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  1. I mean the Canon-friendly Skate Feet would have been a good addition to the base game along with all the other locomotion cyberwear https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Skate_Foot_(2020)
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9397 Comin' in Clutch.
  3. And it does exist. But just like in the real world, the armor out-paces the weapons. Even today, we have ballistic helmets that can halt a short-range magnum round. Most vests with plate inserts can handle multiple impacts before failure. And that's just outside the body. Not every firearm on the streets is going to be armor piercing. But let us suppose they are at least somewhat capable of doing so (as '77 does offer some AP options on most rifles) and you shoot a gonk square in the chest: You go through their vest, their plated skin stops the round. Next hit is in the exact same spot somehow, is now unimpeded by the vest, and makes it through the armored skin; his titanium ribcage fragments the round and he has some painful shrapnel stuck between his bones and his ribcage. You hit the same place once more; the armor is spent, the skin is broken, and the titanium encasement within is cracked enough to breach after one hit, you hit him in in his heart -- he has a blood pump bypass unit elsewhere in his body. He is bleeding but alive. This goes on for 5 more shots as you chase down where the heck his vitals *Actually* are in his body as the drugs he stole from a military supplier are strong enough to make modern PCP look like children's' aspirin. We can argue about whether or not this is good gameplay, and I can't compete with subjective opinions about what is more fun to an individual, but I maintain that it fits the setting. If this were a Cyberpunk 2020 game where it was explicitly more deadly as people were far less kitted, that might be a different story. But more to the point if we give players all of these skills, and everyone dies in one hit, then the only skill you need is a good handgun and then it isn't Cyberpunk anymore.
  4. It would be great if anyone/team had the skillset to finally hammer down a full refit for smaller chests... Max left off on the vanilla refit with quite a few items untouched. This is a great mod, and I don't play without it. However, it is quite incomplete, and all signs point to it staying that way due to how busy Max is with AMM. Though if someone were to pick up where that one left off (as opposed to starting from scratch), I think you'd be requested to contact Max first. In any event, there are a lot of individuals who would be served by having their clothing fit their bodies better. We know the big boob crowd gets a lot of attention in these games, with multiple body options and custom clothes and refits, but the smaller players can't even wear most of the regular outfits properly. So, you'd be doing a lot of people a favor in both the aesthetics and affirmation departments :p
  5. Is this a mod request or a complaint form? https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/669 And no, Starfield is not killing 77. 77 just had its biggest month since launch and Starfield numbers are already leveling off after all the Gamepass players have run course. It's fine, they are both successful. They both exist. They share features but they are different games.
  6. Did you lower all the volumetric settings in your menu?
  7. If you want to die faster, turn the difficulty up to max. However, as far as the bulletsponges -- it's important to remember that 95% of the people you are in combat with literally have metal bones and plates in their skin, backup organs, and military-grade chemical stimulants coursing through their bodies. So I understand what you are saying, but like, this isn't meant to be one-and-done classic Rainbow 6 or Arma.
  8. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2332 check this after it gets updated
  9. I know that games tend to use deformed bodies in first person, but would there be a way for anyone to work out a new first person camera that sticks the third person model behind it so you could at least see your feet or legs when running (probably while hiding the arms in favor of the fake first-person arms); noting that I don't expect it to be perfect? This may also keep your shadow visible which I know other people have mentioned. Update: Oh, like this! Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22306 FO4: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/71170
  10. I know about typically, but there are instances where games will have higher/lower detail models for things that are intended to be on screen with more presence... At any rate, I think you are right about the lighting being the issue. It's wild how much variance it makes.
  11. So, I think most of use that have used better photo modes (like Cyberpunk, or Horizon Zero Dawn, for two examples) realize some of the shortcomings of Starfields' photo mode. One of the things I am having trouble with, is that I can't tell for sure but it seems they are using a lower LoD/ lower quality model for the Player Character in the overworld than they do in the menus and/or character creator. This would not be the only game to do this. the other option is that it could just be the awkward lighting system that makes a lot of photo mode shots of your characters' face look so wonky. Is there anyone who can validate my suspicion about the LoD? And if that is indeed the case, is it possible to force the game to use the better LoD model for the character at all times/distances? [specifically, 3rd person cam and photo mode]? Or are there lighting maps or something that are causing the issue? I kind of know what I am talking about, but not enough to solve the issue myself.
  12. Hi, I've seen you've put a lot of work into this over the last few weeks! I want to encourage you to consider moving this story over to some place that might get you some better attention than a modding forum. There's probably an even better audience at a site where tons of people write stories about their favorite characters like archiveofourown.org or or fanfiction.net For all the work you've been doing it's probably best to continue work someplace like that, since there are people going there specifically to read new stories like yours. Here on Nexus, people are probably mostly looking for information about modding the game, and you may not get as many readers as you could since people are sifting and searching for specific information. But you can have even more fun in place built specifically for stories, Like Archive Of Our Own. People can even comment there and talk about your work with you. Have fun!
  13. Weird eye glitch like the right eye pivots at the wrong point. Higher quality example here: https://i.imgur.com/QYNhR25.png
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