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  1. Reinstalling the marked mods keeps them marked, BUT they don't seem to be disabling anymore. The only ones that do are the Merged Objects & Merged Lands plugins, which, being two plugins that are (re)generated with TES3Merge & Merged Lands respectively, can't be managed by Vortex. EDIT: It might've actually been fixed for good with the latest Vortex update.
  2. Nope, they are still marked as Not managed, and again after enabling all plugins and deploying a second time, the "random disabling of plugins" still happens, both on plugins that are marked and those that aren't. It doesn't seem to follow a logic as to which plugins get disabled and which are kept enabled. I also checked if Morrowind.ini was read-only, which it isn't.
  3. Hello, recently Vortex has started disabling a few Morrowind plugins (seemingly not related to specific .esp) and changing the load order at random at each deploy, Morrowind uses file dates for load ordering, so maybe the issue lies there. I've also noticed that often (but not always) those plugins then show up as "Not managed by Vortex" in the load order tab, even though they come from mods installed through Vortex. I'm on vortex 1.13.3, using GOG Morrowind GotY, and have never had this issue before over the years up until recent update/updates.
  4. Okay, fully clearing the documents folder, and all inis I could find, appears to have fixed it.
  5. @Pickysaurus Nope, I have the latest version of the game from Steam. How often does that check run btw? Because if it runs only on game registration then it might be stuck on an older version's value, since I've had the game installed since launch day (and have used starfield vortex since its first release). I would likely have to unmanage and manage the game to try to fix it, but I don't feel like rebuilding my modding setup from scratch at this time. EDIT: I did just that, but it didn't fix it.
  6. @Pickysaurus I'm not the biggest React expert, but opening the index.js in the "Vortex Extension Update - Starfield Vortex Extension v1.10.2" folder (which I presume is the whole extension), I've noticed there seems to be missing another vortex_api_1.Toggle element similar to the above toggle, it's from a freshly re-downloaded extension. Indeed placing that same Toggle element line in place of line 5481 does seem to place a toggle in the settings page, though I might be wrong and the intended element is something else, like a dropdown. EDIT: removing that !props.needsEnabler() call fixed it, doing so made renderLOManagementType fire correctly and it indeed created the necessary dropdown
  7. There was a "Stub: Starfield" version 0.1.0 extension installed, but removing it did nothing, it reappeared once I had uninstalled the 1.9.1 extension. On load it then prompted me to download the update so I did, but again nothing was different. Also on the "find more" extensions list the extension isn't marked as installed when downloaded through that prompt window I mentioned. I also tried uninstalling the "prompted" extension and installing the one from "find more", but that also didn't fix it.
  8. Hello, I'm on Vortex version 1.12.3 and Starfield extension version 1.9.1, and yet the Load Order switch toggle is completely missing. Also on the Load order page itself there's still the big "while we wait for Creation Kit" message on the right.
  9. PLEASE bring back site backgrounds that change with the game, the current one makes it hard to tell at a glance which game it is.
  10. I know this isn't a big issue, but could you change the favicon (website icon/shortcut icon) to match the one on the site? Pretty please?
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