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About Alitabear

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    United States
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  1. Well, I ended up reinstalling completely. (Again) And also reinstalling nmm which made it possible to download the unofficial patch finally. Havent started it up yet. But ima try what you said.
  2. Hey, I'm looking for help on custom races. I have two I've tried, both of which crash when I select it. I have tried re-installing Skyrim, I uninstalled the DLC. (Which aren't required for the mods.) I've used Boss to order them. I have everything they've required. I even disabled all but the mods they require and still as soon as I select it, it crashes. (Its a new game save). The game seems to run smoothly and fine without the custom races, But i'm dying to have them. I've spent hours troubling shooting with nothing happening. And the mod creators only seem to answer others crashing reports with "Is it activated?" Which as far as I know, mine is checked in the data files and perfectly activated. Unless there's a different form of activation i'm not seeing? If boss corrected my load order it shouldn't be that right? I tried messing with that after a while too but nothing. So I'm back to using boss and sitting here frustrated. Races I tried using: Noiral/Ningheim. Also Noiral worked FINE on my old computer. I never had issues with any mod or anything on my old cruddy comp. This computer is better and faster with a lot more room. I'm still a computer noob so anyone out there who knows whats wrong?
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