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Everything posted by Seren4XX

  1. Good news, everyone! The Ningheim Race is getting a 2020 Skyrim Special Edition Edition! More info to come!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solgath


      cannot wait to see Ningheim race return to skyrim SE, i can't play skyrim without it lol, hoping it comes out soon :D
    3. AllissonRR


      Today is 21 of March 2022, almost two years after and nothing, where is the 2020 Skyrim Special Edition Edition?
    4. daan2002


      is this dead ?
  2. I back this request as well. Already take my shots at a minimum resolution of 1440p and I always have to mess with the quality to get them on the Nexus.
  3. For Skyrim I've been using MO for three months now. Pure bliss. You get to see exactly which mod does what in terms of conflicts (overwrite/overwritten) and it's really great to be able to make multiple profiles which enable you to activate different sets of mods from the list of installed mods. Great for trying out new mods and managing the amount that are activated. I feel like it's "manual installation+", 'cause I can still manually edit files in their respective folders like I used to in my conventional Skyrim install, except with a lot better overview. Plus, it's super easy to swap files by making a new folder which overwrites the files you wanna swap out for and that is without actually overwriting anything at all. For instance, I tend to swap my character textures around a lot and experiment with them. I'd have to move the files around a lot, keeping track by using folders located deep in my install. Now I just make a new folder for it and let it do a virtual overwrite which I can turn on/off with just one click. Saves a lot of time. I could go on for a while, but I honestly found nothing better than MO for Skyrim. Really easy to use, saves a lot of time as I don't have to keep a record of all the changes I make (they're visible in the list) and zero issues ever.
  4. In response to post #24738304. #24738404, #24738464, #24738479, #24738524, #24738604, #24738659, #24738679, #24738694, #24738739, #24738779, #24738799, #24738804, #24738919, #24738944, #24738974, #24739104, #24739184, #24739199, #24739204, #24739289, #24739329, #24739359, #24739394, #24739409, #24739474, #24739514, #24739544, #24739564, #24739609, #24739619, #24739639, #24739689, #24739759, #24739784, #24739884, #24739949, #24739999, #24740019, #24740029, #24740039, #24740124, #24740139, #24740174, #24740184, #24740199, #24740234, #24740349, #24740469, #24740494, #24740509, #24740569, #24740579, #24740584, #24740694, #24740734, #24740789, #24740809, #24740814, #24740834, #24740844, #24740859, #24740899, #24740939, #24740959, #24741039, #24741074, #24741079, #24741154, #24741159, #24741164, #24741289, #24741369, #24741419, #24741429, #24741444, #24741449, #24741529, #24741644, #24741674, #24741699, #24741714, #24741744, #24741754, #24741764, #24741784, #24741804, #24741884, #24741959, #24742024, #24742104, #24742119, #24742154, #24742169, #24742194, #24742314, #24742444, #24742464, #24742489, #24742509, #24742524, #24742564, #24742579, #24742634, #24742744, #24742799, #24742804, #24742964, #24743039, #24743319, #24743439, #24743614, #24743699, #24743779, #24743799, #24743809, #24743899, #24743969, #24744239, #24744704, #24746029, #24747899 are all replies on the same post. I think Vesuvius, Lateraliss, and KChan make some very good points about this whole system. I especially like KChan's observant opinion, but I lean mostly towards the anti-paywall points the former two have given. Modder here, and not for paid mods any time soon. Maybe with a more honest, better-moderated system. But out of the blue like this with so many negatives as opposed to before it couldn't work. I think Beth/Valve could start off with better communication towards the modding community itself if they'll remain hellbent on getting this system out there.
  5. In response to post #24748294. #24748909, #24748959, #24749014, #24749054 are all replies on the same post. Those numbers alone are an accomplishment and ode to the modders who put out those mods. Endorsing is forgotten easily for a number of reasons that don't have anything to do with being grateful or not.
  6. In response to post #24743634. #24743894, #24744099, #24744554, #24744644, #24744769, #24744904, #24745164, #24745394, #24745804, #24746019, #24747414, #24747454, #24748174, #24748274, #24748914 are all replies on the same post. For those of you saying the modders have been hurt with this, I'd like you to read more than just FavoredSoul's post about his experience and feelings. Those are his, not those of all modders. I've made a reply to that thread showing a different side, and I'd like to invite you to read about opinions of other modders too. Tumblr is filled with them. Skydevgru's opinion is a very good one that strikes down a few misconceptions about the modders' place in all of this.
  7. In response to post #24733144. #24733204, #24733229, #24747249, #24748109, #24748409, #24748804 are all replies on the same post. I wouldn't worry too much. Look at the vast amount of modders we have from before the paywall option. Do you seriously think we'll run out of modders? :laugh:
  8. In response to post #24742594. #24742759, #24742849, #24742924, #24742934, #24743009, #24743059, #24743149, #24743254, #24743299, #24743359, #24743449, #24743474, #24743514, #24743524, #24743584, #24743604, #24743624, #24743724, #24743739, #24743769, #24743774, #24743884, #24743929, #24743984, #24744049, #24744139, #24744159, #24744279, #24744479, #24744519, #24744574, #24744719, #24744789, #24744794, #24744929, #24744964, #24744989, #24745004, #24745054, #24745174, #24745279, #24745339, #24745449, #24745494, #24745729, #24745734, #24745839, #24745939, #24746154, #24746294, #24746544, #24746674, #24746704, #24746719, #24747064, #24747169, #24747379, #24747459, #24747514, #24747554, #24747774, #24747799, #24747909, #24748204, #24748329, #24748344 are all replies on the same post. I've seen a few people agree with you FavoredSoul, and the one think that caught my attention is all the guesstimates (guessed estimates) at how big the bad users vs the good ones are. I've even seen someone say "2% of the users is nice!". Ridiculous, I say. Unless anyone can come up with cold hard facts about how many toxic users there are vs nice ones, all this talk about how bad the community is in its entirety is all based on personal experience. In my honest opinion, FavoredSoul, I feel like you've yet to learn that you don't have to care about what anybody says and asks/demands. Yes, it took me some time to learn too with the necessary blood sweat and tears, albeit not under pressure of rude people. I learned that as soon as something that has to do with modding makes me uncomfortable I just stop. I stop, take a breath, go do something else for as long as I need. I mean this in reference to public modding, for me I sometimes just go back to modding just for myself if I don't want to deal with public modding stuff anymore. That has saved me a lot of head aches. As for user experience as a mod author... I can say with pure honesty that my experience with Nexus users has been absolutely phenomenal. From people commenting on the mod page to people PMing me. People have always been very polite and understanding. Sometimes when I read a big request in my inbox I sighed and wondered if this person realized what an undertaking it would be to fulfill that request. Then I realized I can simply tell them and be done with it, and people have always been very patient and understanding. I don't know what you've had to endure, FavoredSoul, but as far as personal experiences go I can say with certainty that not every mod author has had to endure the same things as you have, nor have the same experience with users. My experience with Nexus users has been quite positive. I refuse to join the bandwagon blindly and let all the negativity pile up. It's been scientifically proven that we, at least in the Western civilization, have a tendency to remember negativity a lot better than positivity (Read the Negativity Bias paragraph on this page). Also, strongly-opinionated people will always have a louder voice on the internet. Do you see where I'm going with this? Somebody who can't deal with negativity and pressure from others yet, simply isn't gonna last in "the spotlights". I'd like to invite you and others reading this to go to FavoredSoul's Ultimate Assortment mod page and check out the first three pages of comments. There's a lot of positivity in there. I've seen people with a question first take the time to show their appreciation before continuing. That's saying something. My take on paid mods? I'd rather not have them. If you really want to know why I'll go drag my opinion about it from my tumblr, but for now I'd like to leave it at this.
  9. In response to post #23134314. #23144049, #23144164, #23144489, #23146199, #23155579, #23156689, #23158204, #23158274, #23163014, #23190549, #23195074, #23195899, #23203214, #23214644, #23239094, #23241824 are all replies on the same post. @Tetro, Yarrr!!! @mns123 It's a great way to be involved in the gaming industry. With the amount of things one can do I'd say it's certainly an interesting job. :) @deltaxghost Bben46 made a great reply explaining the details, but in short: it's not possible due to copyright law. @Jaasce Thanks, Jaasce! Still crossing my fingers, despite them getting weary. lol
  10. In response to post #23134314. #23144049, #23144164, #23144489, #23146199, #23155579, #23156689, #23158204, #23158274, #23163014, #23190549, #23195074 are all replies on the same post. Thanks a lot, Lexi! You're too kind. :happy:
  11. In response to post #23134314. #23144049, #23144164, #23144489, #23146199, #23155579, #23156689, #23158204, #23158274, #23163014 are all replies on the same post. Thanks for your support, all of you. Caught me off-guard there! :laugh: I hope they've received my application in good order. I'm very curious to see what they think. :D
  12. In response to post #23134314. #23144049, #23144164, #23144489, #23146199 are all replies on the same post. Hey, thanks so much for your support! I really appreciate the gesture. :D
  13. Oh wow, as soon as I return home I'm going to send in my CV straight away! A job as community manager at the Nexus is nothing short of a dream to me. :laugh:
  14. I'm going inactive as a modder for a while. Too much stuff going on in my head to keep up with mod requests and updates.
  15. For the alpha transparency to work the mesh you're trying to apply it to has to support it. I know you're editing vanilla meshes, which can be hard to support in combination with potential armor replacers, but here's how to fix it in NifSkope: Open up the mesh in Nifskope. In the 3D-view click on the mesh piece you wish to have an alpha property. Right-click on the node that got selected in the list on the left ("Block List"). Choose Node->Attach Property->NiAlphaProperty. Click on the new NiAlphaProperty. In the "Block Details" list below, change the "Flags" value from 237 to 4844. Set the treshold from 0 to a higher number. The range is 0-255, and 128 is a good place to start off with.I hope this'll help. :smile:
  16. Very busy with college, work, and other RL stuff. I'll be around, but right now I can't do as much modding as before.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kowalski99


      Mr.Google says ''Real Life''.WTF is Real Life?I have absolutely no idea.:P
    3. Den987
    4. osthamp


      Good luck with your finals :happy:
  17. Hi, Den. Thanks for adding me as friend! =)
    1. Den987


      :) Glad :)
  18. Good to hear you got it working. I don't think there's one real reason the game crashed there, maybe just too much strain at that point which made it run out of VRAM somehow. Well, enjoy the mod! :D
  19. Hi ShadowGearX, just read your post on the Ningheim support forum. You have FNIS installed, right? Could you try using a vanilla character, activating a pose (from FNIS, optional step), and then loading your Ningheim save afterwards? Otherwise, I would actually try a Skyrim install where the ONLY things you have installed are Skyrim, potential DLCs, RaceCompatibility, and The Ningheim. Don't do or install anything else. I personally have none of the USKP patches and BSA/ESM optimizations, and I have zero problems with crashes or whatsoever while I know some people who DO use USKP/Optimizations and have all kinds of odd issues. With comparable installs to mine, of course. Now, I'm not saying USKP and the like are bad, it's just that I always found this quite intriguing. All this optimization, and it doesn't benefit them. I'll follow your thread now to see if we can get your game up and running.
  20. Happy Birthday, Tristan!!!
  21. Yeah, found my image there too. He named my character "Tallie" instead of Selina :down: . It's important that everybody knows of this, especially the people whose work have been stolen.
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