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Everything posted by Wookie120

  1. Well, i tried it and all I get is a view from inside my character. And I cannot zoom out any at all. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
  2. This may be the wrong place to ask, but is there a diffrent way to control the camera for a better view of ym character? I see so many good screen shots..yet I cannot duplicate them.
  3. Ihope this is the right place to ask, is there a mod that features the Thompson? Specifically the Model 1921 withthe Cuts Compensator and the round drum? Thank You for Yor help in this.
  4. Ok, I feel like this game is a curse now. I type in addtagskills 4. I clickon the skills i want to modify. I clikcout of the console and if anything my skills either stay the same or go down!! I have the D2D version of GOTY, I am hoping when the retail version arrives next week I can finally modify as i wish. I amnto trying to make anuber character, just give her a bit of help. Any ideas? Also, if i try to use the console to acquire a mod clothing such as the PeDress all i get is error and something about the script. I have typed it in the console just about any possible way one can type it in. Please help before my computer becomes an expensive boat anchor!
  5. Can someone explain to me in laymens terms how to hack the terminals in game?
  6. Ok, I bought my game from Direct2Drive as a digital download. FO3 GOTY edition. I have installed and uninstalled and re installed it now so many times it has worn a hole in ym hard drive I think. JK, but I am getting sick of this. I finally wised up and started copying the whole flaming FO3 folder to a new spot on my hard drive, I have daily patche dit up to v1,5 with succes, until i tried to patch to v1,5. At which I am now CTD everytime I try to start to the game. My system is Windows 7 64bit. I find the Nexus Download files a bit confusing because I am not a computer expert. Given step by step instructions I cna usually accomplish what I seek when dealing with this game...but sometimes it gets beyond me. This is one of them. Sould I just try to patch straight to v1,7 and skip the inbetween? Also i have not installed any DLC as of yet. I was attenptig to get to patch v1.7 so i could then install G4WL disabler and then install my DLC. Please help before this computer becomes a boat anchor.
  7. Hate to bother people with such a silly question, but where is my saved games folder? Do I have to make one or is it made automatically? I am running Windows 7 64 bit OS. Will this make a diffrence?
  8. I have tried for a solid full day to get this game to work. FUnny thing is I had the retail version, and cannot find the game now so I tried the digital download. I have done evrything the forum said on installing etc. If I installe dout of Program files the coppy game would not even start. I tried it in Program files...patche dit. CTD..I give up. If anyone can offer a solution, or a tutorial to help, I would appreciate it. Otherwise this game goes in the toilet, which is sad because I had enjoyed it so much before. I even had the CS Light Saber mod and it worked on the older version, CTD if I try it on this one.
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