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Everything posted by The1Unum

  1. The issue seem to be related to iHud, even with the patch that comes with Skyhud. A workaround is this: Deactivate iHud in the MCM menu. Save and quit. Do the changes in skyhud.txt, start the game and the enemy bar will be in the new location. Activate iHud in the MCM Menu. The only "issue" after that is when you press the hide/show key for iHud it hides everything but the compass, including the icons and direction markers on the compass. Even though I'd prefer it to be 100% hidden I can live with it the way I've moved it and set the transparency to 70%. Hidden: https://i.imgur.com/1gyh70s.jpg Shown: https://i.imgur.com/wHEdu6f.jpg Screenshots from Enderal but I had the same problem in Skyrim a while back.
  2. I had the same problem. Eventually I got it added to the cart but when I clicked the checkout box it directed me to a page with a link to log in (even though I was logged in) and clicking that link sent me to a 404 page. Eventually I had to use Internet Explorer (ugh!) to get it working. So my guess is either its ad blocking that causes it, which is a odd setup, making it harder for those with ad blocker to buy a premium membership, or the site doesn't work 100% properly with any other browser then IE - which is just as odd.
  3. I have DEF_UI and disabling that worked for me.
  4. Same here. No surprise really. Seems like they break new stuff every update they release.
  5. That should be doable. I did something like that, kinda. Basically, I got as far as finding a mod with a summonable sword and replaced the mesh with the daedric katana I wanted. That resulted in a spell that summoned a plain daedric katana, no effects or anything. That wasn't quite what I wanted, unfortunately, and I had no idea how to proceed after that. Maybe I'll give the whole thing another shot if I get more proficient at using the Creation Kit. For now I think you need someone with a bit more experience than me. Thanks.
  6. Do you know if it was possible to remove the glow altogether and just keep the new Katana look? I can definitely live without the glow if I could exchange the Deadric look for something else.
  7. I'd like a mod that changes to look on the Bound Weapons from Daedric to something more generic, like how the Steel sword and Long bow look. The blue glow should also be toned down a bit, making it more subtle. Or why not go nuts, add options to the mod when you install it, what kind of looks you want and if you want the glow or not. The mod will only change the appearance on the bound weapons, not alter any stats. Then, I'm guessing and hoping, it'll be compatible with any other mod that changes the spells.
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