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About AneyPL

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  1. What , and where i have to write/change to change my FOV automatically after i start game? I guess in Skyrim.ini but what i have to change ?
  2. I created this topic , because i coudn't find similar. All armors for CBBE (good ones) can be placed here . Write shortly about mod : who made them, how many armors are there and how they looks (sparingly, poorly etc.) , and of course give link for it ! I'll start: Killer Keos Skimpy CBBE Armor Replacer by Killer Keo WIP Mod replace armor models or more skimpy ones. Hamerfell clothes (for example) http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/3654-1-1368786569.jpg
  3. So , which body mod should i use (i'm using BBP right now , but there aren't any armors for this body). I consider : - armors ( i want to have armors for this body from mods) - compatibility ( with most of mods) Which one do you like , and which one should i choose?
  4. Thank you so much! I've been searching exactly for this one !
  5. Your last words "I'd like [...] lock it back up" . This is what i meant in second mod idea - locking locks ( all of locks - not only ours ) And about "realy imprtant item" . I think the quest items or unique items couldn't be stolen . Second way is that all items which are in safe , won't be stolen
  6. That was on my mind when i created this topic.
  7. That was on my mind when i created this topic.
  8. That was on my mind when i created this topic.
  9. That was on my mind when i created this topic.
  10. Two ideas: "Your house have been robbed" is mod that gives some reality to your game. It works pretty easy : If you weren't in your house for a few days ( not hours due to the rapid passage of time ) your containers have been cleared by thiefs ( 60 or 70 percent chance - depending on your social status ). Now new problem apears : How can i protect myself from robbery ? Stay in my home forever ? Don't leave anything in home ? Rent bodyguards? Or.... ..."Lock Locks" . This mod ( which is compatible with the above modification ) gives you option to lock doors. If you don't use "Your house have been robbed" it helps you anyway : When guars chase you , you can lock yourself in your house . Guards can't get in , you are safe . Optional file : Guards won't leave doors which you close until you are inside . They will wait for you. What do you think ? Can anybody make one ( or two ) of this mods? By the way - sorry for my bad english . I'm sure there are a lot of mistakes because I'm not from English-speaking country. ( I used translator for a few times. )
  11. What is this armor ? I dunno . . I mean about this in first seconds of video . Send link ,please.
  12. About Banks mod try this one http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17985/?
  13. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51554/?
  14. God ! Its too hard ... All ideas are great . I vote for all of them.
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