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Everything posted by Karmigula

  1. I'm in the same situation. Funny this happens the moment they poof for Christmas vacation.
  2. Age: 22 Gender: Male Last Updated: 3/28/2017 Active Member: Email me at [email protected] Playable Races: Idk. Everyone prefers something different in regards to voices, so just give my reel a listen and decide and stuffs Experience: Define "Experience" Skills: I have no life, so I can record whenever :V About Me: I talk into a mic and I take screenshots and stuff. And things. Equipment is a RODE NT1-A and a Behringer Xenyx 502. Voice Samples: https://puu.sh/uZ7na/9926deccec.mp3
  3. Sorry about the dumb title. Freudian slip. I meant to say that stamina would regen slower when you have your shield raised. I figured this would be really cool to have. It seems like something really simple that a lot of people would like to use. Would be cool if it were configurable, too, to scale with any other stat modifications the player has made. :D
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