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  1. Hello there, I didn't find a mod about this and it doesn't seem to bother people, but I just HATE how NPCs automatically start a conversation when I look at them. Would there be a way to make it that we have to activate an NPC with "E" to talk to them ? Some NPCs are already like this, and others aren't. Because if Drinking Buddy asks me one more time if I want a beer or to hear a joke I'm gonna murder everyone in Goodneighbor, I swear...
  2. I die at least once everytime I see a glowing one, they are sooooo overpowered and I always get stuck in a wall or corner when trying to run away, they run so fast they are on me before i realize I can't move and start hitting me and staggering me with every hit, and the health regen from a stimpack is not fast enough to keep me alive. So... reload, and have to find a technique to outsmart them. Feels good when they're dead.
  3. I used to win but then I took an arrow to the knee...
  4. It's simple : Luxiloid modified Mur_Zik's and Umpa's sexy walk without asking them the permission. Umpa don't care about that, but Mur_Zik did not want that somebody modify his walk without permission. So, an admin deleted the file.
  5. The mod is released. Here is the stat sheet : http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/258/3/6/ardente___a_sword_for_oblivion_by_julienjulien-d2ysce4.jpg
  6. After hours and hours ( days ? ) trying to extract a good normal map from the sculpted highpoly, a friend of mine showed me how to configure xNormal. Then I extracted an Ambiant Occlusion map and I used it for the base texture ( and I will use it for the spec map too, here the spec map is missing ). Too many details, next time I will do an easiest thing ^^ . So, I have to finish the specular and then put it in the game with a little quest to find it. Here it's only a preview. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/257/1/3/oblivion_sword_preview_by_julienjulien-d2ypw9r.jpg Comments are welcome.
  7. Oh the last one took me less than 5Hrs. In fact everything is symmetrical, and it's quick to do, I just let my hand do what it wants, and voila. ^^
  8. Da new version of da sword : http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/255/e/2/sword_v3_wip01_by_julienjulien-d2ykbwa.jpg Will begin the texture.
  9. I'm really stoopid... I wanted to do a 2048x512 or 1024x256 texture with back/front overlaped UV's and I forgot to stretch the Uv's to take the 0-1 uv space entierely... Now I have to sculpt this again with the new UV's because I can't import them in the current highpoly... :wallbash: PS : I tried to do a quick normal map, 1024x256, and a basic texture, then I exported from max in OBJ, imported in blender to have the collision ( the niftools doesn't works on my 3ds max 2010, the niftools 2010 beta doesn't appear, or I can't find it ). I tested ingame, it works perfectly, the non-square texture is automatically stretched on a square and match the UV's. :biggrin: A 2048x512 texture+normal map will be good I think.
  10. I did the sculpting again, here is the result : http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/254/d/3/sword01_wip03_by_julienjulien-d2yhid8.jpg Took me at least 5 hours ^^.
  11. Yeah a mesh with more than 10 000 000 polys always looks nice... but the problem is to extract a good normal map from this... I generated a 4096 normal map, reduced at 2048 and sharpened in photoshop, but I don't know why the uv's don't match with the mesh... I will try again tomorrow, changing the topology a little bit, doing the uv's again and re-sculpting with less tiny details.
  12. Is there the place for thank you ? THANK YOU ! I just begin modding and this is really helpful.
  13. Here is a preview of the details sculpted on the blade... http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/253/5/9/sword01_wip02_by_julienjulien-d2yf3y9.jpg The harder part was to find a brush able to do something else than "mud sculpting". ^^
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