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About BlixoWW

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  1. Okay thank you I understang all of it =) But i think I have the answer but I will ask you: I was thinking about somthing what is included inside the esp file ? I know that voices, scripts and meshes are in dedicated folders. But what about all my custom npc, dialogue, quests and the objects I placed in the game. Are they referenced in my esp file ?
  2. Yes thx I succeeded now I have all my objective ! it's perfect. just another litle thing do you know how to pack up all you file to make your .rar mod file ?
  3. Hi everyone, I stille have a problem on making my objective corectly I make an objective in the quest window, in game the objective and the quest show with the fragment: setobjectivedisplayed(10) I want to target a npc on the map. I created an alias with unique actor: JACK, and I dont understand why jack is not pointed on the map to show the objective location. I think I make mistakes, do you know what I need to to to make things work ? =) Thank you very much !!!
  4. I fixed the problem ! I am redoing the quest entierly step by step and for the moment it works ysolda send me to talk to jack and jack answer correctly. I will keep you in touch if I have other problems. Thank you very much you really helped me !
  5. I still dont know why but my quest with ysolda does not work. I started the dialogue within the quest DialogueWhiterun and the ysolda topic. I did the first part of my quest there. after the dial line i use the script fragment: Myquest.setstage(10) --> stage 10 is the starting stage of my quest. So I see the objective and the quest apear. It says: go talk to Jack (a custom npc) And I go to jack but the dialogue I expect to see doesn"t show
  6. It is working I run a from a blank save. I make a new save and load it and I can have my dialogues
  7. I have all my sound for my voices in the edit responses. All savein the voice folder. I can see that they are saved with the Y in the column. I still cant fix it There is really no sense I tried to uninstall all the mod without mine. I rectreated a blanck save without any trace of my mod. I dont understand but when I load my mod from a 'blank' save all my npc apear but I cant talk with any of my cutom npc. But when i load a save with my mod, I can talk to npc but I dont see the dialogue I want. I also tried to create a new line of dialogue within a new quest just for test. It doesn't work either There is really no sense
  8. Yes I have all the voices inside the folder with my custom created voice for my custom npc AND for ysolda have by default the femaleyoungeager I have also voices inside this folder too.
  9. In addition to that I tried to create a single line of dialogue on whith getisid on Ysolda. I generated a SEQ files after to be shure. ANd then I started skyrim and the dialogue line doesn't apeared. I thing my problem is about this seq file generation. The thing doesn't work well. Or maybe I am wrong. I dont know what to think I tried everything to fix this but I cant find the source of the problem
  10. the quest is start game enabled, I created a seq files, Before no but now I tested it in a old save without my mod and the dialogue to start the quest doesn't apear. I had the same issue I try creating a quest using Ysolda as start NPC and in the game she nevers proposed me my custom dialogue. And all with the seq file. I display my objective and I complete it using the script commands into the papyrus fragment of my stages. - the quest stage are being set by the end papyrus fragment in the dialogue topic - The quest is start game enable but the dialogue to start it doesn't apear, I created a SEQ file but doesn't work either - I made my stage 0 start up stage and my stage 60 end stage When I create a SEQ file and start the game after, the dialogue doesn't work I don't understand Do you know other thing I could check for making things works Thank you very much !
  11. Hello I made quest objective with the right aliases that target a custom npc. But it doesnt works in game. Do you know why ?
  12. You seems good in dialogue creation. I am creating my third quest that start with talking to ysolda. But I made all things right, when i talk to her the dialogue dont apear. I recorded all the audio, made all dialogues, getis id of the right actor ... I do not figure out what is going wrong. Someone knows how to fix it ?
  13. I am also facing a problem while trying to add dialogues to an existing NPC. I done all my dial, record, stages, aliases, and objectives well. But when I talk to Ysolda for the 1rst time my custom dialogue doesn't apear. Do someone know about this issue ?
  14. Oh thank you so much I used Mandy2.Enable() and Mandy2.Disable() with a actor property it worked well ! I have another problem, I made objective on my quest with a target on a alias NPC but the objective doesnt show on the map... I dont find the way to fix it
  15. Hello I need help for a mod I am creating, I need to spawn a NPC at the Riverwood Sleeping Giant Inn after finishing a dialogue. I tried to use Aliases but I am lost under all these informations. I think I need to trigger a script in the end fragment but I dont find the right function to use. DO you have an idea ? Thank you very much all !
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