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About Felipe7788

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  1. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/11.jpg
  2. I am kinda desperate for this mod...so make it happen....please
  3. So guys, I am a Stormcloak supporter, but I usually help the empire for one little reason: BALGRUUF, he is the best jarl in all of skyrim : Fierce, just and cares for his people. I tried finding a mod that turns him into a stormcloak and I´ve found one, but it kinda sucks... So, If anyone talented enough could make a mod that lets us persuade him to the stormcloaks(Without messing quests and shite, please)I would be VERY VERY grateful.I might even donate a little if the mod doesn´t screw my game. Sorry for the bad english as always! - Felipe7788, more known as Emperor Honeycock.
  4. Hey guys, I was trying to start roleplaying with my nord character, pretending that he served as a mercenary before going to skyrim, but the fact that you start sucking in combat destroys the feeling. Like, If my char was a mercenary, he is supposed to be at least, decent with a sword, right? So, if someone could make a mod where you can choose his "Personal Talents", not racial, personal, it would be great! Sorry for the bad english!
  5. Hey guys, I would love to be able to marry Eola(That cannibal chick of Namira). I have already found a mod that makes it possible, but it tweaks her face. So, please, make it happen(And make it without messing the quest). Sorry for my bad english.
  6. I REALLY need a spell that makes someone essential because I hate the console, please help me guys!!! Details: A spell to make a character essential and another one to make him killable. With 0 cost of magicka if possible. You guys don´t know how much I would love to have this spell! It would be like one of the best tools in Skyrim.
  7. Look, I REALLY need this or something like it. Please help me modders!
  8. I want to make some characters essential, but is so boring to search for every damn ID code of the character! Could someone do a spell that makes a person essential and another to make her not essential? I don´t even know if someone is going to read this topic, but if you did and you have some experience with modding, please help me! It would be an awesome edition tool too! Sorry for my horrible english!
  9. the problem is that I HATE dawnstar with all my heart, but it´s an option, thanks!
  10. So I really wanted to change somethings in my character for roleplaying(Like scars after the Civil War) or to change the color of my hair to pretend that I was getting old.I found a mod that does that : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31030/? , unfortunately the place where the barber is conflicts with one of my mods... So I was thinking if someone could ask the mod creator to use his barber in another place or make another mod perhaps? Sorry for the horrible english!
  11. Well I already tested this mod and it gets EXTREMELY boring after some time. I wanted something with a crowd screaming and this things...
  12. I was playing the mod "Helgen Reborn" and I got in love with their fighting club. Could someone make a mod like that? Like, unique fighters, bets, training area,and a merchant to sell the armor from the dead gladiators perhaps? Sorry for my bad english!
  13. Because I hit him by mistake, trying to kill the falmer.....
  14. I dont like to use the console, but it´s an option, thanks!
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