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About Celt331

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  1. Minutemen Radiant Squads lets you assign up to three squads to take care of all those quests that Preston sends you. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44355
  2. The Artillery adds to your settlement's overall defense but I would like to see it actually used when a settlement comes under attack. If someone is assigned to the gun then they should use it.
  3. There is a mod that adds dirt and blood to your character, which accumulates over time and can be washed off by swimming or bathing. What I would love to see is an equipable military face paint that starts to come off over time or can be washed off when you bathe.
  4. There is a mod that adds dirt and blood to your character, which accumulates over time and can be washed off by swimming or bathing. What I would love to see is an equitable military face paint that starts to come off over time or can be washed off when you bathe.
  5. There a few mods out there that add prosthetic arm and legs, however you are limited to only a few clothing/armor pieces that can be worn. Would it be possible to add and make them part of the body instead of being worn, so now they become a true part of the player much the way a scar of tattoo is?
  6. Can anyone help in finding this camo netting mod and possibly, whatever mod changes the netting camo pattern in the Sandbag fortifications mod?
  7. A set of guard mats that are set down in a sequence that an assigned NPC will walk and/or run to each point until reaching the end then either turning around and going back the way they came, or have the final mat send NPC straight to the beginning to start again.
  8. The basic question here is can a prosthetic limb be made that is added to the players character like a tattoo and not a piece of armor, this way you are not limited to what the player is wearing. The same would go for something like an eyepatch, that gets automaticlly removed for say goggles or a helmet with a mask of some kind.
  9. Basiclly a Vertibird that can fly to any marker on the map including a custume marker. Once there it hovers and you can jump out using a jetpack to desend, since there are no parachutes.
  10. I too would love to see more prosthetic limbs but the one thing I've always wondered is if they can be added as an overlay like a tattoo so that it doesn't matter what you are wearing.
  11. Ok apparently people are more worried about how lore friendly it is, fine, the Minutemen are a militia group, militias recruite and train, many having their own form of basic training, even if you a veteran. And just saying, why is it lore friendly that Nora, a former lawer, would be able to train troops she was not a combat veteran.
  12. Want to join the Brotherhood, or any faction really, how about they first send you to a location to do some sort of basic training like a real military would do.
  13. We have follower mods, quest mods, and mods that change what happens when you die, but I would like to see one that combines all of this. A simple quest give by a M.A.S.H hospital Comander to locate and resque the crew of a downed vertibird. Sadly only one, near death survivor remains, the field medic. Now you call in a medivac vertibird for him and upon return your quest rewards would be. The field medic as a custom follower, and instead reloading a prior save if you die the medic calls for you to be medivaced out. (possibly with a small, skippable cut scene) The medivac brings you to possibly the custom location with the M.A.S.H unit you originally started the quest with or to a settlement you build up with M.A.S.H unit themed workshop items. Waking up on a hospital gurney that can also work like a Looks Menue surgical station. And one extra bonus, although I’m not sure that it can be done, a few prothetic limbs added, through looks menu, that act like tattoo overlays instead of clothing or armor pieces, so that they can stay with you no matter what you are wearing.
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