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Everything posted by pasmon79

  1. There is a "Priority" value assigned in the "Missions Headings <Action", but they are high for hunt missions only(same for eevry freaktype) and zero for everything else. Then there is "SimBase Difficulty" and "SimBase Danger", which is high for everything else(understandable as mission outside should always be triggered at high danger level) except for "Home training missions"(should be at calm level). There is a lot of mission static during game-play. I often get loose interest in this game because of that. The game-static is really due to "cooldown timer" and "EnemyChallengeLevel" as i understood.
  2. Well, if one looks closely, one can find that only the last missions, hunting and discord type have timers that delay them to 1h. Top of the list missions have timer defined in "rtsdata" but not used. So to my understanding they are all equally probable. Some defined in "EncRescue" do not get execute because they require a missing enclave member which is rarely the case(I discovered this during our initial discussions of this post).
  3. Is there an app that can enable me post in nexus forum from my iphone.?
  4. In Mission Type.comAway, common missions at savini residence(mood repairing and hunt missions) are at the bottom, whereas rare(rescue-ally missions) are at the top. But it runs a lot of time i.e. after 6 minutes. So if a mission is run several times then all of its sub-missions will eventually appear.
  5. In a mission fragment file (say) "encInfestation" with type Type.encInfestations, do all missions listed are equally probable to run in any random order?
  6. So it means that setting "OppprtunityTime=0" means that an uninitiated mission does not expire till game-end similar to found at home.
  7. Thanks , i have noticed that Cleo mission comes with zero OpportunityTime(Why zero?) and has no "OptTimeout" and its "Mission Abort tag" is executed exactly as you have revealed. I will have to do some experimenting with "OPtTimeout" to really understand its tiggering mechanism.
  8. Well from my in-game observation that if i do not visit the mission enclave say to save a neighbor or to hunt freak for , it will expire after sometime with a message listed in "OptTimeout" pop-out always in the log syncing with the "activity_Timeout_MissionOP" message. It means the "MissionOpTimeout" is executed after every time a mission is not attended and is expired.
  9. You have mentioned "time-outs" but that is handled by "optimeout", "a simpredictor of failure and success" too(is not it), so does it imply that "<Mission_AbortMission />" executed at the end of optimeout leads to <MissionEvent Id="Aborted"> eventually as i make some sense of it.
  10. Does <MissionEvent Id="Aborted"> occur when you leave the mission objective radius for a long time?
  11. Will OptTImeout still run when a mission is aborted?
  12. It reminds me of a past event, at the start of a level i dumped a rucksack of material in an outpost near house for use later(to avoid material loss event) and when i left for scavenging for resources, it got added to my resources automatically to my utter shock.
  13. Well i recovered my games by replacing "lib/.." with "lib/.."(backup) and slowly re-adding saved modified files. It turns out "rtsdata.xml" was culprit. Its syntax was perfect but it could not handle some of my added "subgroup" entries(memory?). What is the limit of adding variables to rtsdata.xml?
  14. Well I will figure out another way to accomplish it. "ActivitySupplyRun" is clearly not related to the delivery of ruck-scack by the player controlled by the gamer. Is it an unused activity?
  15. Is it possible to find a log of the game to pinpoint the exact reason of game-crash due to "bad code modification"?
  16. Thanks for clearing this. But This "PainKiller_Homemade" is absent from the "Activity.xml" and only occurs in "Facilities.xml", where they are manually produced by the infirmary. I am still unable to figure out the handler that often adds homemade_painkillers automatically? Is it the Hero feat as i have both medical professional and kitchen expert in team?
  17. I am referring to Breakdown. Here "EventCompleteMeds" in "Activities.xml" does not generate "HealthPacks".
  18. Actually the item that gets added to my locker is "HealthPack" having text "Numbs the pain, but won't help serious wounds."It is located inside "rts events" for main story game only. It is not located in any game-file related to the breakdown/life-line, so it must have been added by "exe".
  19. The game gives you free pills, ammo and snack. I checked one of its occurrence in "Home_DailyReset". There has to be another one of the instance that adds the pill as I experimented deleting all the addition of items to the supply locker, but they are still being added(snacks and Basic PainKillers). Kindly guide me in locating the second instance of adding free items?
  20. What exactly is "Stat.HealingRate" found in medical facility? Is it the factor that gives my injured character(in use/command) a free boost health upon restarting the game?
  21. Thanks, I understand that the time in question is real game-time and not offline.
  22. I have come across wantlists as WantDelay="" WantDelayEnd="" WantDelayStart="2m" WantOdds=""Clearly wantodds is the odds of happening of "want". According to my understanding "WantDelay Start" means the delay in generation of want after action is executed and if i kept "WantDelay" and "WantDelayEnd" empty, it will never automatically finish want request unless its needs are supplied.
  23. What i feel about this game is that it has already a great system and game-play mechanism installed, which is further capable to be expanded into something brilliant.
  24. Well there is a piece in file rts-events, other i failed to find. The game-code seems reasonable shifting horde frequency at all danger levels, no need to mod that. I hangout almost all the time in savini residence with Ray in team. Does the base choice at savini residence make game too much easy and less exciting along with an option of calling a getaway car for all the players?
  25. Okay let us see that at low danger level, it will infest nearby buildings and at high level, it will make the feeble attempt to attack home and gets wiped out by my elite team. Where can i found its exact dependencies(Any clue)?
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