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Everything posted by Jntk

  1. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans josh for having nothing better to do.
  2. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans aaron for doing the annoying bans someone for banning some else for banning another person thing.
  3. yes... however you forget that they consider everyone born outside the Enclave to be mutants worthy of eradication. that includes you, your dad, vault dwellers and all the wastlanders. and they'll anyone to get what they want, i.e when Col. Autumn shot the scientist to get James to operate the project for him. oh yeah, and 'Preisedent' John Henry Eden is an AI computer... come on, they are lead by a computer.. a computer that wants you to out the FEV virus into the Project Purity. (which would kill nearly every human or once-human being in the Capital Wasteland to "purify" it.) i can't see how the Enclave clasify as 'Good Guys' when they have been the antagonist in two fallout games. it was him. he managed to survive by injecting himself with a mysterious medicine - likely the Enclave's more powerful equivalent of Rad-X or Rad Away. probably then colonel Autumn, having injected himself with the special drug, is rushed to Raven Rock and resuscitated.
  4. i like violence against people who dis bassists. :dry:
  5. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans josh because its not the 28th yet. your still a kid. can you take a table huh? i love throwing class room tables at Nazi Punks.
  6. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans dezi 'cause josh is a big *cough* kid and he can take it. can't ya josh?
  7. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans josh for being 5'2 and for being wrong. i got an African-American good friend who is 6'8 so not everyone one is a dwarf to me.
  8. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans josh because he didn't give the reason for banning me. you gotta tell the nexus.
  9. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans dezi for banning but also kissing Deus.
  10. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    doesn't ban dezi cause she posted with out stabbing! yay! bans deus for ditto as josh.
  11. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans dezi for using that damn stabby thing again!!! bans wasder because everyone's 'immortal' on the Internet. it can't kill you apart from, maybe, heart attacks or seizures induced by something on it.
  12. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans dezi for wanting diamonds
  13. i like that for christmas my girl friend, Kate Joeseph, s2, is getting me a BCNTBSTBO BC Rich NT Series Beast Bass Guitar http://www.promusicaustralia.com/guitar/BCrichImages/bass_bst_ntb_stbo.jpg
  14. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans dezi for wanting wasder to take her out and spending money on her
  15. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans Aaron becuase i'm only thinking about tasering dezi in self defence.
  16. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    banning dezi for continuing the psychoticness. i think i'm gonna have to get my get my taser gun...
  17. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans Dezi for the psychotic pic... Stop stabbing people!
  18. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans wasder for making up false facts to ban me. bans reaper because that rule is stupid
  19. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans deus for writing in green.
  20. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans wasder for pointing the blame again. and because hes not immortal even tho he claims it.
  21. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans wasder for using that 5 year old's excuse
  22. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans Wasder for violence agaist women.
  23. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans A Reaver because Deus is the one with the most dragons.
  24. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans josh for being delusional..
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