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About SuckMyCatgirl

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  1. Yea, learn how to user Vortex, because with Vortex you don't have to do that "Install this mod first, so the next mod you install overwrites the first mod's files", because that's not a thing anymore, it was only a problem in the old and unsupported NMM. With Vortex you can install all 20 mods, and then, Vortex will say "Hey, you have a conflict with Mod A (Xp32 skeleton) , and Mod B (some other mod that has skeleton files in it), it seems that Mod B is overwriting some of MOD A's files" Now, you can click on the Lightning bolt next to either Mod A or Mod B, and click SHOW and it will bring you to the screen where you can tell Vortex to load MOD A (Xp32 Skeleton), AFTER MOD B, and Vortex will automatically shift the files around, and restore any overwritten files, and overwrite the correct ones, in the order you told Vortex to load them Rule of thumb: Any Mod that you tell vortex to LOAD AFTER another Mod, will overwrite the other Mod's Files. In the example I gave, changing Xp32 to LOAD AFTER Mod B, is the same thing as Installing XP32 LAST, so it overwrites the other files, files I have 381 mods installed for Skyrim SE, my usual Installation process is, I download everything first. Then I install each mod as I download them, without bothering about which mod installs before which other mod, because I know i can just fix that with Vortex. Then, when I'm done, Vortex will let me know which mods are conflicting with each other, and I tell it to show me what conflicts there are, and for the most part Vortex will even suggest which mod should load BEFORE or AFTER a mod. (Word of advice, try and stick with making LOAD AFTER rules, Vortex will automatically fill in the LOAD BEFORE rules when you make the LOAD AFTER rules) If you stick with only making one rule type, then it's easier to remember, just make sure that the LOAD AFTER rules you make, are only for Mods you definitely want to LOAD AFTER another Mod. The important thing is to LOSE the Bad Habits that NMM has taught you, and completely relearn how Vortex handles things, because too many people come in here after trying to force Vortex to be NMM, and get angry, rant a bit then leave. THANK YOU GOD Oh my god I was fearing the hours I'd have to set aside for this... Tyvm, very super helpful <3
  2. So, normally there's a procedure I follow with installing mods, especially around the janky-ness that can be the relationship between XP32's skeleton and various mods. I install them in a very specific order so it overwrites the skeleton and in other cases, certain aspects carefully and properly. I've never used vortex for this though, and it seems to be telling me I can ctrl+click and select multiple items to be installed all at once. Obviously this is just a monke brain who barely understands enough to successfully install mods the right way, but if I did that with the xp32 skeleton and I'm gonna say 20-30 other mods, would vortex just "figure it out" and install everything the right way, or would it just go down the line sequentially from top to bottom? Which would f*** up everything. Any ideas? Edit: Oops, forgot to mention I'm talking about skyrim. Also the only reason I'm asking this is because it seems to be suggesting it would, or at least I'm gathering it might. Especially since it has suggestions on what should load before and after during mod conflicts.
  3. Nevermind! I found it. You were completely right about it being named some random bull. It's "DLC03PipeEndCap01." Thank you :3
  4. Thank you for replying, first of all. I am looking for an object in the object trees, yes. But how I did it was, I clicked the item in the actual game while the console was open, which gave me it's form ID (I think), then sifted through the "*All" tree while it was sorted by form ID, and I couldn't seem to find that particular one. The particular item that interested me and started this whole deal is a valve found in the south sewers that juts out of the wall, fixed to a dome-shaped, um... "Thing." The ID the console gave me was "0016a0cb." Also, I just realized I'm an uber idiot and didn't visit the cell in the geck, which I could have done to find the exact object it is. I'll do that now.
  5. There's a bulkhead in the sewers that would fit really well on a spaceship. I want to access it in the geck, but I couldn't find a name on it so I looked up the form ID and it doesn't seem to present... I have used the "Busemultibounds=1/0" and it doesn't seem to work for this particular thing. But then I noticed that pretty much every scenery object in the sewers has the same issue, and I'm guessing it's the same in other cells as well... I want to use those pipes as well, and I know I'll want to use other unique world objects like the pillars in the middle of the rooms in there but I can't access them in the geck. I'm really just looking for a way I can change some settings to make those objects available for use, or, if not, I want to know if I can create my own item by finding the texture and physical mapping(or whatever it's called) from the original file somewhere the game data folder.
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