Ok, I bought my game from Direct2Drive as a digital download. FO3 GOTY edition. I have installed and uninstalled and re installed it now so many times it has worn a hole in ym hard drive I think. JK, but I am getting sick of this. I finally wised up and started copying the whole flaming FO3 folder to a new spot on my hard drive, I have daily patche dit up to v1,5 with succes, until i tried to patch to v1,5. At which I am now CTD everytime I try to start to the game. My system is Windows 7 64bit. I find the Nexus Download files a bit confusing because I am not a computer expert. Given step by step instructions I cna usually accomplish what I seek when dealing with this game...but sometimes it gets beyond me. This is one of them. Sould I just try to patch straight to v1,7 and skip the inbetween? Also i have not installed any DLC as of yet. I was attenptig to get to patch v1.7 so i could then install G4WL disabler and then install my DLC. Please help before this computer becomes a boat anchor.