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About GlitchGirl

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    Eh, whatever I really am enjoying playing at the time :) Though I do enjoy Deus Ex from ages past, and a few other more, "retro" games.

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  1. Ah, I see.. well this is a relief. I am now able to join chat. Thank you very much :)
  2. I've been wishing to eventually get a lifetime subscription. However there are some things that I want to resolve before I do this and despite having made requests to speak with people via PMs and other means I've yet to get a response. How would I go about getting in contact with someone regarding this? *EDIT* Well, the main error was fixed. That being said I'll be signing up for a lifetime sub most likely when my next paycheck hits assuming no extra expenses come up. If not, oh well it'll be worth the extra few bucks and I'll get to help the Nexus out that much more :)
  3. Maybe it is just an indicator that I should stop asking... but may I please speak with someone regarding my chat ban? I've asked a few times and I've not seen a response in this thread. I'd also tried to address this issue privately as indicated at first, however I'd not received a response so I'd turned to the forums. May someone please take the time to speak with me about this? Thank you and sorry for the insistence on the subject but I do enjoy having the ability to use the chat room. :/ And at least for me a large part of the community aspect comes from that... participation in the real time chat where one deals with people in a real time environment.
  4. Hello, I'd made a request to talk with someone a few months back and I'm not sure if in the crazyness of the server move it got lost. But may I please get in contact with a moderator? I was banned from the chat and I was hoping that I could get this situation rectified? I've attempted to contact individuals via pm and nothing has come of this. Thank you for your time!
  5. I get this issue a lot and the thing that it seems to be is that A) the server is kind of wonky right now and B) FOMM likes to crash. This being said, the best you can do is the following. First of all, download your mods manually. After this start up FOMM and from there go to the option to add mods. Then click on package manager, from here just hit the cancel button because you don't want it crashing when it tries to log you in (because the servers are not functioning very well right now :/ ). Once you hit cancel you'll get a new window with a few options. At this point you want to select Add FOMod. After you do so it will pop up a file window so that you can go select it. Once you navigate to and then select the file it will ask you if you want to make a backup. If it is a small file hit yes, because it's good to have it so you don't need to redownload it. After this, it will crash (it always seems to crash :x). After it crashes you will then re-open FOMM and just go back to where you were when you added the mod. (Package manager) Now that you are here you will see that your mod is now listed on the list of files in there. At this point you want to select it and then hit Activate and it will activate your mod. Finally close out your window and check if an ESP is in the list. If it is, make sure it is loaded in my clicking on it so that you get a check box next to the file. From there, load the game and enjoy your new mod!
  6. It was actually kind of funny. When I attempted to download the file in question, I kept getting an error at every attempt (I attempted to work my way down the list) without having to log back in. Finally about 10 minutes later I attempted again (was going to make my third series of attempts) and found that now it had indeed logged me out. After logging in at this time I was then able to download not only the file I wanted to in question, but the supplemental addon. (the eye pack adding 9 more eyes) I hope this helps!
  7. Looks like the downloads just came up. Try and see if it works. :smile: At least they worked for me rather. Was trying to download Rivens eyescapes (an eyepack for FO3) along with it's addon and had no luck. Was trying now and after a few attempts it logged me out, and on logging back in I was able to download the eye packs. :)
  8. Oh wow, thank you so much! The eyepack is DEFINITELY a nice idea and as far as beautification went I did go ahead and added DCMoods, BA_WastelandRestoration, and NMC's Texture Pack. The above being said, I'm really looking at Greenworld as opposed to BA_Wasteland restoration because I would like to see the greener grass, or chances are I could just add that right in. I'll check out breeze's FO3 males, but I will most definitely download and add the eyepacks now. Thanks again for the awesome suggestions. :)
  9. This... wow, I'm sorry but right in the emotions. Yes it is simply a machine with a brain that we fabricated and constructed. But the things shown here are individual thoughts and feelings, maybe just synthesized... expressed... or otherwise, still feelings. :/ That does in my opinion create conflicts. I mean yes, the university put the money into the project and commisioned the robot. But they did so to create what could be a semi sentient, if not completely sentient autonomous creation and really it seems quite wrong to disregard it's described feelings and emotions. (I use it, not to disregard the fact that it could be a sentient creature but due to the fact that no identified gender was determined). That being said, in the future will anything that people sink money and research their property? If so... this can even go wrong at the most rudimentary levels. I mean look at today's pharma industry... people in part use threats of lawsuits to prevent others from providing cheaper or less expensive therapy, or even the red tape put in place to prevent technologies which could have great benefits for human kind simply because it will infringe upon someone's "property". Heck... even look at the attempt to patent genes which thankfully fell through. One corporation attempted to put a patent on a gene sequence related to cancer, thereby making it prohibitively expensive in many cases to even research ways of dealing with that type of cancer. But I digress. The point is, would it be morally correct to create something like this and simply disregard what it appears to think and feel (it's programmed to learn, and everything from there it does on it's own?) simply because people paid money? I don't know it just seems wrong to me somehow :/ Now back onto the MAIN topic at hand. Is there room for a robot rebellion if technology keeps going as it does? Once we get to the point of sentience yes, because at least from what history has shown... any sort of organism that has some degree of intelligence will if mistreated do what they can to eliminate that mistreatment. Monkeys will fight to the death for their hierarchy resources etc. By the same token humans will fight wars politically, physically, or even economically to be treated with a level of respect and humanity. So what's to think that a robot, or a group of them won't do the same if people treat them with less than what we afford humanity as a whole? Needless to say it may not be armed conflict, but it may somehow perhaps be a political or even economic conflict. My two cents on the topic.
  10. May I please get in contact with a moderator concerning my ban from the chat room? Thanks!
  11. Interesting, no problem! I'll just add that to my list of suggestions for fixing crashes in the future, haha.
  12. What are your system specs by chance, also I do need to know your OS. Thanks!
  13. Don't know if its for better or for worse, but I don't really trust the mod manager to do the downloading for me, so I actually just download the mods one by one myself. That being said might you be attempting to download mods which might possibly be considered, "adult"? That being because when I was looking to find more detailed models, I came across the dimonized type 3 model which I could only access and download once I'd enabled the ability to "see" adult mods on my profile. Not sure if this is the problem, but it may help!
  14. This may be the type of thing you are looking for! http://www.vaultmp.com/showwiki.php?title=Download+binaries+source It's a multiplayer mod for FO3, I would assume much in the vein of the GTA multiplayer mod and some other game that is getting a multiplayer mod (forgot which, sorry :/) . That being said it had some sort of update in July so I would say it is active. The only thing though is that it does NOT support FO:NV, the reasoning as to why not can be found on the web page but it basically just says that it's becoming too much work to port over the changes made in one (FO3) to the other (FO:NV).
  15. Not a problem, enjoy the game and I'm happy I was able to help! :smile:
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