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Everything posted by Jntk

  1. *arrives in torpedo launching room* only a bit late... anywho what evilness are we doing?
  2. nice one dezi. but i'm not cleaning it!
  3. thats good to know boss. *pats gaint evil kitten*
  4. i like sharp stuff i like fire i like post-grunge music i like basketball i like playing my guitar i like love my girlfriend
  5. hardest thing i had was not killing the Khajitt and thus breaking one of the tennents. that was the only reason i liked the purifing or what ever it was called quest
  6. Josh that is a really good point! *turns to look at Boss* Hmmm?
  7. *pokes head outta training room* Lily? that b*tch is back at her home planet with the 'Good Necromancer G' no more problems from her (if so i'll denote acouple nuclear bombs that mighta fallen outta my coat and forgot about them :whistling: )
  8. no thanks Dezi. i'm gonna go train *goes into training room* http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u184/jacob12321/10698.gif
  9. lol it nice that your busness is going well and its good to know your not 'grab and carry away' anymore. it was ruining the evilness of this place
  10. Nie? ... the only thing i can think of is niece. o_O
  11. and why would we date someone WHO LOOKS like you?? thats just desturbing and twisted
  12. No...I'm fine... really... *finally comes out sending me flying across the room* OW
  13. she is not here as in with us, she on her home planet with a the good side of Necro
  14. *trying to pulling Chakram outta wall* yeah what do you mean 'I have been lying quite a lot as well'
  15. T_T *Throws Chakram through Evil Shadow clone* thats better... Doesn't Dezi get a say in this? i'm pretty sure he was meaning mess with her as in doing it with her
  16. ... i think its time we got a 'No Screwing Coworkers' rule sure Spyro i'll help you
  17. Lily is not gone yet... and also there is a good Boss walking around, i have a feeling we are gonna have to deal with them some time...
  18. o_O how are you draggin that meny bodies? nevermind lets go and attack humanbean
  19. boss... for gods sake put your bloody pants back on. hmm what should i do this this nuke i got after planing to blow up bosses home worlds... oh i know! *opens a one-way rift with scythe leading to the centre of some planet somewhere then drops the nuke in, setting of a chain reaction blowing up the whole world* evil never felt so good
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