I finish making recipes, adjusting stats, and level list stuff am going to take a crack at how I want to modify the economy. I'll be using economy overhaul as a base then modifying it to my personal tastes. Now, onto my request. Would it be possible to make a mod where NPC's collect the items on fallen foes? So for example, if a traveling Caravanner kills a Raider they'll take the raider's gear, perhaps adding it to the stock they sell? I know such would most likely require scripting, which is something I'm... Less than proficient at. However, I'm pretty sure that it is possible, I just don't have the knowledge to do it myself (yet).
  11. Yeah, eventually I'm going to be making a BSA for the merge(s), but until I get it fully set up am intending to keep it to loose files (simply easier on my end at the mome and all). Thanks for the clear answer! Now, on a side note, Can you load more than one texture BSA with a mod? I don't think I will need to do this, but would like to know in case. So for example, if the ESP were AB-ArmoryMerge.esp would it follow the same formatting as the base game? Ex: AB-ArmoryMerge - Textures.bsa and AB-ArmoryMerge - Textures2.Bsa
  12. Hello all, Just a quick question, but if I were to unpack BSA's from mods in order to more easily merge them (the mods I'm currently intending to merge are Slice of Life and Armored Bounty Hunter Duster) do I have to worry about any adverse side affects? Or can I simply extract the archive and the mod work normally? I tried searching, but most that I could find were discussing the BSA's of the base game, not those of mods, but mentioned things like hair and headgear not working properly so want to ensure it's something just related to the base game and not all BSA Archives which have headgear and/or hair.
  13. The glowing ghoul uses a "reanimate" effect (Specifically: GlowingOneReanimate), which does point out that one could use some sort of heal with an area on an NPC, which I did know... Looking within the conditions for effects, there's a setting "IsHostileToActor" which should be of use for determining whether one should be affected by the aura in question... They also have a ModifyValue (Health) for healing (a change from Oblivion which was part of my issue). So... IsHostileToActor = 0 Should grab non-hostiles (seemingly as close as I'll get), then ModifyValue = Health sets it up. Which is pretty much what I want, I think. Need to test and play with it, but looking along the lines of the ghoul definitely worked, thanks! Now, time to see if I can put it on some sort of timer so that it isn't simply continuous healing (which isn't strictly necessary, simply for my own pleasure/getting to know the CK better). Edit: Toying with faction checks might work as well, and be a touch more specific as well. If you're trying to go damage dealing, wouldn't the damage effect be of more use? You could set the damage type there, and so forth, and I know at least in the magic "effect" portion (not sure how it works once it gets to an enchantment) you can set areas etc. Thrown on IsHostileToActor, whoever wore it would do damage to hostiles in the area (hostile to them, not all hostiles), unless I'm mistaken. Doesn't hit a player only angle (unless you stop NPC's from accessing the armor piece you tie the enchantment to, etc) though.
  14. So, I was looking around, and while I found a few things that did a similar idea to what I had in mind (and yes, I know self-healing armor is rather easy), nothing that could quite be adapted, or at least, not with my limited knowledge of the CK and Scripting... Unless I've had yet another ditz moment and there's an "enchantment" for this already, so, onto my query: Is it possible to have armor pieces with "aura" effects? For example, if I made a gunner "medic" enemy type, could I do an enchantment on the armor that would only heal allies (within X feet)? (So, other gunners, or if taken from the corpse and put on a settler, other settlers, etc, etc), or other enemy types, such as a "spotter" affecting accuracy (with NPC's accuracy not needed, simply an example). Goal here is to stimulate tactical "squads" through subtle dynamics/equipment modifications that shouldn't conflict with other mods (LL Injection), and still play well (Debatably, numbers would obviously have to be fiddled with and tested).
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