I have been running LOOT with MO now for a couple of weeks after a totally after a new HDD install. I use RCRN and Ii find that ,while BOSS placed the RCRN esps in their recommended load order, LOOT is placing them in what appers to be a random order seperated by up to 7-10 mods in the load order. I apoligize because I moved them and did not record the exact placement but suffice it's enought sepration that you have to hunt for rcrnShaders and RCRNdgdb and move them down. RCRN directions are to place them at the end of the load order. Loot also is placing the Unofficial patches after the official DLC's the first time you run LOOT on a new profile in MO. MO adds a warning that that needs to be fixed by the new BETA load order checker (ok hope that right). the BETA checker then will place the patches right under their respective DLC ie Dawngaurd, Unofficial Dawngaurd patch.....extra. I did notice that Skyrim loads either way without issue but you do get a warning if you don't change the order which might cause issues as the game progresses. This is the first time I have used MO so am learning it's processes and don't have any background information to make judgements on. All in all it runs great and appreciate all your work.