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Everything posted by locomotive1236

  1. "Looks a lot like running around" Have you played Skyrim? :smile: From what I gathered around the review sites, the game range somewhere from 8.5-9 ish for the users. That's pretty high considering Skyrim is only 8.0 for the users. We're talking about just the vanilla aspect and not modded though. You don't have to play the first two, although they do explain some of the lore. You can pick up on the lore by reading books in Witcher 3 though. Gopher has excellent Let's play of the first 2 in the series if you're into that. The combat is more tactical than Skyrim dull hack and slash, that's for sure. It's really dependent on your tastes. People have compared it to darksouls if you play higher difficulties. what matters more for me is the the story line and how the quests are done. Skyrim's quests are so generic and boring of fetch quests.
  2. Is the Nexus going to host mods for Witcher 3? I didn't find anything under the games listings.
  3. In response to post #24763594. #24763769, #24763984 are all replies on the same post. Forums/open blogs exist for a reason. It's the idea of sharing your own opinions with others. People with different opinions will argue, simple as that. There's really no way to stop people from arguing on any particular thread other than to delete their posts. I've read a post where one person says that all arguments/flaming eventually lead to the Nazi and WW2 at some point. I've seen this happen too often.
  4. Is it me or it seems that I cannot see the paid tab for the steam workshop anymore? Am I too hopeful that they have removed the paid sections?
  5. In response to post #24727139. #24727234, #24727389, #24728144, #24728419, #24728464 are all replies on the same post. If you google up gopher videos, you can browse through his most recent ones about the modding situation. He also has some good let's play videos, especially the witcher :). I can't wait for witcher 3 to put all of this behind me. Unless we get paid modding too..... Edit: Actually, here it is
  6. In response to post #24724844. #24725529, #24725744, #24726139, #24726244, #24726564, #24726974, #24727109, #24727429, #24727529 are all replies on the same post. @ramcoid I have never disrespected someone's work because I know the time and effort it may have taken. I did not mod Skyrim, but have done so for some games in the past. I know modding is never as easy as it seems from the outside. To answer your question though. It's because I simply did not think there was a problem in the previous system. Like I said, I have sacrificed a lot of my time for other games to create stuff and share with other people. I came to expect nothing in return, besides some gratitude and praise now and then. I offered them freely since that was what I thought was the right thing to do. I did not think about how many others have no shared my sentiments @TKHBMVP I'm not sure if I actually understood what you are trying to say.
  7. In response to post #24727139. #24727234 is also a reply to the same post. Your video is not showing for me. However, I have seen that video. While I agree with most of the stuff he said, I highly frowned on the comment about "what have you done for the community?" Unless I misread his statement, but that seem to target those who has not released any mods for the community. It's a little insulting to many users who help contribute ideas, identify bugs, and beta testing mods over the years. Some authors owe their fans a lot for their current success. You probably loose all that money if it's refunded, Steam get to keep the steam money though.
  8. In response to post #24714364. It's only the beginning. It has not been a week yet and they already received a tremendous amount of sales from <20 mods. Imagine if all those other mods from the waiting list get added in. It doesn't matter how much you protest or tell other people not to buy, there's always some one who's rich enough to pay for all the mods. That's how we have the early access system firmly in placed. THat's also how we have the day one DLC in many popular games. If they make money from rich people, why would they stop?
  9. In response to post #24724844. #24725529, #24725744, #24726139, #24726244, #24726564 are all replies on the same post. As I said before, I am thankful for yours and others contributions to the community. Don't take my posts as an attack on you or your peers, I am only trying to see the situation from another point of view. Call it justification if you will. Some people believe in the end justify the means and they will go to extreme lengths to achieve that goal. They are also emotional since they felt betrayed by certain people (doesn't even matter if that's true or not). The mob is always fickle and easy to upset. We've seen this in history before and it will happen again. It doesn't make it right, but it may be necessary to stem the encroachment of capitalism to mods, however hopeless that is.
  10. In response to post #24716989. #24717894, #24718239 are all replies on the same post. I guess if you buy two items and found both not working with your setup then you're out of luck. The return policy is only 24 hours too....Is there a way to get your account back after being banned?
  11. In response to post #24718104. Unfortunately, many people, hundreds of them in fact, have bought and subscribed to most of the mods in the paid section. If steam analyze this and see that much profit in only a couple of days, I highly doubt they will remove the system. I'm not even sure why people are buying some of the items on there, like the re-skin warhammer or the dawnguard sword. Does it even add that much game play value compared to the mods available on Nexus?
  12. In response to post #24722219. #24724519 is also a reply to the same post. Perhaps I am stupid, but I do not see a window pop up after selecting the file to download about the donation. It just go straight from pending to download in Mod Organizer. I'm not sure how to enable that window. Although the donation button on the top right corner are there for some authors. Some don't have anything
  13. In response to post #24724844. #24725529, #24725744 are all replies on the same post. I never lost that goal and I detest those that viciously attack the authors with hate and death threats. However, do you want the system that valve implemented to stay? Do you want them to obtain 75% of your cut for sitting on their hands the whole time? Do you forsee more people will download your mods and try them out if they have to pay? Perhaps it is better to get a few dollars out of your work than none, but is that the spirit of modding that you pursue? Did you initially mod to earn a few dollars or to improve the community? If you are the former, then you are also a businessman and also have your own selfish desires, no? Again, I'm not trying to insult you or anyone who believe they deserve their work to be paid, I'm just asking was that why you started modding or has money changed everything?
  14. In response to post #24724139. Unfortunately, I fear that quality mods that take a lot of time may be eclipsed with simpler, faster produced mods. You pointed out the very true nature of the pay to play mods. The first mod that arrive on the scene will almost always make the most money. Similar to the endorsement system, people only see how many has downloaded the mods and will follow the lead. Duplicate mods, which may be much better, will not see as much advertisement because people are less likely to buy more than one type under this new management. I know I wouldn't pay for two mods that modify the same texture or armor. Just look at the workshop for the current paid items and see how many endorsements they have. It's ridiculous to see people buy those stuff when they can find on Nexus for free (they just have to know where to look). Since it's the first one available on paid mod sections, some people just readily pay for whatever the prices are. Reviews for the mods are useless since the authors can already delete negative comments from the discussion tabs. And the quality controls and bugs...
  15. In response to post #24724844. __". I've never, ever seen a mod with a endorsement ratio of around 50% to unique downloads, not even the most endorsed mod ever, has no were near that proud ratio. " --Does that surprise you that people are unanimous in their decisions against paid modding? __"then there's all the hundreds of comments, all in a few of days. I and others have spent 1000s of hours making quality mods to share, for what you are griping about, for free but it appears you would only make a big effort to support a mod which was thrown together to make your selfish point apparent. " While I agree with your sentiments, please keep in mind that most are opposing the way valve/Bethesda handle things and their share in your work. They are, in their own ways, trying to fight against the capitalistic nature of big corporations. Not to mention, the community in many ways help the mod authors too. I know a lot of people who have spent hundreds of hours testing the game for the modders. They post bugs and suggest fixes to improve the mods. Do those efforts not worth anything in your eyes? Should they get a share of your profit too? I'm not acting entitled, but the free Beta testing and quality controls contribute to the mod's success, no? As I have stated in many other posts, I do not blame this case on any particular person or website, but the poor designs of the concept. __"A good community stands up and unites and fights together for the values it holds dear but all I have seen is you all fighting for your own self interests and it sickens me to see the community I love being broken apart by selfishness. " Careful about what you say because are not modders being, as you stated, "selfish" as well for selling something that was once free? You deserve all the praise for your hardwork (via the donation system if users really appreciated it), but the current pay to play is illogical. I was under the impression that this values that we all hold dear was the free modding community for the past decades or so? Or am I delusional?
  16. In response to post #24681764. Well done sir, well done. And it's free to boot! :)
  17. In response to post #24650844. #24651244, #24651614, #24652419, #24653429, #24653759, #24653984, #24654254 are all replies on the same post. @Psijonia, You keep playing the victim and calling other people trolls. Well, let's analyze what you have posted and defended. ___"The children and most adults don't understand European law or Copy Right LAw. When people complained about STEAM in the UK they turned around and banned all of their accounts." -I see no concrete proofs. Pretty general blanketing statement about people too. ___"AND STOP PESTERING ME FOR MONEY!" -When nobody asked you to pay anything on this site? ___"No Endorsements, No Permissions, No Donations. 100% free mods 4-ever, one way or another." -If that's helping the modding community in anyway..... ___"I read what you wrote and I can only giggle that you have lowered yourself to calling me "stupid"' -- When nobody directly said you are stupid (self awareness?) ___"I am a stupid person who drives a Super Snake and I am laughing at how stupid you may think I am." --Maybe that was sarcasm? Or maybe.... ___"You can fool all the kids here but anyone with real business and life experience sees right through you" --I guess you're the only expert ___"it says that you feel you need to bully me in order to distract people from the real issue " - victimization (someone call the FBI) ___"Of course I say that with tongue in cheek but I have been fighting the machine my whole life and I am getting tired... this really makes me not want to care any more and just let the children work it out themselves." - That's pretty impressive, fighting the "machines" and all. So vague yet so powerful. ___"If Dark0ne want to be the Champion " ---He never said that, you implied or you twisted his words to say so as evident by his quote: "If people are heralding me, specifically, as their champion in the fight against paid modding then they've done that of their own accord, and I certainly haven't agreed to be that champion." ___"Ya so what. Leave me alone. I was just giving him a little taste of his own medicine. " ___"What does that have to do with you? Right! Nothing. Now go pester someone else. You want to pay for mods, go ahead. I don't care about you. You are not even a modder." ___and then "If you are the adult you claim to be then please act like it now." ----Sounds like trolling to me ___"They gave us the CS (construction set) for free and allowed and trusted us to mod as a hobby. But we abused that trust and turned it into a business. And so now Big Daddy Bethesda is coming and punishing us " --- umm, what? ___"Oh don't bother, that guy xfallen has no friends, no pics, no mods. " ___"I think everyone should pay for mods. I hope it becomes the norm and that people become successful. I hope Dark0ne makes a lot of money from Valve."---Wait what? I think I'll stop there as this is getting pretty rediculous. There's plenty more information for people to search though. If you read this and still believe she is not trolling, then I rest my case.
  18. In response to post #24656869. #24656939, #24660014, #24660929, #24661679, #24662394 are all replies on the same post. " I want to know who is getting my money and how much." So you are supporting paid-mods? If not, then why even make that stance? "It follows from this that we can all see why a donate system (which seems relatively trivial to implement) has not been pursued on the Nexus or Steam" Did you not notice the donate button on the top right corner, next to the endorse button? It's been there since, well, forever. People just don't see it because they glaze over. Maybe it could have been more obvious, but that's beside the point. "what we need at this stage of the game is good, ethical leadership that will allow grateful players to easily push money to creators of otherwise free content, with a minimal slice going to middlemen." Are you the right ethical leader then? And what is this ethicality(is that a word?) that you speak of? Is your ethical issues the same as mine? How do we define ethical? Again, the donate button is already available for you to use. This "middlemen" that you speak of has not been asking money from you nor mod authors ever since the commission of the site. Most, if not all, of the moderators do not accept donation to themselves, only to the site. Is that ethical? "Wow. Where is the common sense? Where is the decency? Bethesda is already dead to me, Valve is teetering on the edge until I hear from GabeN. I now have to throw the Nexus into that category? " I fail to understand what your common sense is. However, if you have read his article, he said the mod authors have already chosen to use the payment system and can select whoever they want the 5% to go to. I see that as donation by itself for the appreciation that Nexus has shown them and hosted their mods. Is that not the same as donation by the players in support of the site? I thought that was common sense. They could have selected none if they desired. And a decency thing to do on your situation is that you, I, and all the users of this site "should have, could have, and ought to" donate to the site and authors to preempted this situation. That would have prevented the whole fiasco, no? It's also so easy to stay in your corner and point fingers with perfect hindsight vision. "You should consider a kickstarter page. " I guess the new site will be a paragon of virtue, with amazing ethical leadership and common sense. Nobody will do demand any money from anyone. Ads will not be used because it is unethical for the users to suffer through them. Common sense dictates that only their skewed opinions mattered. Common sense will help pay for the website to host all the mods for free! Common sense will also prevent them hosting any mods for games because games are made by publishers and they are evil. I will one day come to this site and be amazed at what I see: A 404 page.
  19. In response to post #24645544. #24646089, #24649659, #24649709, #24651129, #24651814, #24653749, #24654389 are all replies on the same post. "You cannot deny that the most resounding and outspoken response to this topic comes from the users, and not the mod authors of this community." I partially agree with this, but it's also because the users outnumbered mod authors by a hefty margin. By simple statistics you will see more posts from users than actual authors. However, if you have scanned around the forums, you will note that some mod authors do voice in their opinions and their stances. Another thing, since emotions are high right now, it is much wiser for many authors to lay low and do not voice their opinions because the mob is doing witch hunt. Unfortunately, they'll look for any excuses to chastise people on the issue. "I'm just getting very tired of seeing people talk up this grand cause of how they don't support paid mods out of principle, when it is usually simply that they do not want to pay for them. Call things by what they are." I completely agree with this. Principle is easily swayed and is used to justify a lot of things, bad or good. Anyways, does anyone have an answer to my previous question about the free programs used to make the mods? I feel that even something simple as photoshop would be able to pull rights on many of these texture mods. Not to sure about the other freewares.
  20. In response to post #24649629. #24649794 is also a reply to the same post. Not sure how that'll work with Mod Organizer considering it uses an external location to store all your mods for the game. The workshop can verify what's inside the Data folder, but MO does not put them there.
  21. In response to post #24645544. #24646089, #24649659, #24649709, #24651129 are all replies on the same post. @Saerileth, I speak for no other as well. I do not have the skill or want to mod SKyrim because there's already so many mods out there available that do the same thing that I desired. And you're fairly limiting modding to only Skyrim and not looking at the big picture. There are other games with mods as well and this is one of those platform that supports modding community. I've made some popular and some not so-popular mods/addons in the past for some games I don't care to mention. I have also create stuff for myself that share to my friends. I feel that your attack on those that haven't put up a mod and have no say is unwarranted. Most that do not have a mod participated in one way or another with the creation or perfection of some mods, whether by inputs or feedbacks. To say they have no right to to say what modding is about for themselves is a little shortsighted, no? If I have mistaken your point then I apologize, but modding community is not just about the authors who has hosted at least 1 mod. This is not to be taken as the authors don't deserve any praise, as they should definitely be. All I'm saying is the "beta testing" helps the modding community more than anything.
  22. In response to post #24648539. What he needs now is not as much consolation nor apologies. He needs to take some time off from the whole event and cool off his own emotions as well as others. What's done is done and he cannot change that fact, but he needs time to think and then move on. Interrupting him and reminding him of this event will not help.
  23. In response to post #24646984. #24647104, #24647439, #24647524, #24647569, #24647954, #24648029, #24648264, #24648309, #24648414, #24648504, #24648519, #24648809, #24649619, #24650179, #24650239, #24650354, #24651039, #24651229, #24651294 are all replies on the same post. "YaY! You called me stupid twice! HAHAHA The fact that you keep commenting says more than you know. it says that you feel you need to bully me in order to distract people from the real issue whisch is that you are in one hand holding up a protest sign while with the other taking payments from the people you are saying you are protesting against. I have to laugh at you.But I guess I'm just stupid or maybe that the throngs of people who once used to get mods for free are now much smarter than me now that they will be paying for them eh?" If you consider that bullying, I'm not sure what world you live in. As I understand it from his posts, he's staying neutral at the moment because he understands both sides. I also do not see any point of arguing with someone who is incapable of see things from only one perspective and have such a fragile self-esteem.
  24. In response to post #24645514. #24646009 is also a reply to the same post. So by sharing the details you forfeited the rights to those 5%? Your lawyer is sure if there's no possible repercussions they may inflict on you or the site?
  25. In response to post #24645834. #24650339 is also a reply to the same post. @Eolhin, I think he used SkyUI as an example how a priced mod could ruin a whole experience in the future. Everyone would have to pay to get a bug fixed. I'm not saying it'll happen, but imagine if you have pay for "Unofficial Patches" or a mod that makes the UI playable for PC in Fallout. This is the first step. If they can sell it now, most mods in the future will probably have a price tag for the new ES 6 just to fix the inherently buggy Bethesda games. I am probably going to skip it or find another alternative game.
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