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Everything posted by Jntk

  1. Well, at least its a different look from Orlando Bloom in a blonde wig. But aye, i'm not one for the Klingon-Like forehead ridges
  2. Right clicking adds it to your off hand.
  3. Legion. Whilst neither side is 'Good' I don't like Ulfric, he reminds me too much of fascist types, such as the BNP's Nick Griffen (though in a more violent capacity); due to Ulfric's 'Skyrim for the Nords only' policy. (My character isn't a nord so it makes little sense for him to be fighting for the Stormcloaks, either.) That said, i wouldn't of been surprised to of found some kind of Stormcloak concentration camps for the other races, especially elves, somewhere in skyrim. Rebels are usually look fondly upon because of the whole popularity underdogs get, but i don't see that the Stormcloaks rebellion as a noble cause, more as a unnecessary hindrance in already trying times. Ulfric is just a oppunisitic power-hungry despot Therefore i chose the lessor of two evils: the Legion. The only things i don't like about the Legion is their quickness to chop a man's head off and their banning of the Talos worship. Though this last one is the fault of the True Enemies of the game, the Aldmeri Dominion and the Stormcloaks serve as more of a proxy for them. I wouldn't of thought if the Empire couldn't defeat them, then the little band of Stormcloaks could either, if they can't even defeat the remnants of the Empire left from the Great Way. The only way i can see to defeat the Aldmeri Dominion would be to Restore the Empire to its former glory (Nords included) with a new Dragonborn at the lead once again...
  4. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Bans dezi cause i haven't seen her in a while :P btw sorry for not being on the chat box, was at tea.
  5. I like that my basketball team, Bad Luck, won the school basket ball finals yesterday
  6. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    anti-bans Dezi as a way of saying thank you. :happy:
  7. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    doesn't ban dez 'cause I'm in a happy mood. School got canceled today!!
  8. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Bans Dezi for being an overly wonderful person :happy:
  9. i have a new eggy! http://dragcave.net/image/YE82.gif
  10. Got two newish eggs. (forgot to post about the stone one) http://dragcave.net/image/lRYp.gifhttp://dragcave.net/image/W7Le.gif can i have some clicks please?
  11. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans keylek 'cause i'm finding it hard not to use bad language agaist him. :dry:
  12. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Dezi did i offend you? :(
  13. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans keylek3 since dezi can't there you go dez :P
  14. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans dezi 'cause its true.
  15. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans wasd- DontWorryBeHappy for pointing out the obivous. Bans keylek because its obvious.
  16. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans DontWorryBeHappy for being negative.
  17. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans dezi for being a wonderful person.
  18. http://dragcave.net/image/ZWM4.gif new eggy.
  19. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Bans aaron and josh for being secretive.
  20. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans wasder for changing his sig all the time and for being avatarless
  21. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Bans Keylek for banning me for something that has nothing to do with me and for avoiding the question.
  22. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Bans keylek for not making sense... how can i be loud via the Internet? you can't hear me...
  23. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans Spyro for banning so many people and suicide banning.
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