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Everything posted by Vakturion

  1. This already exists, http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2122/? Edit: It allows you to use purified water in cooking recipes, not craft dirty water from purified water. Awesome thanks for the find!
  2. I'd really love to see a mod for crafting dirty water from purified or a change in the base recipes to use purified water not dirty water (for the soups and stuff).
  3. Just wondering if I can recolour some armours I've downloaded. Can I just paint over the textures in Photoshop with the 'Nvidia DDS Plugin' and then save them (rename them, put them in right folders, etc). Is that all there is to it? or is it more involved? "Load using default Sizes" when loading the DDS? Thanks for any help.
  4. I just installed perkus maximus today, I used THIS guide. I highly recommend it! If you want the load order have a look HERE.
  5. CPU: 3930K @ 4.5ghz GPU: GTX 780 3gb SLI RAM: 32GB 1600mhz playing @1440p 60Hz OS: Windows 8.0 Load order Mod List Hi guys, just need some help identifying which of these textures is playing up. I seem to be getting glowing dirt, or reflecting dirt. it happens a bit and is very distracting. it seems to be on the edges. Thanks for any help :D Pics
  6. I would really hope they stick to single player, and focus on that. Any time spent into making it co-op is going to take away from what it really should be, IMO.
  7. Depends on why you hunt I guess. Your hunter could be hunting to be the strongest predator in Skyrim, therefore he would have to explore Skyrim in order to make sure he is the strongest. Or something like that.
  8. I've uploaded the files below hopefully that will be enough information for a bit of help. I opened TES V Edit to troubleshoot an issue I'm having in-game and then I seen all this error spam and decided I should get it fixed up as well, issue is I don't know what I'm doing. Any help would be really appreciated, thanks. Edit: Weird, I did nothing of note and now it's all gone :S
  9. So I've got this weird problem with the Harthfire fireplace, When ever I look at it, or its in my view I get an FPS hit. It is the only fireplace in the whole of skyrim to do this to me. (in all 3 hearthfire houses). I run at 60 FPS, when I look at it i get down to 40 (it's noticeable, not even sure if 40 is right). the RAM and VRAM stays the same. the GPU drops down 7% which is odd considering it should go up to try and keep at 60 FPS. Has anyone else ran into this problem? if so, got a fix? the only fire mod I'm running is Ultimate HD Fire Effects. I'm also running Enhanced Lights and FX . Before Fireplace http://i.imgur.com/u0zzB3J.png At Fireplace http://i.imgur.com/jZP6ND6.jpg
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