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About zmily

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  1. maybe it's time to try the fallout mod sorter :D search the nexus for it..
  2. i know that if where to live in a wasteland like fallout 3 i would make me a bow and arrows.. the bow could be made from a pice of wood for grip and a pair of leaf spring blades for bow.. and a motorcycle brake wire as a bow string.. i might even manage to make the bow somewhat like a composit bow.. you know those with the pulley wheels.. and arrows can be made from anything straight and light with a pointy end.. or a nuka grenade tied to it..
  3. im using the mmm mod and a dmg upped version of the Andragorns Apocalyptic Armoury set all those guns to 160 dmg and above.. and was going to the beth ruins.. it was a long walk so i fast traveld there.. not so smart move.. when the loading was done i found myself in the middle of a gang of maybe 30 raiders or so.. with m16's and big ass shot guns.. think i was able to pull off 2 shots before myself and i was reduced to fragments... that was kinda funny.. havent fast traveled much sinse :P
  4. i would still love the m82 if it did 2.3 in damage or 6000.. i'll even love it if it's shooting BB's and made people sing about flowers and bananas running naked with a mail box on their head :P
  5. just a little idea for the control device.. if anyone remember the little mouse thingy in the middle of old laptops, one such in a ring on ur index finger and a click function, then just use ur thumb to "thumb" around in menues.. if u have to write in text use a similar kebord solution as cellphones..
  6. hehe :P just had a dumb idea.. what if there were an alternative to the mesmetron. a train horn gun thing! sneak up on someone,, hooooooonk!!!!! and they get stunned from pure sonic shock.. a workbench mesmetron kinda thingy.. :D
  7. railway gauss sniper :P with thermal scope :D kazang!!! throu the wall and smack :P red dead raider on the far side wall of the building :D and all his raider friend's running all over the place scared shitless :P or just a railway sniper as mentiond before, that would be nice too :D
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