Game is set in Boston, confirmed due to the landmarks we see in the trailer. The prologue of the game is probably you and your family escaping from your home to the vault based on what we saw in the trailer. our Character will be voiced by troy baker. Also remember the Fallout 4 document leak way back at the end of 2013 ? ---> The trailer basically confirmes that this leak was real. based on what we see in the back, left of the power armour display , weapons will be way more customizeable. with different stocks, barrels and more. the rifle the vault 111 dweller is carrying wich can be seen here shows that there will undoubtely be more makeshift weapons simillar to the rock-it! launcher and dart gun and railway rifle. Honestly im excited beyond belief and i can't wait until their E3 conference on june 14th where we will see way more.