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About HellLizard

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  1. In response to post #24743829. #24743944 is also a reply to the same post. I'm guessing that is sarcasm (something I don't recognize well sorry) but if you look for SecuROM it is clearly stated as DRM immediately
  2. Oblivion did't have DRM? ok then what was Securom, because when my PC died with it still installed it would not let me reinstall on the new PC so I had to go buy another copy of Oblivion GOTY
  3. Sorry to resurrect an old topic but I've encountered a bug I previously mentioned before about the unlimited rings and amulets (which does allow stacking of multiple enchantments) and I had no idea where to post it so sorry about that, don't bite my head off please just calmly tell me where to repost this if I was wrong, thank you. Anyway the bug only seems to affect the Argonian race, although I did not try the Khajiit race so it may be for them as all, what happens is that you can equip an amulet and or a ring and it equips and gives you the enchantment effect but no visible model shows for apparel, and you can then equip 2 or more amulets and rings and get their enchantments along with the 1st amulet's enchantment. Not really a game-breaking bug but still an annoying one that tempts you to exploit you know. This happened right after the patch hit and I don't recall installing any new mods right before then which was literally a crash between 1.7 to 1.8. (In other words I was playing still on 1.7 then CTDed, and then wham it updates before I can relaunch it) I have not seen a fix for this anywhere nor do I know what changed to fix it myself, if there is one could someone kindly direct me to it, thank you. Also if this has already been mentioned somewhere I apologize, I must have overlooked it sorry.
  4. Had that swinging animation problem too, some how fixed it with FNIS 3.3 (I think it was in the optional section) and making sure Gender specific animations were not being used when running the generate tool Have not tried a mounted animations yet so I can't vouch for that all I can say is give that a try and use PCEA for your gender specific patch although you will need to do some tweaking to the esp so that one gender per race uses the PCEA animation path instead
  5. Nice find Drazhen, that trick does indeed work, or at least it did for me, both map and world markers are visible again. only had to delete/remove map.swf thanks friend :)
  6. Markers are gone for me as well, also anyone noticing enchanted amulets no longer taking up a slot and you can use multiple ones, example I can use both a Minor Blocking and Resist Frost amulet at the same time and I'm fairly certain I could not a few minutes ago and I have not installed a mod like the old Oblivion Umlimited Amulets and Rings
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