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Everything posted by Jntk

  1. 10 for Av Garfield rocks! 10 for siggy for having dragon eggs!
  2. 10/10 avvy, cool symbol. 10/10 siggy. amusing. :D
  3. yup! also i just got a new eggy. http://dragcave.net/image/9kiv.gif it was abandoned so i took it in edit: Same with this one http://dragcave.net/image/QwDP.gif edit: 19:09 Allow me to announce one of josh's egs have hatched. congrats Edit: 19: 36. another of his eggs have hatched!!! congratulations to josh!!!
  4. I'm really happy that my lil' hatchlings decided to come out! i got three dragons with four personalities :P
  5. Good bye dezi. Don't worry all your hatchlings and eggs will be perfectly safe!
  6. i just clicked the 'Insert Link' button at the top under the fonts slection. when the tool came up i copied the webb adress into the box, clicked ok then in the new box i added the title 'Grand Dragon Goth of The Order of the Dragon!' then clicked ok again. Edit: seems Raz beat me to answering. :P
  7. congrats to dezi for another egg hatching!! or am i slow on the update?
  8. i took a screen shot while playing a game. DragonFable its... about dragons :P
  9. Gee i'm jealus now. mine wont come out of their eggs!!! maybe a cheesy puppet show will do the trick...
  10. and now your green one has hatched too!!!!
  11. Congratz on your latest born red dragon Grand Goddess Crone Aeryn!
  12. and then me and Raz, who were the two second people to join were silver :D
  13. my black egg has had the big hole in it for ages... i'm worried
  14. Acording to Artix Entertainment dragon eggs tastle like Honey and Mackrel, Wasder
  15. oh can i finish it? <kicks josh into the deep dark pit>
  16. congratz josh. maybe one will survive after all. :P don't worry about it, they'll all pull through.
  17. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans Wasder for his 'HiYARR'. how cheesy
  18. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Bans Josh for being depressed bans josh for changing his post
  19. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans josh because his eggs might die. josh you'd better not let them die!
  20. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans wasder for banning Dezi for a random reason
  21. no, its just pradictable. its the kinda thing you get on those quizzes. congrats on the egg.
  22. heh i told josh you were gonna be red or black heya Aaron
  23. Aww tis a shame that all the goddesses arn't golden. yellows closs tho :P by the way... my three eggs are gonna hatch soon!
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