I wonder if the people who run or maintain the site actually use it, because currently the tracking file feature is simply demented. I obviously want to know if my favorite/tracked files have updated, and why on earth would I care about any of the "full feed" garbage you show? I only want to know if file versions have been changed, not see 50 entries for how someone loaded and uploaded files or changed a description. But even if I then click the managed files link, you still don't show me the version number, just the file name? So I think you must not use the site for file tracking, because your current system is so user unfriendly as to be beyond belief. Please add an initial option that simply shows me the tracked file list along with the version number. Your "feed" information is frankly stupid. Nobody but support or the developer of the upload would ever want or need that. I can also see the argument for adding information about # of files or images available, or last update of any kind date, and that could also be done in-line with the filename and version number, rather than forcing me to read through 20 pages of garbage in the feed.