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Status Replies posted by Seren4XX

  1. Kudos for the modding, and also the single funniest comment ever made on the nexus :D
    1. Seren4XX


      Maplevolt! Sorry for the late response, I had no idea profile feed updates were given through notifications. >_<


      You're welcome! xD

  2. Thanks for adding me :) . Can't wait for the Ningheim followers, this is gonna be awesome ! Kudos for your hard work :happy:
    1. Seren4XX


      No problem. :) Would you like to try the followers before release?



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Goeienavond Mijnheer Buurman.Thank you so much for adding me to your friendslist.And for your awesome ''Ningheim'' of course.I looove it!!!:)
    1. Seren4XX


      Goedenavond, buurman! It's no problem. :D I'm glad you like the race, your character is pretty stunning. ;)



  4. Hi! ^-^
    1. Seren4XX


      Thanks! =) You're having a bit of a screenshooter's block? That can happen, eh. I really want to make screenshots again, but for now I'll be working on the Ningheim. ;P


      Have a good evening too! Cheers

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hey man, a really cool race mod you have done there, bro! Very beautiful race. I will upload some pics of my character this evening! :)
    1. Seren4XX


      Thanks, Uggi! I'm glad you like it. :) Can't wait to see your images.
  6. How have you been good sir?
    1. Seren4XX


      Pretty good! Busy, as usual, but that doesn't stop me. And how have you been?
    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Happy Valentine to you, or in Persian tongue, happy Sepandar Mzgan.
    1. Seren4XX


      I am a little late, but a belated Happy Valentine (or Vrolijk Valentijnsfeest in Dutch) to you too! =)
  8. Got a new character, new-looking Skyrim. I'm up for an adventure again! *Super-exxagerated-happy jump*
  9. Not going to be so active anymore. I've seen too much Skyrim lately and I really don't actually play it much anymore. Also, I have a ton of work to do for my upcoming exams. :3 I'll be around to press that "Endorse me" button and post something every now and then.
  10. Not going to be so active anymore. I've seen too much Skyrim lately and I really don't actually play it much anymore. Also, I have a ton of work to do for my upcoming exams. :3 I'll be around to press that "Endorse me" button and post something every now and then.
  11. Phew, the final parts of my new computer will arrive tomorrow!
    1. Seren4XX


      Arr! *Grabs it back!*


      New PC is FINISHED. Works right away, it's super awesome. Now installing Skyrim and other stuff. :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Phew, the final parts of my new computer will arrive tomorrow!
    1. Seren4XX


      New specs are: Processor: Intel Core i5-3570K w/ Deepcool ICE WIND cooler, GFX-Card: MSI GTX 660Ti 2GB OC Power Edition, Memory:Corsair 8GB Vengeance 1600 MHz 9-9-9, Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4, Power Supply: XFX PRO550W Core Edition, HDD: 2TB Seagate 7200 RPM disk and 256GB Samsung SSD and that all in a Corsair Carbide 500R casing w/4 case fans.
    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Wondering where TESA has gone. :O
    1. Seren4XX


      I was told it's on the host's side. They're fixing some server issues or something.
    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. feels proud to be human when he see's things like this... http://www.playingforchange.com/journey/introduction
    1. Seren4XX


      That was a great song!

      I think I've heard it before, but that doesn't matter. ;)

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

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